Saturday, October 15, 2011

Welcome Hank Edwards Today

Today I have the pleasure of having the wonderful and talented Hank Edwards in the Noo. So slid in, get comfy and relax as I chat about everything from books, mancandy and more.

Welcome to Dawn's Reading Nook, Hank Edwards. Please let my cabana boys/girls get you a drink and make yourself at home. Comfortable? let's get down to business.

Q: For the readers out there who might not know about you or your work, can you please tell them a little about yourself.
A: Thanks for having me here, Dawn. Love what you've done with the place. Anyway, I have been writing male / male erotic fiction for over a decade. I started publishing short stories in erotic men's magazines and anthologies and have since published seven novels, the most recent being "Bounty," my self-published paranormal romance set in the Old West.

Q: How long have you been writing? What got you in to writing?
A: I've been writing in some form or another since my pre-teen years. I loved to read, and I loved movies, and after seeing some of my favorite movies at the theatre, I always wanted to know more about the characters so I started writing my own sequels. 

Q: Where do you get your ideas for your stories, characters?
A: Oh wow, ideas can come from every place. Overheard conversations, articles in the paper. I'm always playing the "What If" game when I hear about a news story or read something online. Characters just kind of show up to the story then, though some are based on people I might see out and about.

Q: Are you a by-the-seat-of-your-pants kind of writer, or do you have to use an outline to put your collective thoughts into some semblance of common sense?
A: I'm mostly a by the seat of my pants kind of writer. I've started trying to get better organized with Scrivener, an amazing program for writer's. But, I've found that no matter how many notecards I write out or how thorough my outline, I tend to weave off the plotted course in a different and usually exciting direction. And I've always got that outline or those notecards to go back to if I get lost. 

Q: Tell us all about your latest or upcoming release. What inspired it?
A: My latest release is "Bounty," Book One of my Venom Valley Series. It's my first venture into self-publishing and it's a collision of a variety of genres. Basically it came from my musings on vampires and zombies, and what if zombies, though slower and running on the basic hunger instinct, could injure or kill vampires? What if something about zombie teeth could make them penetrate vampire skin and bone. So from that thought I took it a step further and made it a male / male erotic romance and set it in the Old West, because I wasn't challenged enough. Oh yeah, and I threw in a really strong female character who is protected by a Native American spirit.

Q: If you had super powers, what would they be? Why?
A: I have to go with the power to heal. I lost some very close friends to AIDS back in the 90s, and my father just last year to a stroke. I hate to see anyone, people or animals, suffer. I'm sure there would be some cost to the power, right? Like it would sap more of my energy or draw life from what surrounded me like on HBO's show "Carnivale," but that would be my ideal power. 

Q: What genre haven't you tried yet but want to in the future?
A: Wow, I've gone through so many, humor, rom-com, suspense, Old West and paranormal. I think I'd like to dip my toe in sci fi sometime soon, or maybe even fantasy. How amazing to build an entire world where you get to come up with the rules!

Q: What is one thing readers might be surprised to know about you?
A:  I took tap dance lessons almost twenty years ago at a local community center and I still have the tap shoes in my bedroom closet.

Q: If we asked your muse to describe you in three words, what do you think they might say?
A: Easy to Distract

Q: What authors can be found in your library of books (print, audio or e-books)?
A: My Story Orgy family members, JR Boyd, Lee Brazil, Havan Fellows, and Em Woods, of course, Josh Lanyon, Silvia Violet, Deanna Wadsworth, Eric Arvin, Ethan Day, Jessica Freely, oh my, the list goes on and on. I also love Jasper Fforde, John Sandford, Janet Evanovich, Stephen King, and James Rollins.

Q: Have any guilty pleasures you want to share with us?
A: Glee. I love the show and the music. Damn, those kids (well, okay, they're in their twenties, but they're younger than me so they are kids) work hard.

Q: Is there anything you're currently working on that you can give us a taste of?
A: I'm writing Book Two of my Venom Valley Series. It's titled "Bait," and picks up just a little after "Bounty" ended. Questions and Fates left hanging at the end of Book One will be revealed in Book Two.

Q: When creating your characters, do you have models in mind or are they totally fictional?
A: I usually conjure up a character out of the smoke in my mind.

Q: Are you in control of your characters or do they control you?
A: They are absolutely in control, which is why my carefully noted outlines and notecards are ignored.

Q: If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
A: Caution: Prone to mental musical interludes and obscure TV series references.

Q: Please tell us where we can find you on the web.
A: My website is at and it contains a link to my blog, where I post a free m/m read every Monday morning as part of the Story Orgy group. On Facebook you can like my page at and keep up with my new Venom Valley Series via Facebook as well:

Thanks for popping by  Hank Edwards and I wish you continued success in your writing career.
Thanks for having me!

 Sneak peek into Bounty by Hank Edwards

In the small frontier town of Belkin's Pass, Josh Stanton's past has kept him from being accepted by the town's population. Raised by the local school teacher after his mother vanished one dark night, Josh has made only one true friend the fifteen years he's lived there: Dexter Wells. When Josh learns of his ability to raise the dead, he becomes a wanted man and flees on horseback into the arid plains of Venom Valley. Pursued by Dex, a town deputy, the two realize their friendship has deepened into love and they struggle to move forward without destroying their bond of friendship. At the One-Eyed Rooster saloon in town, a powerful stranger stalks the girls who work there, feeding on their blood in the night. Glory, a half white, half Indian saloon girl, depends on her Native American protective spirit, Ohanzee, to keep her safe as she battles to keep her only friend, Edith, from falling prey to the night stalker.

"Bounty" excerpt:

Dex broke the kiss this time to sit on the bedroll and pull Josh into his lap. They kissed some more then Josh positioned himself with his legs to either side of Dex's torso, their cocks pressed together against Dex's belly. The slick of their combined juices tangled in the dark hair on his stomach.
"I want you inside me again," Josh said between kisses. "I haven't been able to get that out of my mind."
Dex needed no further encouragement. He gathered the beads of slick from each of their cocks and used it to work a finger inside Josh as he sat on Dex's lap. He kissed Josh as he fingered him, their moans echoing off the rock wall rising just beyond the shack over Dex's shoulder.
When he felt Josh was ready, Dex collected more of the slick from them both and covered his cock with it. The length throbbed in his grip, pulsing and hot, eager to be back inside Josh.
Josh lifted up and Dex leaned back on his elbows, watching Josh reach back to take him in hand. The touch of Josh's hand shot through him and Dex trembled. Josh adjusted his position and then slowly sat down. The tight band of muscle resisted a moment, but then Dex felt his foreskin push back and the smooth, round head, slick with juice, eased inside.
Josh took his time and Dex let him move at his own pace, content to lean back and watch his lover slowly seat himself. Soon enough, Josh sat fully impaled, head tipped back and mouth open to fill up with starlight. Josh's cock jutted out toward Dex, glistening strings of juice dripping onto Dex's belly.
The movement in Josh's hips started slow but hurriedly gathered speed. Dex lay flat and closed his eyes, feeling the hot, slick push and retreat, the wet grip of Josh's body, and press of Josh's thighs against him.
His attention sharpened and narrowed to the tingle that started in the very tip of his cock. It sparked and caught, rushing through him to grab his balls and the base of his spine in a fist made of lightning. Then Dex heard himself shout, felt his hips lift from the bedroll to thrust himself deep into Josh as his seed surged out of him.
Moments later, Josh ground his hips down, pushing Dex deeper still, and Josh took hold of himself. He gave three quick strokes and a slick ribbon of cum landed on Dex's face. The rest puddled on Dex's chest and belly, and Dex wiped up what he could find, greedily sucking his fingers clean.
Josh leaned forward to rest his forehead against Dex's, breath hot on Dex's face. They stayed that way, Dex's softening cock still inside Josh, each of them catching their breath. Then Josh sighed and, after a soft kiss, whispered, "You have made a man of me, Dexter Wells," before he lifted his hips and allowed Dex's cock to slap down against his own belly.
"And you have done the same to me," Dex replied.

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Deanna Wadsworth said...

LOL..."Caution: Prone to mental musical interludes and obscure TV series references" That is funny!
So looove being in your library, hon! xx oo

I love Glee too, but...I'm gonna get my Glee Fan Club card taken away.... I totally fast forward all the singing except the one big musical number they do, LOL

Susan Gourley/Kelley said...

I love the three word description, easy to distract. It's great to read a male romance writer. I know only one other. Good luck, Hank, with all your new work.

Silvia Violet said...

Love that you took tap dancing! I took it as a kid. And I thrilled to make your favorite writers list :)

Robin Covington said...

Aahh . . . Glee. It feeds my musical theater/film obsession once a week. Love that show. And, you are right - they work so hard - acting, singing, dancing. Reminds of the old stars like Judy garland and Gene kelly who had it all.

Tour Stop/Giveaway: Riftsiders by Paul A. Destefano

  A team of possessed friends cope with the difficulties of being different while navigating relationships and getting attacked by ...