Thursday, September 28, 2017


Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing excerpts of the angelic characters from a work in progress, THE DARKNESS WITHIN, Book Three by Angelica Hart and Zi.


Aether - Israfel’s Song

Israfel: Angel of song

I have a special angel watching over me. Tickling my rib, making me laugh under the veil of inspiration. ~ Delaware

At the core of the Aether existed a structure where the heavenly host praised and worshipped the Supreme and True Lord of Creation though songs and instruments. This Temple of Music had spheres of stain glass placed in juxtaposed positions, all disappearing at its base into misty whorls of shifting gold, silver and bronze hues. Within the chamber, pews could not be indentified under a deepening kaleidoscope of swooshing colors but all who entered seemed to know where to sit.

In front, a half rounded tiered stage appeared; its seating sleek, shinny and white. All variety of Angels would be represented at the Celestial Choir Celebration. The Cherubim, admired for their beauty, would blow the Shofar at the beginning to stir every soul’s joy. The Seraphim, known to be closest to God, would enact priestly duties.

Only a few Guardian Angels as well as Ministering Angels would be present, for they had eternal obligations watching over and tending to Earthly individuals.

Even less Avenging Angels would attend, for their responsibilities were to carry out God’s judgment upon the most heinous of mankind, and due to the rise in demonic activity, there were an increasing number to be judged.

Death Angels would not be present at all. Only when death no longer existed would they be free to celebrate.

Archangels would peek in as their duties allowed, but all the Common Angels, heavenly spirits of all divinity would attend. 

Israfel who created some of the first songs and who orchestrated this event, there were many events and often for no reason, had to first tend to Carole Hick-Clark. This was a conflict of purpose, a fate every Angel understood. Wings pulled in two directions, oft made for challenging moments.

Earthly voices raised in song would enhance the Celestial Choir’s songs of praise and worship to the Heavenly Father.  More importantly, it would dispel some of the gloom spread by the enemy’s minions.

Unlike many other angels who changed their outward appearance, Israfel, Angel of Song, never altered its look. Her golden hair, as if a lilt of cloud-like forces, floated above her, windswept upwards. Her three faces, one facing forward and the other two in opposing directions, kept her aware of all that was about. Each had the same lovely features, and when she sang, the most heart-clutching music emanated from her three mouths in perfect pitch and harmony. Israfel inspired music which in turn prompted new hope, and all that unfolded from her embodied the creative word of God.

The only other triplicate feature she possessed were her breasts, each precisely formed and exceptional large, swelling even more when inhaling deeply just before singing. The rest of her was just as well formed with in that hour-glass silhouette that symbolized sensuality with flaring hips, a rounded belly and a fleshy, hairless mound. Her legs were long and strong with the impression of muscular definition. She wore nothing but lavender twinkle, matching the color of her hair.

When attending to affairs on Earth, she simply remained a spirit, affecting people with whispers and mutterings as well as infusions of her own contagious love of song. Of late, she often visited with Carole Hick-Clark. The woman had a heart to sing and a voice that crackled and quivered. After many sneers and giggles throughout her life, Carole had stilled the urge to sing. Making a joyful noise was all that was required, and Israfel had repeatedly attempted to bring that meaning to Carole. With Christmas time upon them, Israfel thought to try once more.

“Oh, you are leaving, now?” asked Mihr, Angel of Friendship. He had assisted Israfel with the celebratory event and knew that soon all would be arriving. Everyone knew Mihr. His elephant feet, were ringed with emerald toes, twelve on each foot. Named for the disciples and the months of the Earthly calendar.

“Yes," she asserted, "An important matter.”

His eyes swished side-to-side to imply everything around them seemed to be fairly important and needed tending. He was a huge hulk of an angel with barely discernible lark-size polka-dotted wings. The bulk of a man-angel had a stunning alto voice that could crack glass, thus, he was oft barred from singing in churches.

Israfel kissed his chin, all she could reach when standing on her tip-toes. “I am needed now, right now.”

He looked panicked, but he understood. After all, along with being the Angel of Song, she was also a Guardian Angel. “Then go…go… All will be fine here.”

“I won’t miss the first note.”

He grinned, knowing she probably wouldn’t. Israfel was known for never being late but also barely on time.

continued next week

About the Story: The Darkness Within is a fast-paced supernatural thriller involving, kidnapping, romance, gypsies, and supernatural beings. The tale revolves around private detective Brie (Gabriella) Tyler's investigation of several missing young women believed to be runaways. Somehow, it connects to a past she cannot remember.   While trying to find his missing niece, Jake Marlo, the owner of prestigious private detective agency, crosses path with Brie. Independent and feisty, Tyler resists Marlo's help and romantic attention. The two collide as heinous henchmen and supernatural forces threaten to destroy their lives.

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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