Sunday, April 1, 2012

Welcome Amylea Lyn today

Welcome to Dawn’s Reading Nook, . Please let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink and make yourself at home. Comfortable? Great…now let’s get down to business.

So tell us about yourself. What got you interested in writing? Who are your publisher(s)?

Hey all! My name is Amylea Lyn and I write M/M romance. I’ve been published by Torquere Press, Silver Publishing, and Dreamspinner Press. I’ve had six books published so far and plenty more to come.

As for what got me interested in writing, I can’t really say for sure. I fell like I’ve always been writing; even as a little girl, I used to write stories to entertain my friend. My father was a big inspiration for me. He always encouraged me to read, and when I could no longer find something to hold my interest, he encouraged me to try writing. I’ve been hard at it ever since. LOL

How did you start your writing career?

I started reading M/M romance back in 2009, when I no longer found interest in reading M/F stories. One day, I just decided to give it a try and write my own. I’d attempted to write romance stories before (the M/F kind) but never seemed to finish anything. I always got bored about halfway through.

So I sat down at my computer and began to write. Two days later I had my very first short story, and submitted it. Meant to be was accepted within a few weeks. And that they say, was the start of a very long and fruitful love affair with my writing career.

Tell us about your favorite character(s) from your books.

Hmm… I find it so hard just choose a few characters. They all mean so much to me and even the bad guys have a special place in my heart. They often represent the darker side of myself, the same way some of the good guys share my better qualities.

But I guess, if I had to just pick a few, it would be Jake and Cael from Dream a Little Dream, Raine from Nature of the Beast, Tom from Let’s Get Familiar, and finally Owen and the twins from The Beast’s Promise, my most current release.

And that’s just to name a few. LOL!

What was the first scene or character you started with when you began this book?

Honestly, in my latest book The Beast’s Promise I already knew who the characters were going to be. So I started out with the first scene and it really helped set the tone for the rest of the book.

Tell us about your current/upcoming release. What inspired it?

The Beast’s Promise is book 2 in my Outside the City series and I guess it was inspired by the love all my readers and fans showed the first book.

The concept for the series was just inspired by my own love of nature and the thought of being forced to live without my flowers and vegetable garden. The idea snowballed from there and here I am now, book 2 published, and book 3 almost halfway finished. 

Has someone helped or mentored you in your writing career?

Okay, confession time. I don’t have a college degree and never took one formal class to learn how to write. I’ve never really had someone help or mentor me along in my writing career, but I’ve had plenty of people encourage me and inspire me to keep writing. My dad, my younger brother and my grandmother come to mind.

Who are some of your favorite authors/books?

Hmm… well, I’ve always been a big fan of Stormy Glenn, Amber Kell, Andrew Gray, Carol Lynne, J.R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Christine Feehan.

But I also love the classics. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, just about anything by Edgar Allen Poe or Shakespeare, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Emily Dickinson, and William Bulter Yeats.

What was your first sale as an author?

On my first book, Meant to be. I don’t remember how much I sold exactly, I just remember being so excited to see my book available on the publisher’s website. And when I finally had my first royalty check in my hand… I just about died. LL

When in the day/night do you write? How long per day?
Well, I used to write at night, but lately I’ve been writing early afternoon, about three hours a day. If I can get one whole chapter finished in a day, I’m very happy.
If you could visit any time and place, where and when would it be and why?
Ancient Greece. I’m a huge history buff and would love the chance to experience such an amazing time for the advancement of human beings in history. I’d love to get the chance to see it with my own eyes. 
If you could be any shape shifter, what form would you take and why?
Probably some form of big cat. I have a huge respect for those powerful, majestic creatures and being a cat person, that’s what I’d choose to shift into. I think that’s why my shifter books revolve around cat shifters.
I’d probably be a snow leopard if o got to choose one.    
What else would you like readers to know about you or your work?
I’m a firm believer in happily ever after and the fact that everyone deserves a love story. So count on those facts when you read one of my books. J
Who's more fun to write: bad boys or perfect gentlemen and why?

Both? I just adore the bad boys turned good, and a perfect gentleman with a naughty side.

I like to write about men in general… the sexier, the better. LOL

If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and what would you do together?

Can it be one of my characters? Cause if so, I’d want to hang out with Tom from Let’s Get Familiar. He’d be a blast to prowl around with. *winks*

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite one? If not, then which one is closest to your heart?

I can’t pick a favorite. I love them all. But if I had to choose one book closest to my heart, it would have to be Dream a Little Dream. It was my first novel length story, my only M/M/M and it took me for ever to write! It’s always been one of my top favorites.

What character out of all your books is the closest to your personality?

Probably Raine, from Nature of the Beast, or Owen, from The Beast’s Promise. I share personality traits with both, Raine shares my love of nature and Owen shares my love of family. Mesh them both together and you’d pretty much have my personality in a heartbeat… the only thing missing is the shy factor. I’m horribly shy at times… *sigh*

Anything else you would like to add?

Just that I really enjoy hearing from my readers and can be contacted on Facebook, Goodreads, my website ( and my blog ( or through email.

And The Beast’s Promise is out now, so go snag yourself a copy! J

Thank you for being my guest today and may you have lots of sales.

Thank you for having me, Dawn! It’s always a pleasure to be here. J

Blurb from The Beast’s Promsie:

Owen Sanders has a lot on his mind. Ever since being kidnapped from the City, he's been trying to get back in order to rescue the twin baby brothers he had been forced to leave behind. The only thing stopping him is leaving behind his newly found mate, Maltok, and the feelings he has for the other man.

Katrian Co-Alpha Chief, Maltok doesn't know why his human mate refuses to bond with him. When he finds out about Owen's forgotten family, Maltok is hurt that the smaller man would keep something so important from him. Maltok agrees to help retrieve the children on one condition; Owen must agree to mate him when they return to the Village. Owen reluctantly agrees.

The two men begin their journey and, on the way, learn that some misunderstandings must be resolved before they could have hope for their future. And when the City retaliates against their actions, the two men must make a decision that could save them all…

And possibly destroy the City forever.

Excerpt from The Beast’s Promise:

"I want you, Mal, more than I've ever wanted anything in my life," Owen confessed, whispering kisses across Maltok's brow and down to the tip of his nose. "Everything I've ever done in my life was for those who depended on me. I don't regret taking care of my family, that's not what I'm saying at all. Just that you, I want you just for me. Is that okay?" Owen asked, suddenly feeling like he might be expecting too much.

The tender look Maltok gave him stopped his churning stomach and filled him with warmth. "Yes, my mate, that is okay. I want you for just for me, too. And I want our boys, our family. A family is all I ever wanted."

"Our boys. Our family…" Owen whispered as tears filled his eyes. Yes, that was what he wanted. Someone to share his life with, to depend on and lean on when the responsibilities of raising two little boys seemed like too much for one person to handle. He could hardly believe everything he'd ever longed for was right in front of him, all wrapped up in a large muscled mass of man, who shifted into a large lion and was the most loveable, impossible man he'd ever met. Owen knew he could seem rather waspish and snippy, but Maltok seemed to actually enjoy that facet of his personality. Someone who not only loved him, but was also willing to put up with him and the boys was not something he ever thought to pray to the Founding Fathers for.

To be given such a gift both surprised and humbled him.

"Yes, Mal. My Mal, I want that too. I want so, so much!" Owen cried as he pulled Maltok's face down to him and once again lost himself in an all consuming kiss.

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