Thursday, April 21, 2016


Come join us in our expose' on Cassi from BEYOND THE THRESHOLD.  She is a fun-loving, full-bodied hottie, who has her own unique look and style.  We thought it would be fun to expose, with emphasis on the word expose some of her outfits over the next several weeks.


Cassi arrived late for work, hung up her coat, showing that she was wearing a Naughty Nurse motif outfit.  Her nurse cap was bright white with a white cross on a red heart.

Her corselet was white with a double zipper.  The five inch belt which doubled as a skirt was pinstriped.  The Candy-striper look was more the Candy the Stripper look.

Her top was white netting, completely see-thru, but for the two white crosses on red circles, strategically located to cover the nipples, but the crosses kept sliding upward as the weight of her orbs tugged on the wispy material.  Her white thong was emblazon with the sexpression, I Call The Shots.   White thigh-highs finished her ensemble (French).

Seeing her reflection off the window, she tugged here and there, adjusted this and that, all aimed at strategic revelation of just enough of everything wonderfully seductive.  After a pinkie rub over her lips to blend her deep red lipstick, she winked at herself and boobie-bounced toward the stage.

After seeing Cassi, Hannah shouted, "Sweater and slacks."

"But boss."

"Too lewd."

"Nipples are covered."

"Your woman business is not."

"Fine, I have a skirt.  I'll hike it down."  She did and spun so Hannah could inspect, "Well?"

"This one is banned in the future."

Changing the subject, "Have you seen that Cowboy's baby maker?"

"Cassi is there nothing that is off limits to you?"

"That Cowboy.  Because I know you want him.  So go and get him."

"Not my place to make that move."

"Girl, if you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it.  If you don't ask, the answer is always no.  If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.  Sometimes life is about risking for a dream no one sees but you."

"Thank you for the sermon from the mount."

"Look at you making a joke.

Hannah did not get the joke.

Cassi left Hannah alone.  Hannah had been pondering her next move since she met Gran.  She knew the tales of the Yenta Sect.  They were mystical, magical, and people said that they never lived with disease.  She knew if that were true those Yenta might be able to help Gran.  She'd have to cross into Beyond the Threshold.  How?

How could Hannah connect with the Yenta?  She had given up her portal.

Could clandestinely cross-over and seek help? She knew some folk that might guide her.  But if she went back she be seized, made to comply to some destiny of which she fled. 

It didn-t shock Sheriff Adam McGreggor to discover the owner of the local seaside nightclub was once part of a sect. Hannah Holt-s entire appearance and attitude just didn-t fit her profession. Her reluctance to press charges against an assailant that left her battered and drugged, however, did shock Adam to his core. Even more jolting was his instantaneous attraction to this woman who fought his every advance.
But Hannah has a secret he cannot begin to fathom ... she is from a parallel world....
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a free ebook (choose erotic or romantic thriller) and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane - -

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