Thursday, July 5, 2018


 A:  Life is good, life is great, especially on interview day!
Z:  And we are particularly happy to have with us January Bain, author of FOREVER MAN,
A:  And, congrats are in order, for a little birdie told us that Champagne Books offered January a contract FOREVER WOMAN.
Z: Fabulous!
Thank you both. I am feeling very blessed by the unfolding of this incredible journey. I never would have believed it if you had asked me where I would be today, ten years ago!
A/Z:  Welcome to CBG's blog, January! We are so tickled you've the time to chat with us about your book FOREVER MAN.
I am thrilled and honored to be here!
A/Z:  What inspired you to write this story, and why did you decide to create The Forever Series? 
Ah, well, the journey began with one book. I was watching the movie, The Green Mile with Tom Hanks and I was mesmerized by the idea that a person could literally heal another of a life-threatening condition. It had been a difficult  year having lost two dear brothers to cancer and I so envied the protagonist, a gentle giant of a man who had the power within him of being able to heal another. It got me to thinking how inspirational the idea was and that twigged me to writing about a heroine, namely Ellie Hightower, coming into this gift in her early twenties and how this would affect her life.
Then, having had a lifelong  interest in vampires since the days of Dracula, I found my antagonist in a gorgeous old soul that was bored of too long on this planet who comes to Nome, Alaska to wreck her special brand of havoc on the unsuspecting townspeople…
A/Z:   What's in your fridge right now that your protagonist, Ellie Hightower, would gobble up? 
She loves to eat with her friends! Sundaes are a special favorite along with cheeseburgers. So far, being so young, she has not had to worry about her weight, and, of course, our hero, Mike Stone loves her for who she is and thinks she needs a little fattening up anyway!
A/Z:  Are you a sandals, heels, or sneakers sort of person?
I have been all three. I love to reinvent myself and each time I find clothes a useful prop. Right now I’m wearing flats to teach in as I run all day making sure my kids do well. I teach at the local high school, mainly computer and business courses and some English.
A/Z:  If you were a superhero, what would be your name and superpower?
Now that’s easy! I want Ellie’s power of healing!!! SuperTeach, so that I can help heal the broken spirits I sometimes see in my classroom.
A/Z:  If you could trade places with a secondary character in FOREVER MAN, who would it be and why?
Ah, one of the vampires, of course so that my husband and I could live out our love story forever!
A/Z:  How would you describe your book to a eight year old?
First, I would say they DON'T get to read it until they are eighteen. Then, about real old school vampires who are learning to live a newly civilized existence to keep them safe from humans.
A/Z :  If someone wrote your biography, what would be the title?
She found her own Forever Man.
A/Z :  Do you prefer to write in the early hours of the morning or the wee hours of the night?
I have done both, plus lunch hours at my desk at school. Every space moment I can. I live my stories in my head twenty-four seven now and they push at me to be given life.
A/Z :  Would you like to add anything?
The Forever Series has grown to five books now and still going strong. I think it just might be a never ending series. I also write hard sci-fi novels. I love to hear from writers and readers. Please feel free to contact me. I have my own website, and I write a number of blogs, chiefly about the journey of writing. It still astonishes me that I get to do this!
A/Z :  Thank you so much for indulging us, January.  We look forever to seeing more and more and MORE from you!
Thanks so much for having me! You do more good than you know taking an interest in this budding writer. I love your writing by the way! And I look forward to MORE novels from the both of you. I recently read Killer Dolls and was blown away by it!
I feel so blessed to have such amazing writers that I can now count as my cohorts. And a special big thank you to the amazing editor, Judy Griffith Gill for all her hard work, and to Champagne Books, thank you J. Ellen Smith for your belief in me. And all my friends at The Writers Vineyard, thanks for all your help! It takes a team to get here.

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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