Thursday, August 31, 2017

WRITERS WRITE... WRITING PARTNERS FEUD ~ ANGELS - Vohu Manah, Yofiel, and Zagzagel 2

This is the last in our series of excerpts of the angelic characters from a work in progress, THE DARKNESS WITHIN, Book Three by Angelica Hart and Zi.


Vancouver, Canada - Vohu Manah’s, Yofiel’s, and Zagzagel’s discusion
         We must not love our friends for what they are, but love them for the angel they might be. ~       unknown (take that Vohu Manah)

"January Snow Bunny." Katy positioned the lighting, "Show me what you got."

“Are you sure about this?” asked Penny, posing for a fund raising calendar in a white fur hat, snug fitting jacket, scarf, mittens with ears, sleek knee-high vinyl boots and tattered jean short-shorts. Underneath, she had lacy underwear. “I mean, I'm going to ask Gramps to upload one and Mom and Dad already put in an order.”

Penny's framed photo of her family fell from her dresser. Was Gramps scowling at her? Shaking her head, thinking, kindhearted as he was his expression normally looked like a curmudgeon with a face that resembled a clenched fist. Question was, why did the picture fall when no one was near it?

Unbeknownst to the Earthly world, Zagzagel had intentionally bumped it.

"Why did you do that?" asked Yofiel.

"To remind her that they may disapprove." He did the naughty finger swipe move targeted toward Penny.

"Everyone should disapprove," noted Vohu Manah, "Let us pray."

Zagzagel wet his pointed finger and plunged it into Vohu Manah's ear. "Pray on that."

Yofiel tackled Vohu Manah hugging his wings tightly, and the two rolled. "We prayed last week and you filibustered for twenty minutes. You are not going to do that again. Trust me, He is not going to like you any better. You are judged by your deeds, not your subterfuge. Pink belly time. Help me Zagzagel." 

"Risky move asking your family," stated Katy unaware of any activity in the alter-universe.

"Maybe. But money is money."

“It’s going to a good cause,” said Katy, a sorority sister at a small college outside the city proper. “All the profits are going to buy books for the Lucas Academy for the Blind. Think of how many Braille books they will be able to buy.”

Penny nodded with a sigh.

Katy caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, in a bra and jeans. Instinctually, she adjusted her top so that her boobs would settle more attractively with as much fall-out as was possible. Why? She liked to tease, so she practiced. Katy had the issue that she was far too abundant in the chesticles area. That resulted in her receiving a lot of male attention, which probably was the genesis of her motivation to do the calendar. Guys liked sexy girls and ogled as a hobby. She planned on being Happy Holly Hooter Elfette for December. Katy's Tuesday boyfriend, Wod, thought the name sounded like a hooker and it tickled him.

"Sweetie, you might wish to not tell your family," said Katy.

The pizza delivery man knocked. "Charge it to Kevin," noted Penny, "Put on a shirt or at least tuck those girls away."

"Why charge Kevin?" asked Katy, as she actually plumped up her pillows.

"He'll pay and try to leverage his generosity into me being generous with my lack of clothes. He'll try and I'll promise next time."

"He's a good guy."

"Really is. The sooner he proposes the sooner he gets..."

"Back to work, Slutty Sluterson. 

Penny set up for the next pose. She took off her hat. “I know. I think it’s great. I love being part of this, but stripping for money is uncomfortable. I won’t even give Kevin a nudie.” Kevin was her boyfriend of long standing. They had plans for after college, and she wasn’t sure how much he was going to like Katy's idea.

The calendar was an online one. The catch was simple, they posted pictures of twelve girls, one for each month. The caveat was that each one-hundred dollars that was raised got a coed to remove one item of clothing, rotating month to month.

Their goal was to amass 6,000 dollars. As their paypal account blossomed, Katy would repost the new altered photos. Over the course of weeks, the plan was that each of the twelve models would strip down to nothing. Katy insisted the ends justified the means. Penny wasn’t so sure, knowing she'd have to resolve her actions with Kevin, sweet, innocent Kevin.

Were their efforts proving to be successful? Yes.

The scarf was taken off, the mittens, the coat, and the boots. Penny took pictures of each phrase of elimination, and uploaded the new version so they would be ready to post at the proper time. Next came the jeans. The camera snapped, again and again.

Penny was January, and the first coed for the calendar to strip for charity, and to be photographed. The plan started with her.

Katy was December. She had a spectacular body, not the size two expected of models, but more the voluptuous Mariah Carey. Double D breasts that were all natural, yet, appeared as if enhanced with silicone. Her hips were full, perfect as handles for humping, her legs weren’t thin, but extraordinarily shapely. Her face was that every girl pretty, but with generous lips and wide, innocent eyes. Her hair was waist long and silky straight. All in all, she was beautiful in every sense.

"Katy are you ok with showing the world your sweater stretchers?"

"Yes. I've been to a nude beach. Are you having second thoughts?"

"Second and third and fifth to the power of maybe no."

"Let's just do this and talk later."

Penny was finally down to her bra and panties. The latter was high thigh, black lace while the satin bra was trimmed in the same lace and cut deep to show off her abundance. Together, they showed less than what could be seen on any beach.

"Ready?" asked Katy. They knew what was next.

"Don't," shouted Vohu Manah, though she could not hear the angel.

"Reconsider," added Zagzagel.

"I have faith in her," said Yofiel, looked at Vohu Manah, winked, "Let's pray."

Penny posed and then paused, considering before taking off her bra. Ready to plunge into full giving mode.

Katy stopped her as a breeze seemed to blow in out of nowhere. "Halt." It made gooseflesh rise on Penny’s skin as her nipples puckered. The unexpected zephyr had Katy staring at her notebook being flapped open, pages rustling. She chased the loose ones.

They both looked at the closed window.

Penny began to lift her left breast free of its halter.

"Stop!" said Katy.


"The wind."

Penny pointed at the ceiling vent. “Must be coming from there. We can work around it.”

Katy nodded. “Yeah, sure, probably. But what if they are the winds of reconsideration. What if some extraordinary force is telling us something.”

"Who laced your pizza with some bong matter?"

Though they both agreed, the winds were unexplainable, both knew that neither the heat nor the air conditioner was on. It was early fall and the weather was perfect. But something caused them to stop and recalibrate.

“Hear me out. You know, you look great in that,” said Katy, noting the bra and panties were perfect.

“Just bought them. Special surprise for Kevin, hoping he'll one knee me.”

“I think we will end each strip with bra and panties. Leave ‘em wanting more. Whatja think?”

Penny grinned. “I think you are brilliant.”

As Vohu Manah, Yofiel, and Zagzagel blinked back to the Aether, Vohu Manah said to Zagzagel, “Now it is pure. Thank you.

Yofiel’s mystical touch allowed Katy to see that less revealed could be more beautiful. Zagzagel’s prudent touch made Katy realize that now the girls could keep their self-respect.

All were pleased.

About the Story: The Darkness Within is a fast-paced supernatural thriller involving, kidnapping, romance, gypsies, and supernatural beings. The tale revolves around private detective Brie (Gabriella) Tyler's investigation of several missing young women believed to be runaways. Somehow, it connects to a past she cannot remember.   While trying to find his missing niece, Jake Marlo, the owner of prestigious private detective agency, crosses path with Brie. Independent and feisty, Tyler resists Marlo's help and romantic attention. The two collide as heinous henchmen and supernatural forces threaten to destroy their lives.

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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