Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Welcome Ella Jade today

Welcome to Dawn’s Reading Nook, Ella Jade. Please let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink and make yourself at home. Comfortable? Great…now let’s get down to business.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself. What you do, either for a living or for fun or both?

I'm a SAHM to two active boys who run me all over the place. Now that they're both in school full-time I'm able to dedicate my time to a writing career. I've been a writer for as long as I can remember. The plot and dialogue has always played out in my head but I never knew what to do with them. That all changed when I discovered the eBooks industry.

When I'm not writing I like to kick box, scrapbook and spend time with my kids and husband.
Q: Are you a by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of writer, or do you have to use an outline to put your collective thoughts into some semblance of common sense?
Is there any common sense in this process? Lol When the idea first pops into my head I do a skeleton outline just to organize my thought process. After that, I just hit the keys and see what happens.
Q: Tell us all about your latest or upcoming release. What inspired it?
Crossfire of Love releases on March 19, 2012 with Beachwalk Press. The book is about a couple who enter into a marriage to please their fathers'. The main couple has always been drawn to one another, but the way they entered into their union is a little unconventional.
This story was a long time in the making. As a teenager I was always intrigued by mob movies and history. Crossfire of Love blends romance with a strong mafia element.
Our couple seems to be caught in the crossfire of family circumstance.
Q: If you had super powers, what would they be? Why?
Time Travel, like in Quantum Leap. I'm a history buff so I think it would be cool to bounce around time witnessing events firsthand.
Q: What genre haven’t you tried yet but want to in the future?
I haven't attempted paranormal yet. I have an idea for a witch/warlock type trilogy. I'm nowhere near ready to get that going yet.
Q: What is one thing readers might be surprised to know about you?

I'm Vice President of the PTO. Well, maybe you guys aren't shocked by that but I have a feeling my fellow board members might be surprised that I write erotic fiction;)

Q: Were your stories secret projects or were you able to be open with your family and friends about your writing?

My family knows what I do, but most of them don't read my books. I don't think they have any idea just how descriptive I can be. I'm fine with that.

Q: Do you have any weird writing habits?

Not really. I like to drink Starbucks Iced Tea and I need total silence when I'm in that writing zone.
Q: What's your favorite genre to read?
I'm a romance junkie. Lately, I've been loading up my Kindle with BSDM romances. I've read some really good ones lately.
Q: What type of book have you always wanted to write?
I've always wanted to write romances. I love creating unique characters with a strong emotional connection to one another. I have a blast developing new and intriguing plots that bring the characters together.
Q: What authors can be found in your library of books (print, audio or e-books)?

Nora Roberts and Stephen King. I've been reading them for years. 

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world (money is no object), where would you go? Why? And for how long?

We go to Disney every year. It's our favorite place to be. I love seeing the excitement on my kids' faces. So, I'm a true mom… I'd say Disney. We're going in a few months and it can't get here soon enough. We've upped the time we're staying… 10 days!

Q: Do you have any obsessions? What are they?

Hmm… well judging from the above answer, I'm going to say I may be obsessed with Disney World. lol

Q: Is there anything you’re currently working on that you can give us a taste of?

I just finished my first novella. It’s a BDSM romance called Make Me Stay. Here's the premise…

Gracie Miller is a natural submissive and she'd thought she'd found her other half in Cade Jameson. He'd helped her through a difficult time in her life. She was young and impressionable, but Cade knew her body.  He tapped into her submissive side and brought her more pleasure than she could ever have imagined. They were perfect for one another. When he tells her it's over and asks her to leave she's devastated, but because she's obedient she does what he asks her to do.

The story begins two and a half years later when Gracie returns a new woman. She disappeared to the city and found a "Master" who showed her what she was truly capable of. Now she's back and wants to show Cade exactly what kind of submissive she could be for him

Q: When creating your characters, do you have models in mind or are they totally fictional? (You can attach any pictures of your character inspirations if you like)

They're totally fictional. I see them inside my head and try to bring them through in the story.

Q: Are you in control of your characters or do they control you?

I'd like to say I'm in control, but I'm not. I let the dialogue guide me. I just start holding a conversation in my head and I let it roll. I do what the voices inside my head tell me to do.

Q: If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

Cluttered Mind… enter at your own risk.

Q: Please tell us where we can find you on the web.

I love making new friends and connected with readers. You can connect with me on my blog…

Thanks for popping by and I wish you continued success in your writing career.

Thanks so much for having me. I had lots of funJ

Can an arranged marriage lead to love?

Recent college graduate Gabriella has finally married the man of her dreams, the older, charismatic attorney Lorenzo Martinez. She's had a crush on him for as long as she can remember and always imagined they'd one day find their happily ever after. Unfortunately, they enter into a union arranged by their fathers.

Lorenzo is charming, protective and loyal to his crime lord father Carlo. When Carlo asks Lorenzo to marry Gabriella he jumps at the opportunity. He's been drawn to her for many years and knows by marrying her, he's helping to protect her father.

Gabby is resentful and won't be Lorenzo's charity case. Sparks fly and the couple soon gives into their desire realizing they were meant to be together. What happens when Carlo's enemies threaten their future? Will someone get caught in the crossfire?

Contemporary Romance
Content Warning: graphic sex, some violence

Lorenzo walked up the porch steps, turning to stare at Gabby. “Are you coming, Gabriella?” No one but Lorenzo and his father called her by her full name. She liked when Lorenzo said it. He’d always made it sound so formal and sexy.
These were the first words he had spoken to her since they left the court house. They were married in the chambers of the prestigious Judge John Cartwright. He’d been a family friend of the Martinez’s for many years. He was their go to man whenever they needed something done fast and legally. Well, legal in her new father-in-law's eyes anyway.
She hurried up the steps and followed him inside their new home. It was built within a matter of months after she’d agreed to marry Lorenzo. Carlo wanted them to have their privacy, but he’d also wanted to keep them close. He didn’t trust she’d hold up her end of the bargain and keeping her on the property was the best way to insure she wouldn’t run.
It was silly, really. How could she run from a family like this? They had ties all over the world. There wasn’t any place she could escape to that they wouldn’t know about. She was a woman of her word. She said she would marry Lorenzo and she did. She’d find a way to cope. She always had.
Lorenzo pulled his jacket off, poured himself a scotch and then loosened his tie.
“Would you like a drink?”
“No, thank you,” she said.
Most brides would be dancing the night away and drinking champagne by this point in their wedding night. She didn’t think that was part of Lorenzo’s plan.
“I didn’t think you’d go through with it.” He sipped the amber colored liquid as he looked her over.
“I said I would.”
“I know, but when push actually came to shove, I thought you’d run.”
“You don’t know me that well,” she said. “I don’t run.”
“Good.” He smirked as he put the glass to his lips.
Gabby couldn’t take her eyes away from those lips. She’d never had the pleasure of having them on her own. Judge Cartwright hadn’t asked him to kiss his bride. She hated herself for thinking about him that way.


Fedora said...

This sounds good! Thanks for the intro to Ella and her work!

ella jade said...

Thanks flchen1 for stopping by. Glad I piqued your interest with my upcoming release:)

Thanks for having me, Dawn. I had fun!


Tour Stop/Giveaway: Mean Cuisine by Wendy W. Webb

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions . Wendy will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN gift card to a rando...