Thursday, August 24, 2017

WRITERS WRITE... WRITING PARTNERS FEUD ~ ANGELS - Vohu Manah, Yofiel, and Zagzagel

Over the next several weeks, we will be sharing excerpts of the angelic characters from a work in progress, THE DARKNESS WITHIN, Book Three by Angelica Hart and Zi.


Aether - Vohu Manah, Yofiel, and Zagzagel discuss

To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens. ~ anonymous

Vohu Manah: Angel of Purity

Yofiel: Angel of Divine Beauty

Zagzagel: Angel of Wisdon

The three angels floated in an ole world looking barge in the part of the Aether that resembled an ocean. They were playing the Royal Game of Ur, inspired by the Archangels before the creation of man, then leaked to Moses while on the Mount. He had to win to get each tablet, which explained why he was up there so long, and why there were only two tablets. Time constraints. Yes, God had a sense of humor and Moses was game challenged.

Zagzagel, being the Angel of Wisdom, had the advantage. He was the chief guard of the fourth heaven and resided in the seventh heaven, the same part of the Aether as God. He taught man how to listen and see inwardly. He was also the angel of the burning bush who appealed to Moses and led the flock along the side of wilderness. Thus, knew the game which explained why he was winning.

Which was in contradiction to his looks, he appeared more the wise-cracking teen of a fifties movie than a sage old owl. He even wore a James Dean leather jacket, dungarees and biker boots. Why? He was a Rebel Without a Cause fan, admiring the actor's disillusionment and social estrangement. However, the resemblance to a troubled teenager ended the moment one noticed the expansive arched, ivory covered wings jutting out from the jacket, the long white braided hair and the golden halo that encompassed his entire body. Why the dichotomy? He liked toying with people.

Vohu Manah, Angel of Purity was partly transparent, partly smoke depending which way you looked at him. Still, he had a muscular, green scaly chest, chunky legs, a very visible, consistently engorged penis, all balancing on alligator feet. The image was his own design, Vohu Manah would say purity was that which existed in the heart and mind, the physical was an afterthought. His name meant good mind or good thought and he encouraged pure thoughts in others.

He read. He danced. And often read while he danced. It was highly a well known fact that those with alligator feet, were poor dancers. But an entity that sought the expansion of ideas, grounded in a holistic ideal never cared what anyone thought of his misplaced steps to hummed dirges. Were their partners? No! Why? Those with alligator feet might bite with alligator teeth, so who would risk that?

The Angel of Divine Beauty, Yofiel, was an angelic prince of the Torah. He taught Moses the mystery of the cabala, one of several systems of mysticism. He was, also, a great archangel. Yes, as expected he had a strong understanding of the Royal Game of Ur, but played with a bit of a who-cares attitude.

As in all things, beauty was more diverse in the Aether than anywhere else. Once the most beautiful of angels, Lucifer, went crazy as a mule with a wild hair up its ass with ego. Others of the same heavenly cast altered their perception of beauty so vanity would not snare them. Ok... ok... they tried, but angels, all angels knew that they were gorgeous.

Yofiel was indeed still lovely, but more feminine looking than masculine. Did he want to present the image of being female? Yes. His chest was tattooed to resemble breasts, black inked images, they were masterfully etched and included silver tipped nipples. And yes, his shirt was always open. His ass was shapely; his limbs were all delicate and lengthy. His dark hair held thin streaks of white and his eyes were enormous puddles of pale blue, no white visible. His penis and balls proudly hung in a velvety sac embroidered with gold threads and his wings were raven feathered black; his flesh was blemish free and cocoa brown.  The Star of David was etched upon his back, in the same color blue as his eyes.

The three were as ancient as time, and playing this game was more a way of coming together to discuss their newest quest than to actually play, though they did enjoy gamesmanship.

“It is not right,” Vohu Manah stated moving his chit with thought. “The calendar I inspired was to be innocent, sweet, appealing to all ages, offensive to no one, and these girls… coeds… whatever they call themselves have made it something outrageous. And I can do nothing. Free-will. Ach!”

Yofiel liked moving his pieces by hand and tricked Vohu Manah. “It is pure. The girls are the definition of earthly loveliness. It celebrates physical beauty and I consider it wonderfully inspired. It is good.”

“Good! If good equates to burlesques than I aced the assignment,” said Vohu Manah. "But all I see is vulgar."

“You would. You are archaic, Vohu,” testified Zagzagel as he studied the board. “I applaud their ingenuity. And you must admit there is purity in what they wish to achieve.”

“Blah!” Vohu Manah blurted, adding. “Are you ever going to make a move.”

“I’m considering my options,” Zagzagel said. “You've time. Hmm, perhaps, you should visit the campus once more. We should all go. Vohu Manah you are wrong about these females. Their hearts are generous and the methods are admirable.”

“In other words, Zagzagel, you believe you are about to lose?”

“Oh, just trying to help out our friend here.”

In agreement, the three vaporized into mist.

A small winged rat, Sweatpie, came running onto the barge and stole all the chits of the game. By the way, Sweatpie was Zagzagel's pet.

About the Story: The Darkness Within is a fast-paced supernatural thriller involving, kidnapping, romance, gypsies, and supernatural beings. The tale revolves around private detective Brie (Gabriella) Tyler's investigation of several missing young women believed to be runaways. Somehow, it connects to a past she cannot remember.   While trying to find his missing niece, Jake Marlo, the owner of prestigious private detective agency, crosses path with Brie. Independent and feisty, Tyler resists Marlo's help and romantic attention. The two collide as heinous henchmen and supernatural forces threaten to destroy their lives.

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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