Saturday, December 10, 2016

Welcome author Anita Philmar

DNA, #Neanderthals and #HumanGenome, oh, my!

Do you remember those scientist classes where they talked about the Neanderthals and other Homo Sapiens?

Funny, but I do. I watch a number of special programs where scientists argued as to whether or not humans and Neanderthals existed at the same time. Each side argued for and against the possibility. Then I found research proving Neanderthals and humans did have fun together because Neanderthal genome is in human DNA.

The book “Neanderthal Man – In Search of Lost Genomes” by Svante Paabo is about what the scientists had to go through in their search to find answers as to whether or not Neanderthal genome was in human DNA. The book is not an easy read, but I couldn’t let that stop me. So I skipped over those long technical words and tried to get to the meat of what the author/scientist was trying to tell me.

It was a fascinating adventure, which spanned the globe. Dr. Paabo is from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. It is truly an amazing story and if you are interested in how scientist discovered Neanderthal DNA in the human genome, I recommend spending time with this book.

Now, after reading about Neanderthals, I had to work them into a book. I loved the idea that we as humans may have inherited some special skill from our Neanderthal ancestors. This is how I created my new series, the Ancient Warrior Prophecy. 

The series is built on the idea that people with Neanderthal DNA have special skills such as psychic abilities and they are using those abilities to save the world. Add in a murder and a hot romance, the first book is all about the story behind the story of the announcement of the Neanderthal’s DNA being in the human genomes.


The Warrior in Me – Erotic Murder Mystery/ Romantic suspense


Special Security Agent Sebastian Berlin is eager to track down his partner's killer. Instead, he’s assigned the job of baby-sitting a scientist. His boss thinks she's the key to an Ancient Warrior Prophecy. Science never interested Sebastian, but the know-it-all female standing at the end of his Alaskan dock could persuade him to do a little experimenting. That is, if he can keep his Neanderthal Warrior genes from taking control.

DNA specialist Lily Sinclair is in need of a vacation, or so her over-protective ex-husband tells her. Arriving in chilly Alaska instead of sunny Cancun, she's tired and cranky and so not in the mood for her bodyguard's he-man tactics. Still, there's something about the sexy eye-candy that makes her want to lick him all over even as she's demanding to go home.

Then Lily's ex is poisoned, and Sebastian is certain the two murders are connected and she could be next. She knows he's hiding something, but with the worldwide release of Neanderthal DNA project only days away, she has no choice but to trust him to protect her. But can she trust him with her heart?


“It may sound silly, but I don’t think I’ve ever had a man carry me to bed. I kinda of like it,” Lily purred.
His good intentions of setting her gently on the bed and walking away took a detour, replaced with the conviction to make sure she could relax first. After laying her in the center of the mattress, he shifted a hand to the buttons of her shirt. “Is it okay for me to undress you?”
She sighed, settled her head back on the pillow, and closed her eyes. “That would be heavenly. I feel as if I can’t move a muscle.”
Sebastian stared at Lily’s face as he unbuttoned her blouse and revealed a light pink bra. Eyeing the lacy fringe, he pulled her silky shirt from her waistband and quickly unbuckled her belt. Unzipping her pants, he caught sight of her bikini underwear.
He stroked a finger across the center of her belly. A smile fluttered across her lips briefly. Forcing his hand away from her delicate skin, he slipped off her shoes, dropping them heedlessly on the carpet. He gathered his resolve and tugged on her slacks, exposing creamy thighs and tight shapely calves. Swallowing the hunger the succulent vision evoked, he worked his hands under her shirt and over her back, lifting her to remove her blouse.
A soft breath whispered from her lips, and her hands fell around his shoulders. Like a rag doll, her head sank back to the pillow the minute the material broke free. After unhooking her bra, he edged back and tugged the straps down her arms as he shifted away from her.
Unfortunately, he couldn’t keep his gaze off the tight red tips of her nipples or the full creamy swells. Her amazing breasts offered him a mouth-watering treat, tempting, teasing, completely robbing him of the ability to move.

Now available  at 

Bio Anita Philmar

Anita Philmar likes to create stories that push the limit. A writer by day and a dreamer by night she wants her readers to see the world in a new way.
Influenced by old movies, she likes to develop places where anything can happen and where special moments come to life in a great read.
Naughty or Nice?
Read her books and decide.



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