Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Welcome Kate Hill Today

Welcome to Dawn's Reading Nook, Kate. Please let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink and make yourself at home. Comfortable? Great…now let's get down to business.

So tell us about yourself. What got you interested in writing? Who are your publisher(s)?
I can't remember a time when I wasn't interested in books and writing. I currently have books with Changeling Press, Ellora's Cave and New Concepts Publishing.

How did you start your writing career?
I've been writing stories almost since I learned to pick up a pencil. When I was about sixteen I decided I wanted to try to get published and started submitting short stories to small press publishers. About ten years later my first story was accepted.

Tell us about your favorite character from your books.
I can't narrow it down to one favorite because every character has things I like and things I don't. I feel closer to some characters than others, so I'll tell you about one of those. Xenos is the hero in my sci-fi romance Moonlight on Water. He's an alien crossbreed with a slight attitude problem and strong convictions.

Where do you dream of traveling to and why?
I've done some traveling in the past. I've been to
Europe and Africa. Though I found travel interesting and enjoyed it, I've never really dreamed of seeing any particular place. I'm a New Englander at heart and I love being home.

Tell us about your current/upcoming release. What inspired it?
Next month the first book in my Whisper series is scheduled to release by Changeling Press. The book is called Dragon's Bar and it's about two outcasts who find each other in Whisper. The series takes place in a small
New England town that was founded by the supernatural for the supernatural. My love of New England and the paranormal inspired the series.

Has someone helped or mentored you in your writing career?
My family has been extremely supportive. Also my publishers and editors gave me the chance to get my work out there and make it better.

Who are some of your favorite authors/books?

I love classic horror and action books such as Phantom of the Opera, Frankenstein, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Count of Monte Cristo, and The Three Musketeers.

I also love romance. One of my favorite recent series is Circque Caprice by Julia Talbot. I also enjoy books by Jack Greene, Charlotte Boyett-Compo, Jeanie Johnson and Jayha Leigh.

What was your first sale as an author?
It was a short erotic vampire story called Goddess of the Wine. The story was published in the anthology A Taste of Midnight from Circlet Press.

When in the day/night do you write? How long per day?
I usually write in the evening and early morning hours. I generally dedicate five to ten hours a day to writing, which includes proof reading, working on edits, research and promotional activities. I also have a day job, so the days I'm working a second job I spend less hours than days when I can focus completely on writing.

If you could visit any time and place, where and when would it be and why?
I'd be interested in seeing the distant future because I'm curious about where we'll be and what we'll be doing.

If you could be any shape shifter, what form would you take and why?
I'd be one of my Aspectians because they can be anything they want.

What else would you like readers to know about you or your work?
I enjoy reading and writing just about any type of romance. My work includes a variety of pairings, including m/m, f/f, m/f, and ménage. When I write I'm more interested in being true to the individual characters and representing a variety of people rather than conforming to one idea or opinion about how characters should or shouldn't think or act. I love individuality and I hope my stories reflect that.

Who's more fun to write: bad boys or perfect gentlemen and why?
Definitely bad boys. I find them more likeable and easier to identify with. As both a reader and a writer I lean toward villains and antiheroes.

If you could meet any fictional character, who would it be and what would you do together?
Wow. That's a hard question. There are so many great characters. There was a movie back in the early 70s based on a play, The Boys in the Band. I'd like to meet the character Harold. I'd just hang out and talk to him because he's one of those likeable, quirky but somewhat mysterious characters I'd like to know more about.

Out of all your books, do you have a favorite one? If not, then which one is closest to your heart?
I can't narrow it down to one. Every book has something that endears it to me, whether it's something in the book itself or memories of what was happening in my life at the time when it was written. Right now I'll go with Darkness Therein because it was my first published novel.

What character out of all your books is the closest to your personality?
I based the relationships between Morgan and Uma and Morgan and Effie in Back to Haunt you on my relationship with my mother at different stages of my life. Depending on the decade, Morgan and Uma were close to my personality. I also identify with
Cal from Dragon's Bar and Dana from Bottoms Up because of their attitude toward gender and personal freedom.

Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you very much for having me as a guest!

Dragon's Bar by Kate Hill
Coming in February 2012 from Changeling Press
(Erotic Paranormal)

Shunned by her family because of her sexual magic, Max leaves home and finds herself in a small
New England town called Whisper. Feeding off sexual energy but having no hope of finding true love, Max considers her magic more a curse than a gift. Then she meets Cal.

The sexy owner of Dragon's Bar has supernatural secrets of his own. As an outcast shapeshifter female who has chosen to live as a human male,
Cal has found a home in Whisper. He knows Max is his soulmate but can these two unlikely partners learn to trust each other completely?

Excerpt (Adult):

Max stood and slung her bag over her shoulder. She paused in front of the painting. "I like this."

"Thanks. It's mine."

Raising an eyebrow she turned to him. "You're talented."

"I don't know about that, but painting helps me relax." He stood so close behind her that she felt the warmth of his body and the buzz of his sexual energy. She aroused him too. She sensed it.

A moment later, he confirmed her suspicions by brushing her hair aside and whispering in her ear, "Why are you really here, Max?"

She closed her eyes and leaned toward him.
Cal's hand settled on her waist. Some women might be afraid of their big, leather-clad, soon-to-be boss making a move on them. Others might try to sue him for sexual harassment.

Did he do this to all his staff members? Pressure them for sex? Is that why Amber had seemed so uneasy when she heard
Cal had hired her?

If that was the kind of game he played, then he deserved the consequences of messing with a woman whose pussy could literally pleasure him to death.

"Like I said. I want a new start." She turned and faced him, moistening her lips.

His hands settled on her waist, warming her. She slid her arms around his neck and cupped the back of his smooth head. He had a strong neck. She liked that.

"Are you coming on to me?" she whispered against his lips.

"If you want me to."

"And if I say no am I fired before I start?"

"Of course not."

Whether she believed him or not no longer mattered. Her hunger flared. If she didn't fuck right now, she'd have to find someone else. Why look for another victim when this guy was obviously willing?

"I've never seen a woman look this hot," he admitted, staring at her. "Your eyes are almost glowing. They look amazing."

"I was thinking the same thing about you," she whispered, running her hands over his chest.

His mouth covered hers in a passionate kiss. He tasted like mint, felt hot and hard and carried the scent of fresh, manly cologne.

Max closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of his body against hers. She opened her mouth to his tongue and hers met it, matching him in hunger.

When the kiss broke, she breathed, "Do you have condoms? Never mind. I've got 'em." She tugged away from him and unzipped her backpack. She removed a condom but didn't bother with lube. He turned her on so much that she was already soaked and ready for him.

Even with her magical hunger, she usually took more time than this to warm up, but she'd never met anyone like


Dawn Montgomery said...

What an awesome interview! And a wicked excerpt. :D

I look forward to it coming out!


Kate Hill said...

Thank you very much, Dawn!

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