Saturday, October 5, 2019

Guest Author Day with Kate Hill

Halloween Pet Peeves?

Halloween is my favorite holiday and I keep reminders of it around my house all year round. While a lot of people enjoy Halloween, others aren't as enthusiastic about it as I am. Here are some instances when my family and friends aren't always pleased with my love of Halloween.

My pets are generally happy to share in all kinds of family celebrations, especially if snacks are involved. Dressing up, however, isn't among their favorite things to do. Except for extremely cold weather when my tiny dog wears a simple coat and socks to go outside, I don't dress my dogs. There is one exception at Halloween when I put a wiener in a bun costume on my wiener dog mix for a few moments to take pictures. She isn't happy about wearing a Halloween costume, so once the photos are finished, the costume gets packed away until the next year.

My pets aren't the only ones who have issues my Halloween traditions. I love to make creepy Halloween food. My family is usually fine with it and they have fun eating it, except for one particular appetizer that my mother can't even stand to look at let alone sample--snots made from cheese and green food coloring.

I mentioned that I keep certain Halloween reminders around my house all year round. While my family puts up with my decorating, I'm sure they're not crazy about the goblin hands decal on the back of my toilet, but until I get a formal complaint, the goblin hands stay.

Are you a Halloween enthusiast, and if you are, how do you keep the Halloween spirit all year round? If you're not, what drives you crazy about those who love Halloween?

About Kate Hill

Kate Hill is a vegetarian New Englander who started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Since 1996, she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas, and novels.
She prefers to blend genres, and she loves horror and a happily ever after, so her books can be a bit unusual. If you’re looking for romance with witches, aliens, vampires, angels, demons, shapeshifters and more, there’s a good chance you’ll find something to your taste in her backlist.

When she’s not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out, and watching horror movies. She also writes under the name Saloni Quinby.

Author Links:

Kate Hill's Halloween Page:

Mysti and Starr (Wild Witches of Beaver Bay 1)

(Erotic Paranormal Romance)


A blazing trail only he can see leads demon hunting biker Starr Johanson to his destined mate. A blessing placed on her family’s ancestral land summons Mysti Wild to the cabin where she’ll meet the man fated to share her life.

Each fears the other will be frightened by magic they don’t understand, but they quickly learn to trust each other, because no one can resist the person they were born to love.


A couple of hours later, Mysti was trying to focus on a story she was editing when Starr returned. He looked better, and his sunburn had all but disappeared.

“Wow. Great to be home,” Starr said sarcastically.

“More problems?” Mysti asked.

He smiled and shook his head. “No. Things could be a lot worse. It’s just that we were having such a great time at your place and then we walk into this.”

“Because I asked you to bring me here, and it sounds like it’s a good thing I did. They really needed you. On the other hand, that’s a lot of pressure for you to be under all the time.”

“They would have handled it without me. My parents were fighting demons long before I was born. I do what I can to help.”

“You’re way too modest.”

“You know what I need right now?”



Happy to oblige, Mysti approached and slipped her arms around his neck. Their mouths locked, Starr swept her into his arms and carried her to bed.

“Should we be doing this now?” she asked.

He looked up with a lopsided grin. “After what we did in your room with your cousin and great uncle downstairs, you’re questioning this?”

“It was different on my territory.”


“Because it was mine.”

They both laughed at her reasoning.

“We’re together, right?” Star said, gently sliding his hand under the waistband of her pants to caress her soft mound.


“This is our room. After this morning, I could use some comfort.”

She flung her most accusing look at him. “Starr, I can’t believe you’re playing that hand. Come on, dude.”

“What? You don’t want to comfort me after that long, hard battle with demons.”

“You weren’t even gone an hour.”

“All right. I give up.” He flopped dramatically onto his back.

Grinning, Mysti rolled toward him and kissed his neck while caressing him through his jeans. “Surrendering to me? After you fought all those demons?”

“I’ll always surrender to you, Mysti.” He tightened his arm around her.

Purchase Links:

From Changeling Press:

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