Thursday, November 30, 2017


Wrye Balderdas and Cavendish Brown exchanged hi five, low five, and a chest bump. 
“Good to see you again. That last paranormal adventure in The Witch’s Daughter was harrowing.”
Wyre does the two finger eye point. “You almost had this ole man wetting his pants.”
Cavendish raked fingers through his hair, “That was a boo-licious  treat, glad to have shared it.”
“Hey, I’m the jokester ‘round here!”
Tattle kisses Cavendish on the cheek. “Actually, that would be moi. See you in cyberspace.”
With a wink the two vanish and appear in THE FORTUNE TELLER'S SECRET by Ron D. Voigts - Book 2 "A Cavendish Brown Paranormal Mystery"
After he felt Tattle’s kiss, Cavendish awakens and realizes he was dreaming. “Who were those two strange specters?”
Tattle smacks Wrye on the arm, playfully. “He thought we were specter. Tee hee.”
“He called as strange. What a great compliment. I like this character. Now, enough about the guy and more about the book. Cavendish is not your typical hero, but he is A…A…Adorable! And always gets caught in the odd and bizarre. I’d have it no other way. His imperfections are what makes him so perfect.”
“You have a crush!”
Tattle’s thumb and forefinger nearly meet. “Maybe just a little, but I am always impartial in my reviews. I fully got caught up in the story not just cause Cavendish is a dimensional, complex character but because the author naps your attention immediately. I mean, a female ghost appears to him, he tackles a cold case file, there’s a dead man on the Ferris Wheel, and a teenager plotting to bomb the carnival. Ooooheeeee!
“That’s not all of it,” Wrye concludes. “Don’t forget how he and local sheriff, Clinton Pike, can’t agree on anything. Plus, there is the appearance of The Angel of Death, a Fortune Teller’s skills predict Cavendish’s life is at stake.” Wrye pretends to kick an imaginary bucket. “And away he goes.”
“He’s going nowhere, you bucket kicker, you!  He has the help of Jane a psychic and Alex, a Goth witch!”
“The paranormal layers the storyline with a different twist. Ron D. Voigts executes every phrase of the plot with grab-em-hard and don’t let go attitude. There is never a glitch, or hang-up. Just one mystery after another, that you, the reader, most uncover and unravel. However, no hints give you an idea to the conclusion. You just have to read and read and read. Another winner!
“For me, it’s not just the brilliance of the overall story, it is the individual character. They aren’t puppets dancing to the authors pen strokes, more storytellers expecting the author to write their personal stories. I find myself expecting to Alex walk around the corner with a wink or Marbella Wellingway, newspaper owner, to offer me a deadline. Every minute detail is exposed in every character, while the plot continually demands one’s attention. As always Ron D. Voigts gave us an unforgettable story that needs to be read more than once.  You won’t be disappointed. Excellent work!”
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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