Sunday, May 29, 2016

Welcome author Julie Lynn Hayes & her hero, Vinnie Delarosa

Please give a warm welcome to Vinnie from Bad Dogs and Drag Queens by Julie Lynn Hayes today as we sit down and see what makes him tick.

Q: So tell us about yourself. What got you in the cross-hairs for your author?

My name is Vincenzo Delarosa, but everyone calls me Vinnie. I’m a federal undercover cop, and have been for almost five years. I think she first noticed me when Ethan and I were working the Florida Mangler case. A friend of hers wanted to know more about us, so Julie decided to tell about some of the other things we’ve done, starting with that mugging case that took us to Roanoke. She seems tickled whenever I wear a dress. She and Ethan have that in common. I think they’re both nuts.

Q: What was it that drew you to your mate?

At first, nothing. We were assigned as partners, and frankly, I didn’t want anything to do with him. Even if he was good-looking. Very good-looking. But that’s beside the point. I was a loner, and I intended to stay that way.

Q: A little naughty fun, where was the wildest place you seduced your partner(s)?

Does a Hollywood party count as wild? How about a BDSM club? Wait, I can’t tell you that story, she’ll kill me. You’ll just have to use your imagination on that one, but I will tell you one of us was wearing a collar at the time.

I tried to seduce him on the beach, but we were interrupted, so not for lack of trying. Maybe someday. And I am open to suggestion.

Q: Boxers, briefs or Commando on a man?

On my man, Commando suits me just fine.

Q: If your partner wants to seduce you, what's one sure fire trick they can do to seduce you?

All Ethan has to do is be there. He’s sex on legs, I swear. He can rev my engine without really trying. I’m all his. Any time, any place.

Q: What is the one place on your partner's body that you know will drive them wild-in and out of bed?

Ethan has very sensitive nipples. And he loves when I play with his balls.

Q: What was one of the most embarrassing things your author did to you in Bad Dogs and Drag Queens?

Wearing drag probably qualifies. Dancing on stage. And cozying up to the customers in the club, trying to get information. I know it’s job-related, but why do I always end up wearing the dress?

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

I wouldn’t change anything about my life, and I thank the powers that be every day for bringing Ethan into my life. But I try not to tell him too often. No use in giving him a swelled head.

Thank you Vinnie for joining us on 'Meet the Character' day here at Dawn’s Reading Nook Blog. You can find all of Julie Lynn Hayes’ books at Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, AllRomanceEbooks, etc

Vinnie Delarosa and Ethan Thorne are partners—on and off the clock. Federal undercover detectives, they’re part of a covert task force designed to promote goodwill between the feds and local authorities. They lend an unobtrusive helping hand wherever it’s needed. No credit required.

Vinnie and Ethan work primarily in the Southeast region of the United States and live together in Richmond, Virginia. A mugger problem brings them to Roanoke, where Vinnie is thrown out as bait to catch the man who’s been snatching purses in a city park, but they end up with more than they bargained for. Why is Vinnie always the one who has to wear the dress? Ethan says it’s because Vinnie looks much prettier in a skirt. How can he argue with that?

Expecting to return to Richmond afterward, Vinnie and Ethan find themselves assigned a new case instead. They are to go undercover at The Stroll, one of the biggest gay nightclubs in Roanoke. Someone is terrorizing both the customers and the performers. Could they be dealing with a hate crime? Someone has to protect the drag queens of Roanoke, so it’s Vinnie and Ethan to the rescue!

The author is donating 10% of the royalties from this book to No Kid Hungry. Visit for more information about this organization.

“Remind me again whose stupid idea this lipstick was,” I huffed beneath my breath. Without thinking, I licked my lips. They felt greasy, and tasted even worse. I forced myself not to grimace, afraid it might crack the foundation I’d slathered on my face.
“Mine, you sexy beast,” came the smart-ass reply in my ear. “I think you got purty lips, mmhmmm.”
“Fuck you,” I growled. “You should be doing this, not me, and you know it. I did it last time.”
And the time before that. And the time before that. Wait, did I detect a pattern here?
“What I know is you look better in a skirt than I do. And you look damn good out of it, too.”
My cheeks suffused with heat at Ethan’s words. Luckily the darkness hid a multitude of sins, my embarrassment being the least of them. Hopefully, no one else was listening—I knew I’d never hear the end of it. Just what I needed—to be the object of ridicule of the Roanoke PD.
I pulled a compact from the purple paisley cloth purse slung over my shoulder and flipped open the mirror so I could assess my surroundings. I couldn’t see a damn thing. I growled again. I’d have to move closer to the half-assed excuse for a light this park possessed if I wanted to scope out the situation. The city fathers had been too cheap to install proper lighting, which is why they had this mugging problem to begin with.
“What’s wrong, Vinnie?” Ethan’s concern came through my earpiece loud and clear. He might aggravate me some of the time—or most of the time—but he always had my back.
“Nothing,” I muttered as I wobbled toward the light. These heels were ridiculous. How did women do it? I’d just gained an all-new respect for the fairer sex. They made it seem so effortless, while I possessed all of the grace of a wounded water buffalo. I’d tried opting for flats, but Ethan had nixed the idea. Said they wouldn’t go with the skirt. Plus he said the heels made my legs look longer.
 About the Author:

Julie Lynn Hayes first began publishing short stories and poetry in the 1990’s, when it was a different ballgame altogether, and Ebooks hadn’t been dreamed of yet. That changed in 2010 with the acceptance of her first romance novel. She’s come a long way since that first book appeared, and is finding the journey a very educational one.

She lives in St. Louis with her daughter Sarah and her cat Ramesses. She often writes of two men finding true love and happiness in one another’s arms, and is a great believer in the happily ever after. She likes to write in different genres, to stretch herself in order to see what is possible. Her greatest challenge is to be told something can’t be done—she feels compelled to do it.

When she isn’t writing, she enjoys crafts, such as crocheting and cross stitch, needlepoint and knitting, and she loves to cook, spending time watching the Food Network. Her favorite chef is Geoffrey Zakarian. Her family thinks she’s a bit off, but she doesn’t mind. Marching to the beat of one’s own drummer is a good thing, after all. Her published works can be found at Dreamspinner Press, eXtasy Books, and Wayward Ink Press.

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