Thursday, September 22, 2011

Welcome AC Katt today

Shattered Glass is the saga of the band of the same name from their childhood into the tragic affair between the two lead singers.
Introducing Shattered Glass

Liam O’Shea met Milo Stamis at the age of six. He moved to Hazlet with his mother, Lily, after an auto accident killed his father, Frank. Liam felt an instant connection to Milo as soon as they met. Milo, Sam and Rick let Liam follow them around in the position of adopted kid brother for six years until he replaced Mike as the lead singer. Liam was a brilliant musician and composer and impressed the band with his rendition of Johnny Borchoi’s Turn Around, which he re-arranged for two voices as a gift for Milo on his eighteenth birthday. After Lily died of cancer, Milo became Liam’s Guardian until Liam turned eighteen.

Milo Stamis was the founder and leader of the band, Shattered Glass. He admitted to his best friend, Sam Stein, that he was gay, at the age of twelve , the day before he met Liam O’Shea.The band practiced in Sam’s garage with the original singer “Mike the Deserter.” 

On Milo eighteenth birthday, Mike left the band and Liam volunteered to take his place. Liam, although six years younger than Milo, seduced the band with his voice and from that time on, Liam became the lead singer of Shattered Glass.

Rick Stein is the younger brother of Milo’s best friend, Sam. Rick was a talented bass guitar player and was an original member of the band. Originally, Rick was one of Liam’s strongest supporters in Shattered Glass until he acquired an expensive drug habit.
Rick was responsible for bringing Bart Hedge into the band to replace his brother, Sam, when Sam elected to take the bar exam and become an attorney rather than continue as Shattered Glass’ drummer.

Sam Stein was Milo’s best friend and the original drummer for Shattered Glass. He left the band after its first hit album to become an entertainment lawyer. Sam remained with Shattered Glass as their manager and legal counsel. 

When the band broke up, Sam remained the one contact that all of the concerned parties trusted. Sam sat with Liam after the breakup and chivvied Milo to contact Liam to find out what really happened. Sam was the glue that held the band together.

Bart Hedge met Rick Stein and became his friend and drug dealer. He was the drummer in the house band of the local bar, Lucky’s. When it became clear that Sam was leaving Shattered Glass, Rick asked his friend to audition for Sam’s spot as the drummer. In deference to Rick Bart Hedge was given the position and he tried to solidify his place in the band by whispering in Milo’s ear about Liam. 

Bart deliberately hooked Rick on hard drugs and used Rick’s addiction for his own purposes. Bart hates Liam and is out to destroy him.

Shattered Glass is published by Captiva Press, and is available on their website, at, Barnes and Noble and All Romance.

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