Saturday, October 15, 2011

My Personal Review for Legal Artistry by Andrew Grey

Whenever I pick up an Andrew Grey book, be it in e-book form or print, I always find myself smiling in the end (or crying while smiling lol) and racing off to see what else he has coming out in the future.

Legal Artistry is part of his critically acclaimed Bottled Up Series and also is an introduction to the spin-off series. It charmed me the moment I opened it up and met Dieter Krumpf for the first time as he played 'hide & seek' with his grandmother. The love these characters have for one another stole my heart within those pages and I was lost.

Meet Dieter Krumpf. After his grandmother dies and leaves him everything, he finds himself with a mystery as he is stunned to find out that his family art collection that was lost during WWII is in fact in a museum and the paintings alone are known far and wide in the art world. Finding attorney Gerald Young in his corner was a plus as he gins a long arduous process of getting his family legacy back.

Whenever I pick up an Andrew Grey book, I always feel like I am coming home from being away a long time. The character rich stories this author creates are delightful, sweet and always leave me wanting more.What really impressed me each time I open one of this author’s books is that he has a way of creating memorable characters within tough situations that don’t come across as whiny, annoying or anything negative like that. You sympathize and grow to love them over the course of the story. I fell in love with Gerald and Dieter as they worked toward the most unbelievable of a court case yet also finding the one person they are meant to be with in life.

We meet up again with familiar faces from past Bottled Up books which had me cheering in delight and meet some new ones like our main characters, Dieter and Gerald, that will keep you intrigued till the very end. The writing is tight, the storyline ebbs and flows perfectly and the sex scenes just enhance the growing closeness between Dieter and Gerald. I can not get enough of this author’s work and love that he continues to surprise me with his books. If you are looking for an introduction to this author’s work, take your pick of any of his books. You won’t be disappointed at all. 

My Rating for Legal Artistry is: 4.5 Stars
Look for Artistic Appeal at Dreamspinner Press October 21st, 2011

1 comment:

The Scarf Princess said...

Great review. I'm intrigued by the story and putting it on my wishlist.

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

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