Monday, February 7, 2011

Guest Author Day with Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz

Why don't you start with telling us a little about yourself? What genre do you write in and why?

I am a wife, a mother, and a grandmother.  My husband and I live in rural Oregon and have two small dogs and three cats.  I enjoy gardening, crocheting, reading, and, of course, writing. I am a retired office manager and legal secretary to our county district attorney.  All my life, I have worked “day jobs,” which utilized my English and writing skills.  However, after work is when I would escape into my fiction stories.  I was fortunate to retire in 2008, and now I am able to devote more of my time to my writing.

I write for both adults and children, fiction and non-fiction.  The genres I prefer to write is fantasy, soft science fiction, and paranormal.  This is the type of fiction I read for entertainment, myself.  It seems a natural progression that I would want to write what I read. Sometimes, I will write a little romance, and most of my stories do have some sort of a relationship happening between the characters.

Were you an avid reader as a child? What type of books did you enjoy reading?

I was definitely an avid reader as a child.  I read everything from classics to series books, like The Bobbsey Twins.  A couple of my favorites were Black Beauty, Lassie, and Heidi.  In high school, I found The Catcher in the Rye and everything I wrote sounded like Salinger.

Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story.

My latest release is A Past and A Future.  This is actually a collection of sixteen short stories. Eight of these are fantasy and eight are soft science fiction…all explore relationships between people.  I wrote these over a period of years.  Some were previously published in small press magazines; some have never before been published.  Each one came about in a different way.  Many are the results of reading a magazine or newspaper article and saying “what if.”  I’ve had a number of people suggest I put these together into a collection.  I approached my publisher and a contract was negotiated.

Did your book require a lot of research? How long does it take to write a book for you?

This book didn’t require any research.  Since it’s a collection of short stories written over a period of time, it’s hard to say how long it took.  Other books I’ve written which are single stories, usually take six months to a year, depending upon time available and what else is happening.

If you could have any vice without repercussions, what would it be?

Interesting question…I guess it would be fun to eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, without worrying about gaining those unwanted pounds.

If you could have been the servant to any famous person in history, who would that be and why?

I don’t think I’d make a very good servant.  I don’t do well when I’m not the one in charge. I’d much rather be the boss.  That said, however, I would have to say working for Anne McCaffrey would be my top choice.  It would have been great to watch her work and learn how she created her worlds and characters.

What so you see for the future of publishing and e-books?

I believe eBooks are definitely in our future.  I love holding a book, but the costs are being prohibitive and publishers are leery of accepting new authors.  EBooks, however, open up a whole new world for both publishers and authors.  Recently, my husband and I purchased Kindles. I wasn’t sure I would like reading from an electronic device, but I was surprised at how quickly I adjusted.

Which of your characters do you love/hate/fear/pity the most and why?

In this collection, I believe I love Ashley of Ashland, the best. He’s so sweet, although he does make mistakes.   I don’t think I hate any, but I don’t particularly like Temur in Blurred Vengeance, he’s arrogant as well as foolish. I believe I fear the Judge in Screen Saver.  He’s quite bloodthirsty.  Pity definitely goes to John in Clockworks.  He is totally lost when he tries to trace his roots and quickly slips into madness.

Do you get along with your muse? What do you do to placate her/it/him when she/it/he refuses to inspire you?

I would say we have a good relationship.  I don’t pressure her and she doesn’t pressure me.  Besides being a writer, I am also an editor at two small publishing houses.  This doesn’t leave me as much time as I’d like for my own writing.  Fortunately, my muse seems to know this.  When I do have time to write, we have fun together.  When I don’t, she just hovers in the background, cleaning out old, dusty files in the recesses of my mind.

Do you have another book in the works? Would you like to tell readers about your current or future projects?

I actually have several projects under contract now through 2015.

Love Delivery is a contemporary romance, coming August, 2011.
Lady in Waiting is an historical romance, coming November, 2011.
Both of these are under contract with MuseItUp Publishing, an eBook publisher, and run approximately 10,000 words each.

Funny Dog is a concept toddler/pre-school picture book, coming May, 2012.
Ghost for Lunch is a middle-grade paranormal, mystery, coming September, 2013. This is the sequel to my previously published middle-grade novel, Ghost for Rent (available on Amazon and Fiction-wise and published by Hard Shell Word Factory).
Many Colored Coats is a pre-school picture book focused on diversity, coming October, 2014.
Boo's Bad Day is a pre-school picture book, coming June, 2015.
All of the above books are under contract with 4RV Publishing, a small print publisher.

Have you ever experience weird cravings while you write? If so, what kind?
No.  I usually don’t eat when I’m working.  If I take a break, it’s to get a cup of tea and maybe some fruit or crackers and cheese.

For Fun, pick three to five questions to answer:

Which do you prefer:
Denim or Leather on a man/woman/significant other?
I actually like both, but prefer denim.  I’m an old hippie after all…

Irish or Italian accent in a man?
Front seat or Back seat to make out in?

Dark eyes or Light eyes?
Eyes as blue as the ocean.

Sleeping bag or Bed?
I definitely prefer a bed.

Dinner or Movie for a first date?
Dinner is better because you get to spend some time talking and getting to know each other.

Coffee or Tea?
I prefer coffee first thing in the morning, then herbal or green tea the rest of the day.

If you got three wishes from a genie, what would they be? (They can be silly, serious or in between).
I would like good healthy, happiness, and long life for my husband and myself.
I would ask for my children to remain healthy, happy, prosperous, and live long lives.
I would ask for my grandchildren to be healthy, happy, prosperous, and live long lives.

If you could spend a day with one actor/actress, who would it be and what would you do together?
I would most likely choose Johnny Depp.  I’d love to get to know him as a person.  I’m curious if he’s as much fun and as complicated as the characters he plays.

What is on your bucket list to do before you pass from this earthly plain?
I want to travel more.  There are so many places I haven’t seen that I would like to see.

Stories included in A Past and A Future are:

1. Flight of the Roc 
   What would you do if your master told you to collect a roc's egg?  What would happen if the egg you collected hatched?

2. Blurred Vengeance 
  Temur's father is murdered.  Will his journey to avenge his father's death bring him what he wants, or will it destroy him?

3. Who Will Heal the Healer
Marzan teaches Niane to control the winds, but what about the winds of fate?  Will Niane be able to save her mentor when the underworld claims him?
4. Ashley of Ashland
  Ashley, a young magician covets his brother's fiance, but what are her feelings?  Can Ashley's magic be enough to save him and his true love?

5. The Watcher 
  Zerelda is a watcher in a world of women.  When a prince comes to impregnate her ruler, will they find a forbidden love instead?

6. Enchantress
 Merlin knows his fate, but he struggles to stand against it.  Will his powers be stronger than his apprentice’s, or will he find himself a victim of love?

  She is from this world.  He is from another.  A dragon draws them together.  Will she look beyond his pointed ears and see the man of her dreams? 

8. Heshe
  Lyda runs, hiding her identity from her abusive stepfather.  Her rescuer has a secret of his own.  Will they both find happiness or will their pursuers stop them before they find their paradise?

9. The Baby Makers
  How far would you go to have a baby if you can't conceive on your own?  Would you accept a clone?  Would you fight for that's child's rights in a world unprepared for it?

10. 3-D Pictures
 Avery's boss thought he was crazy, but was he?  When he stared into the 3-D picture, he saw a land others couldn't.  Will he enter the picture, or accept the doctor's diagnosis?

11. Screen Saver
 Clancy is used to strange people.  His boss represents them.  But when the bullets start flying, will the screen saver save him?

12. Isolation
 The world has died, except for small pockets of isolated communities.   But what if you are tired of the isolation?  What if you wanted to find somewhere to be free?  Would you take the chance?

13. Love in a Different Hue
 Chiri's father is a scientist who invents artificial life.   What should she do when the robot her father created looks better to her than her husband?

14. Down So Low The Ground Looks Like Up
 Sylvan is sensitive to others feelings.  It drives her crazy, so she drinks to dull the pain.  Will Dev, the police officer who finds her, rescue her from her demons?

15. Rebels With a Cause
 Shahleena is bored with her existence.  Will volunteering to help juvenile offenders help her or help them?

16. Clockworks
 John lives in Structured.  His ancestors came from Upheaval.  On a whim, he decides to visit.  What will happen to him when he cannot leave fast enough?

A Past and A Future --


Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

Thank you for hosting me today. The questions were excellent and I enjoyed my visit. I appreciate the support.

Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

I also want to remind your readers, I'm offering a free short story, not included in the collection, to one reader who posts a comment on your blog.

Laurie Boris said...

Penny, I enjoyed reading about your book and your writing life. The stories sound fascinating. Dawn, thank you!

Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

Laurie, thank you for stopping by. Hope you get a chance to read the stories one day.

Vivian Zabel said...

Penny is an up and coming author, and we're proud she's put some of her books with 4RV.

Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

Vivian, thank you for your kind words. I'm thrilled to be under contract with 4RV!

Unknown said...

It's always great to read an interview with a good, successful author, thanks for sharing! It's good also to know other people think too that the good books for kids should be of the kind adults could read too... I guess Penny Lockwood would agree too every author should strive to create new creatures, the classical, öld like vampires, elves, dwarfs, wizards with sharp hats, fairies, etc. are too ordinary already? That's why I try some new in some of my books (Tale Of The Rock Pieces, The Opposite Of Magic, Kids'Funny Business, etc (weightless korks, glowing, living balls, Brown faces, fiery men, one-eyeds, night fruit, rock pieces, fish-keepers, etc...), i guess I'm right? Would love to read some of her works in the future! Let the wonderful noise of the sea always sounds in your ears! (a greeting of the water dragons'hunters - my Tale Of The Rock Pieces).

Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

Allan, thanks for commenting. Yes, I do agree, crafting new and exciting characters makes for a much more enjoyable read. I find stories both young adults and adults can both enjoy much more fun for me to write.

Penny Lockwood Ehrenkranz said...

You've been awarded the Life is Good award. Please see instructions at

Thanks again for your support, Penny

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