Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Guest Author Day with Kellie Kamryn

Welcome author Kellie Kamryn today to the Reading Nook. I was thrilled to have her sit down with me to talk about their latest book, Vows, Sex and Other Ways to Celebrate Love.

Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m Kellie Kamryn – award-winning author, mom to four, martial artist, gymnastics coach, and voice actress. I’m busy building a multitude of things, but they all go together creatively and I’m blessed to have a partner who supports me and understands the challenges of raising my kids along with everything I do.

What started your interest in writing?
I’ve always journaled my whole life, and wrote short stories and poetry for myself. An avid reader, I’ve always wanted to write books and be published, so one day I decided that if I didn’t do it, no one would do it for me!

What is your book(s) about?
My current book is the fifth and final in an erotic comedy series. This one is a reunion of sorts. We find out what each couple in the previous books is up to, finally meet good old mom and dad, and find out how everyone celebrates the love in their lives.

What are you currently working on?
Currently, I’m working on a historical piece with a writing partner. Christmas will see another erotic romance piece released which features Santa Claus and his naughty toy workshop. In the New Year, a brand new series—Brokenhead Hearts—will see the first book published which is titled: Menagerie a Trois. I’ve also got some books that I’ve received my rights back to and I’d like to see them re-released again.

How long did it take you to get your rough draft finished on your latest release?
I can write a rough short story draft in a week if I make time to write every day. This one probably took a month to write, edit, tweak, and then submit. 

What do you do when you’re not writing?
I train and teach martial arts, teach Kindergym, act for voice over projects and on film sets, spend time with my kids and take them to their activities. I do a lot, but I love all I do!

Are any of your characters like you?
There’s a little bit of me in the characters I write. I don’t model any characters after myself, but I put emotions I’ve worked through I put into the dialogue between characters. I empathize with them and their struggles. The way they work out their problems would be a way in which I would conduct my life. 

If you write a series do you reread your previous books before you begin the new one?
Yes! I keep notes, but I do have to skim through and make sure I’ve got the names right, physical descriptions, etc. The first three books were previously published, so I knew them the best. The fourth book was a complete re-write so it was brand new with an added character. This fifth book was always an idea until I finally wrote it a few months ago, so I wanted to go back and make sure I was true to who the characters were.

Is there anything you wish to say to your readers?
Thank you for buying my books. It’s always awesome to get a sales report and know that even a few people are purchasing. I love to get reviews just to know what people think of my work, so I encourage people to leave one if they feel up for it. Really it’s a big thank you for checking out my work. I appreciate each and every person who reads one of my books!

For readers who haven't tried your books yet, how do you think your editor or loyal readers would describe your books?
My editors always give me compliments on my books and let me know how much they’ve enjoyed it. I love working with them, and it’s great to hear that something I thought was funny actually made them laugh. It’s a comedy series so that’s important to know that I’m not the only one who thinks it’s funny! It’s great to have their support and that of eXtasy Books for publishing my work. I’m glad my books have found a great home with them. To new readers – if you enjoy laughing, hot sex, and lots of heart, then I feel you’ll enjoy this series.

Title: Vows, Sex, and Other Ways to Celebrate Love
Genre: Erotic Contemporary Romance

Series: The Harders Book 5
Publisher: eXtasy Books

Love, laughter, and sex—the best ways to celebrate life.
The Harders don’t need monkeys, vegetables, chocolate, or sex toys to bend a few well-laid kinks into their party plans. When the couple of the hour is a no-show, the siblings worry that their good intentions will have been for naught. Count on good old mom and dad to add a few surprises of their own, mixing a cocktail of love and laughter that no one will soon forget. Get ready to celebrate love Harder style.


Note from the author: This excerpt is from the chapter where we get to meet good old mom and dad. In all the other books, they were background characters who get their chance to shine. My editor enjoyed how I wrote their love story into the book. Please enjoy:

Harriet pressed a hand to her heart as tears welled up in her eyes. Early on in their pre-marriage relationship, Harry had given her the nickname Angel, and it had stuck. It was one of the things she cherished about the love and support they gave to each other. Harry took her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “The kids will get over it, like they always do.” She sighed again. “But maybe this is the one time where we should have stayed out of it. They were trying to do something nice for us.” He looked her square in the eye. “And you know why we decided to do what we did. Don’t second-guess yourself. We are a family. We wanted a family celebration. We wanted all of them to celebrate the love they found—which came from the foundation we built.” Harriet toyed with the top button of his dark-green dress shirt. “Yes, you and I agreed, but maybe we should have included them in on the plan.” Harry pulled her into a hug and rested his chin on the top of her head. “Then it wouldn’t be a surprise.” Harriet chuckled. “True.” Harry pulled back to look into her face. “Besides, ever since we began to live apart, they haven’t taken the time to understand why we chose to do what we did. We both know it’s why they planned the surprise anniversary party—to bring us closer together.” They laughed in unison. Harriet stared down at the floor between them for a moment before looking back up into his eyes. “I wish they could understand the freedom we are giving each other, and how much we do see each other.” Harry kissed her cheek. “And that’s what today is all about.” “I know.” Harriet turned as the florist brought out the last bouquet. “Perfect.” Harry released her and picked up a red rose corsage from the counter. He turned Harriet toward him again and pinned it to her dress over her left breast. “Gorgeous. I’d marry you all over again in a heartbeat, Angel.” She beamed at him. “Ditto.” The

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Author Bio:
Winner of the RONE (Reward of Novel Excellence) Award for Best Erotica 2012, Kellie Kamryn has many 5-star reviews from sites such as Night Owl Reviews for her work in contemporary romantic fiction. In 2013, one of her novellas was nominated for Best Novella for the RONE Awards. In addition, she is a workshop presenter, and an online columnist for The Aquarian Online. All of Kellie’s books contain a lot of heat balanced with an abundance of Heart. With fourteen books and two anthologies to her credit since 2011, most days she can be found channeling her heart’s desire into writing stories and poetry that sweep readers away into other worlds. When her muse requires a change in scenery, she funnels her creative energy into bringing many a tale to life through her work as an audio narrator. And when her body demands attention, you can find her in the gym jumping on the trampoline in between teaching Kindergym classes, or training and co-teaching Baguazhang (Bagua) as self-defense to women/families, and for health and healing to individuals on the Autism spectrum. 

Visit with her at:
Twitter: @KellieKamryn

1 comment:

Kellie Kamryn said...

Thank you for hosting me!

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