Monday, February 1, 2010

Meet Nan D. Arnold

Who are your literary heros and why?

My reading is eclectic and I’ve enjoyed the exploits of many heroes, however, two stand out. Jane Austen’s Mr. Darcy and Ian Fleming’s James Bond.

Tell us about your latest/upcoming release. What inspired it?

Coming out February 1st (from Champagne Books) is HITTING THE HIGH NOTES, a contemporary women’s fiction project with strong romantic elements. It’s about a nearly-fifty-year-old childless widow who meets by chance an opera star. His shenanigans bring a color-blind cop into her romantic sphere as well. Along the way she relearns life’s a song and though attracted to both men for different reasons, one wedges his way into her heart. She learns to hit her own high notes, too, and endeavors to do so from now on no matter what life throws at her.

Tell us five random things about yourself.

I bite my nails when nervous, can’t live without my daily Coke A Cola, love camels (the animal not the cigarette); hate summer (because of hurricanes); wish I could complete novels with the speed of Nora Roberts and the humor of Janet Evonovitch.

What type of writer are you—the one who experiences before writing, like Hemingway, or the one who mostly daydreams and fantasizes?

Easy one. With my ordinary life style, experience is out; so, mostly fantasy and daydreams inform my work.

From the moment you conceived the idea for the story, to the published book, how long did it take?

Two l-o-n-g years.

What is coming in 2010 from you?

Pesto Packin’ Mama, sequel to HITTING THE HIGH NOTES. It’s a contemporary romance with a secret baby twist and ties up all lose ends from the prequel.

When it comes to writing, are you an early bird, or a night owl?

Given those polar opposites, I’m a Goldy Locks writer. My most productive hours are between ten am and two pm. Good luck with that when life interferes. So, I squeeze in my quote whenever I can.

How was your experience in looking for a publisher? What words of advice would you offer those novice authors who are in search of one?

Answer to the first question; exasperating. I queried what seemed like a million agents and New York publishers to no avail except the occasional personal rejection, but without a revise and resubmit request. I subsequently submitted to e-publishers and HTHN found a home (at last) with Champagne Books. One of the problems was my work doesn’t fit neatly into any specific genre it straddles women’s fiction and romance. Champagne's editor had more leeway at the time and I'm glad she did! In answer to the second question; writing is not for the timid; thin-skinned, or indolent. Check out publisher's website and agent websites before submitting.

What book are you reading now?

Shanghai Girls by Lisa See and an old paperback I found in the “free” box outside my library. It's by Harold Robbins and Junius Podrug, The Devil To Pay. Can not put it down. But my step daughter couldn’t get into it. Just goes to show how diverse everyone’s tastes are. And how subjective editorial tastes in writing are.

Have you ever woken in the night with the need to write? If so, how do you deal with this urge?

Hmm, well writing has kept me up but not to the point of prying me out of bed and my sneaking off to the old PC. Instead, I prefer to toss and turn, curse my characters (silently, of course) and beg my subconscious to please get to work before I wake after a fitful few hours.

Where do you find ideas for stories?
Sometimes something I read in the newspaper will trigger an idea, or some visual prompt during the day will momentarily inspire me. I vow to keep a notebook handy to record all such notions but have procrastinated on that. Oh, dear, another New Year’s resolution blown.

Which is better: Beatles or Monkees?

Believe it or not, I was not (am not) a fan of either. Give me Simon & Garfunkle or Blondie.

Where can readers find you on the web?

Read excerpts for HITTING THE HIGH NOTES in the BOOKS section of my website, Here’s one for the impetuous.

Excerpt: from HITTING THE HIGH NOTES available FEB 1st 2010 from CHAMPAGNE BOOKS

Jupiter Beach was deserted as dusk fell. Competing with the rushing sound of the ocean was the blood rushing inside Maggie’s skull. Should she really be here with Lorenzo, as magnetic as his personality was.

As nervous as a lizard under the gaze of a stalking feline, Maggie said, “Tell me, Lorenzo, will I be no more than another conquest?”

The opera singer replied, “Not a conquest, a confection.”

Maggie coughed. “That’s all I am, a piece of…candy?”

“No, no. I meant a concession. We will enjoy a mutual granting of pleasure.”

He’d moved closer to answer and the words he’d whispered ignited fires within her. His tongue took little liberties, then larger ones. They kissed. A long, slow, exploration followed. His fingers expertly massaged her until she was wet, warm, and ready.

Problem was Bruce Herring’s visage intruded into Maggie’s fantasy zone. Why, now? She slowly pulled off her underpants as suggestively as possible before she fumbled with Lorenzo’s belt buckle, finally giving over to his more expert hands.

The big mount with Lorenzo was about to progress when another aggravating detour down memory lane interrupted: Bruce gently draping a blanket about her, leaving, and engaging the thumb lock on her front door after he did. Bruce possessed a give and take personality. Lorenzo merely took. Magnificently, but, he took.

Lorenzo offered her what? Sex. Okay, sizzling sex with an internationally known opera star. But. Was that all she wanted?

Wait,” she said.


Confused, Maggie knew she was ready, willing, and waiting for an act of love, but with whom?


Angelica Hart and Zi said...

Nan, I adore you chose a nearly fifty year old heroine. What fun to read about a mature woman! Oh, and it really blew me away that you also like Mr. Darcy and James Bond.... They are some of my fav characters, too! Anywho, I'll be placing an order this week, and you must know Hitting the High Notes will be the first purchase on my list. Can't wait to read it!!!!

Kaylin McFarren said...

Looks like an incredibly fun read! Okay, back to Champagne Books to order yet another book. :D


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