Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcome CR Moss today

Welcome to my Reading Nook, C.R. Moss. Please make yourself at home and let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink.

Comfortable? Wonderful. Now let’s get started.

For readers who may not know about you or your work, please tell us a little about yourself. How long have you been writing? What genre do you write in?
I write stories from the light and sweet to the dark and deadly with varying degrees of sexual heat. Writing as C.R. Moss gives me and my muses the freedom to explore worlds of possibilities when it comes to love.

I also have a passion for penning dark fiction. Writing under the name Casey Moss allows me to slate other stories under Horror ~ Paranormal ~ Suspense ~ Thriller ~ Urban Fantasy.  Visit: for more info.

I’ve been studying the craft of writing since my early teens. It started with working on the school newspaper in middle school to creative writing classes and Teens Art Festivals in high school. I received my BA in Communications, Information and Library Studies from Rutgers College with a strong concentration in English Lit/Writing and Interpersonal Communications/PR. Studying under the mentorship of Terri Valentine (author of 'Sands of Time,' a Zebra Historical Romance), I honed my novel writing skills. Now I take the occasional online class and devour all the writing how-to books I can get my hands on. 

Currently a resident of the hot, high desert in the southwest, I knew I wanted to write at a young age, as early as I learned to read, cooking up stories to entertain myself in the rural, non-kid-laden area I lived in. But I took a round about way to settle down as a fiction writer, having worked in the corporate and real estate realms writing newspaper articles, press releases, corporate newsletters, etc. Now that I’ve settled into the health care industry, I’ve returned to my first love: creative writing. When I’m not working at my practice or at my computer cooking up another tale, I can be found hanging out with my husband and cat, reading a book, chillin’ in front of the TV, or working on a craft project. I’ve also been known to play WOW.

Where do you get your ideas for your stories, characters?
I get ideas from everywhere…conversations, news headlines, television, songs. On occasion I’ve been known to pull from my old careers, drawing out tidbits of personalities for characters, places for settings and information to assist with subject matter–like using the basis and background knowledge of energy work that I learned in the massage field for some paranormal stories I’m working on. Sometimes the characters just show up, like someone I meet for the first time who I get to know real quick. Other times I have inklings and vague ideas of who the characters are and I’ll create astrological charts for them to get a deeper sense of them.

So tell us a little about your latest book. What inspired this masterpiece?
My latest book about ready to be released is called ‘Tracked.’ I started it so long ago I don’t remember what the original inspiration for it was anymore. It’s also been changed quite a bit over the years, but I’m happy with the final version of it. 

‘Tracked’ is a contemporary romance with suspenseful elements.
Secrets. Everyone has them but the decision to keep some affairs concealed can be harmful…

Victoria Padden believes her life, career and all too comfortable relationship with David Lloyd is what she needs, especially after a crazy past. Landscaping business owner, Geoff McKenzie, is haunted by failed relationships. He doubts if there is such a thing as true happiness for him. But when they meet at a bachelor auction and have to work together, sparks fly between them and their beliefs change.

Someone, though, doesn’t want them to be together and threatens Victoria. Having had a stalker before, she knows the authorities won’t help unless she has more concrete evidence or something drastic happens to her. She holds her fear and paranoia in check and hides the danger she’s in from everyone to keep herself and them safe. Yet, not saying anything this time about being tracked might be a fatal mistake.

It’ll be available in print and e-book soon. Keep an eye out here --> <-- for when the buy links go live. 

Journal entry #41
He’s met some new ladies. They bought him. Paid for his time and attention. Things he could be bestowing on me. That is, if he knew how much I wanted his notice, needed him in my life.
But no. He has no clue.
There have been a few times I’ve tried to get through to him, but to no avail.
It sucks.
This time though I think I’ve found a different way to get to him.
Time to put my plans in motion.

If you had any super powers, what would they be and why?
I’d want to fly. It would save lots of travel costs and I could skip the airports and germ infested tubes.

What genre haven’t you tried yet but want to in the future?
I’ve considered doing YA and/or Inspirational. If I ever do either of them, that’ll mean another pen name though.

What is one thing readers might be surprised to know about you?
 I crewed for a balloon pilot once upon a time.

If we asked your muse to describe you in three words, what do you think they might say?
Funny; loyal; honest/blunt… He could continue, but he’s afraid he’d get in trouble with some of the descriptions.

What authors can be found in your library of books?
Orson Scott Card. Callie Croix. JJ Ranger. RM Sotera. Shannan Albright. Liz Crowe. Erin Kellison. KC Klein. & more! For my birthday I received the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and the Millennium series (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and such) by Stieg Larsson.

Have any guilty pleasures you want to share with us?
 Haagen Dazs Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream… mmmm… good…

Is there anything you’re currently working on that you can give us a taste of?
I’m developing a new series and the introduction story, ‘AFK,’ will be available to read in Evernight Publishing’s anthology ‘Keyboards and Kink’ coming out in June.
For more, visit:

What is your favorite way to relax after a hard day working and writing?
Sometimes I take a bath, light incense, read or listen to music. Sometimes I do a combination of those things, or I just watch television and catch up on my DVR’d shows.

What is the one era you would love to go visit and why?

The Mayan Classic Era. I’d love to see things how they saw things when it came to astronomy and spirituality, & make sure the Dresden Codex has been translated properly.

Would you care to mention any upcoming or WIP projects that readers can look forward from you in the future?
Under my C.R. Moss name, I’m working on the second Wild West story with my writing partner. And, I’m working on the next two stories in my ‘Sunset’ series for Decadent. Casey Moss will have a horror/thriller coming out later this year and more in the new series if all goes well.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite one? If not, then which one is closest to your heart?
Can’t say I have a favorite really. It’d be like favoring one child over another. But closest to my heart? ‘Tracked’ That book’s been with me a long time.

What character out of all your books is the closest to your personality?
Oooh, good question. Right now I’d have to say Cassie from ‘Wild West Weekend,’ but once ‘AFK’ comes out, then I’d say Beth.

Book Blurbs:

Double D Ranch Tales Book 1
Wild West Weekend by C. R. Moss and R. M. Sotera
Evernight Publishing
Available in E-book and in Print

Two people scared to love again. Two others hesitant about commitment. A weekend in Nevada will change all that.

Bristol Ashcombe is swearing off men and taking a vacation with her friend, Cassie. Damon Dougan is packed and ready to leave the ranch for a trip, that is, until a long-legged, sexy woman steps out of a vehicle and he decides to stay. Will one sex filled weekend be enough for either of them?

Cassie Harding travels to the Double D ranch, to meet Bristol and looks forward to seeing her old friend, Dakota. Dak’s excited when Cassie, his former sweetheart, returns. Cassie and Dakota, though they’re heating up ‘the sheets’ in and out of the bedroom, have fears about commitment after years of being single. Will they find it’s better to dance together than apart?

Tracked by Casey Moss
Contemporary Suspense
Secrets. Everyone has them but the decision to keep some affairs concealed can be harmful…

Victoria Padden believes her life, career and all too comfortable relationship with David Lloyd is what she needs, especially after a crazy past. Landscaping business owner, Geoff McKenzie, is haunted by failed relationships. He doubts if there is such a thing as true happiness for him. But when they meet at a bachelor auction and have to work together, sparks fly between them and their beliefs change.
Someone, though, doesn’t want them to be together and threatens Victoria. Having had a stalker before, she knows the authorities won’t help unless she has more concrete evidence or something drastic happens to her. She holds her fear and paranoia in check and hides the danger she’s in from everyone to keep herself and them safe. Yet, not saying anything this time about being tracked might be a fatal mistake.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for having me here today!
C.R. Moss

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