Friday, December 23, 2011

Welcome Drea Becraft Today

Welcome to Dawn
s Reading Nook, Drea Becraft. Please let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink and make yourself at home. Comfortable? Greatnow lets get down to business.

Q: Tell us a little about yourself. What you do, either for a living or for fun or both.
Drea: I am a stay at home mother to three very rambunctious girls ages 7, 5, and 3.  When I am not carting them to and from school or seeing to their needs I am spending time with my hubby,who happens to be my high school sweetheart, and reading anything and everything I can get my hands on.

Q: Are you a by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of writer, or do you have to use an outline to put your collective thoughts into some semblance of common sense?
 Drea: While I have a general idea of where I want my stories to go I am more of a fly by the seat of my pants writer.  Often times my stories change as they muse whispers in my ear so I try desperately to just go with the flow so I don't stress myself out lol.

Q: Tell us all about your latest or upcoming release. What inspired it?
Drea:  The Real Saint Nic started out as a brilliant idea of that if Santa is suppose to be immortal then why can't he be a vampire?  I hadn't read that angle before so I went with it and a couple of months later there you go lol.

Q: If you had super powers, what would they be? Why?
Drea:  Super speed.  There never seems to be enough hours in the day so I try desperately to get everything done in time.  But if I had super speed I would have loads of time?? Or so I delude myself anyways.

Q: What genre haven’t you tried yet but want to in the future?
Drea: I would really like to write in m/m/f but I am in now where near close enough form to try it.  Hell I still struggle with m/f lol.

Q: What’s a fun fact about you? Something unique, a particular talent?
Drea:  I am absolutely terrified of LADY BUGS.  I don't know why but the little buggers scare the ever living crap out of me lol.

Q: What is one thing readers might be surprised to know about you?
Drea:  While I love to read and write now.  I sucked in school at english and wouldn't pick up a book unless it was absolutely necessary lol.

Q: If we asked your muse to describe you in three words, what do you think they might say?
Drea: Small Attention Span.  I flint around like a humming bird trying to do a million and one things at a time its quite frustrating sometimes but I can't seem to make myself stop.

Q: What authors can be found in your library of books (print, audio or e-books)?
Drea:  Better question is what wouldn't you find lol.  I have Tons (over 1500 ebooks) on my kindle and probably about 300 print books so there are tons of them and way to many to name.

Q: If you could travel anywhere in the world (money and time and travel is no object), where would you go? Why? And for how long?
Drea:  I would travel in Europe all over the place spending a month in each place learning the culture and enjoying the scenery. 

Q: Is there anything you’re currently working on that you can give us a taste of?
Drea:  Nothing really ready for anyones eyes.

Q: When creating your characters, do you have models in mind or are they totally fictional?
Drea: They are totally in my head for the most part.

Q: Are you in control of your characters or do they control you?
Drea:  Oh hands down they control me.  Once I think I know what is going to happen the little buggers go in a totally different direction lol.

Q: If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
Drea:  Caution no filter.  I often do not filter what I think from flying out of my mouth.  Most of my friends love me for it while the other well aren't so happy about it lol.

Q: Please tell us where we can find you on the web.
Drea:  You can find all my links on my website

Thanks for popping by and I wish you continued success in your writing career.

Aimee’s life changed one night, not long ago, when she staked a vampire to save another. Still reeling from that life changing night, Aimee decides to go home with Brenda, her best friend, for the holidays. She never expected Brenda’s brother, who comes off more like the Grinch then Santa, to have so many saint like qualities. Years spent alone, with no family or friends, plays heavy on her mind but Nic could possible be the one who changes it all.

Christmas has always been a sore spot for Nicolai. He’s the real saint Nic, but society has him all wrong. He’s no saint. In truth, he’s a vampire. Over the centuries, Nic has spent the holidays fighting off the ridicule from his younger brother and giving to those less fortune, not seeing his own worth. Until one mortal, brought home by his sister Brenda, changes the holiday and his outlook on life for eternity.

Is it possible that Nic has finally found his Mrs. Clause? When worlds meld, can Aimee find the happy ever after she once asked Santa for so many years ago, or is she doomed to spend forever lonely on Christmas?


With a flick of his hand, the lights next to the bed turned on as did a few lamps across the room. Once my eyes adjusted, I got a better look at the amount of presents. Hundreds, littered the room. The only space not filled was around the bed and a path to two doors in opposite directions. Red, green, and golds splattered the room in a festive show of color.

“You really are Saint Nic.” Astonished I tried desperately to keep my mouth closed.

“Please don’t call me that.”

“Why not?” Turning away from the presents I turned my gaze to Nic’s in question.

“Because I’m nowhere near a saint.” Brows furrowing Nic stared intently at the computer screen.

“Then how did you get the name?”

“That would be Jaysen’s doing. One day, not to long after I started giving the gifts, we got into an argument. I don’t remember most of what was said, after all, it was quite a while ago, but I do remember the comment was rather snide. To this day neither of us knows how it ended up outside our argument, but it still reminds me of that comment. Besides saints are deemed so because of the greatness they do for mankind all I do is give a few toys to some kids.”

Moved by the noticeable hurt in his eyes, a relentless knot twisted in my stomach. Though I still didn’t know him, the connection between us grew with each passing moment.

Whether it was hormones or the fact that we were supposed to be mates, I didn’t know, but I couldn’t stand to see him sad.

I scooted out of the bed and made my way to him, wrapping paper shuffling under my feet. Then, as if it were the most natural thing to do, I lowered myself into his lap and hugged him close.
“To those kids you are the world.”

“That’s why I do it every year. Though not in the grand scale that everyone thinks. I try to help at least a few orphanages and hospitals each year.”

“See, you are a saint. Every year you create the biggest rush of hope and joy to the children across the world. Though you can‘t help them all, the small sacrifices you have made over the centuries have helped to shape our world and helps friends and families learn the true meaning of giving. Without you there would be no hope of a perfect
Christmas. If that isn‘t the act of a saint, I don‘t know what is.”

With a grunt in my ear, Nic’s arms tightened around me as he buried his head in the hair between my shoulder blade and ear.

Pulling away slightly, I raised my hands and held of each side of his head. My fingers ran though the silken strands of his hair using that leverage I brought his head up until our eyes met. Leaningdown I kissed his full lips with a slight brush of mine. You are the best mate anyone could ask for. Speaking while our mouths were still fused, Nic sipped from my lips slowly.

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