Monday, February 29, 2016

Manlove Romance Press has Open Submission Calls

New Calls For Submission

Things that go bump…shiver…shriek!

Vampires,werewolves and ghosts…oh my! Those things that can make someone keep checking behind them. What if that “creature” doesn’t want to hurt you at all but wants to make you scream in pleasure? Or what if the hurt is the pleasure? Vampires, werewolves and ghosts always seem to get the short end of the stick in horror movies—they’ve got to be the bad guys. Let’s change that around and make them the HERO!

Submissions should:
All stories should all have a “creature”
asa main character be it a vampire, werewolf, ghost
Be a minimum of 10k, maximum of 40k
Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed
Submissions should be sent to
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: July 15, 2016, stories will release during the month of October 2016

The Happiest Time of the Year…yeah right!

Everyone dreams of sugar plums and joyous holiday parties with friends and family, surrounded by evergreen, mistletoe, bright lights and candy canes. Right? Maybe not so much. There are a lot of variables that can turn the picture perfect holiday into a disaster zone… lights that just won’t cooperate, dashing to and from the store to get cranberry sauce, fighting the crowds on Black Friday to get THE PERFECT gift on sale, a parent that FORGETS to move that darn elf (or trying to get down and dirty with your partner with the elf watching), facing your in-laws (or in-laws to be), the company holiday party with the spiked eggnog…you get the idea. Have some fun with the pains of the holiday season.

Submissions should: 

  • All stories should all have some trial or tribulation that the main characters deal with over the holidays
  • Be a minimum of 10k, maximum of 40k
  • Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed
  • Submissions should be sent to
  • SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 1, 2016, stories will release during the month of December 2016
The Dark Side 

Is your romantic lead a good man, but his job requires him to do really unpleasant things and/or make harsh decisions? We all have a dark side and some people have to use it to do their job. Does he isolate himself because of this? Building walls to protect other people /from him/, positive no one deserves to fall in love with a person like himself? How does a man like that even meet a potential partner?
And what man could fall in love with that kind of anti-hero? What kind of effort would it take to love a man who lives on 'The Dark Side' of life?

Submissions should:

All stories should have a 'dark' hero as 
a main character.
Suggestions-- police sniper, a security specialist, a military marksman, an interrogator, an undercover agent in a criminal organization, a medical professional who assists with 
end of life  treatment, a government assassin (doesn't have to be our government!), or...maybe an IRS auditor? Get imaginative!
Be a minimum of 5k, maximum of 40k
Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed

Deadline for submissions: June 1, 2016,

Stories will release during the month of September 2016

Submissions should be sent to
Any questions can be sent to Kris Jacen at

X Marks the Spot…and we’re not talking about THAT spot

We all have that one spot. You know, the one that makes you shiver or turns you into a pile of goo. Whether it’s the inside of your elbow (on just the right side) or that spot under your left ear, the small of your back, right at your hairline on the left side of your neck…you get the point. Or what if the spot you have makes you go “ewwww”? Licking that certain spot just makes you want to get far, far away…say your nose or toes?

Submissions should:

  • All stories should have a character focused on the spot on another character
  • Suggestions: an established couple where the MC uses that spot to annoy the other for attention; a new couple exploring just where the “acceptable in public” spots are; finding a new spot on your partner that makes him want to take you against the wall
  • Be a minimum of 10k, maximum of 40k
  • Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed
  • Submissions should be sent to
  • SUBMISSION DEADLINE: June 15, 2016
The Value of a Moment

What is the value of a moment? Do you know in that time and place that your world is changing? Whether it’s… meeting your soul mate… the death of someone close… the birth of a child…joining the military…coming out and being thrown out…graduating college…moving across the country. The moments that make up our lives are varied and numerous but do you know the value of that moment until it’s a memory?

Submissions should:

  • All stories should have a defining moment for a character
  • Be a minimum of 10k, maximum of 40k
  • Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed
  • Submissions should be sent to

Maybe a Hero?

Raymond Chandler once said “down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. He is the hero; he is everything. He must be a complete man and a common man and yet an unusual man.” If men come in every shape and size then it seems to reason that heroes do too. What really makes up a hero?
Submissions should:

  • All stories should have a hero as a main character – the definition of a hero is up to the author it does not have to be a super hero
  •  Suggestions: a policeman or fireman (or a couple made up of one of each) dealing with the effects to him and his city after 9/11; a returning soldier trying to fit back into home life; two comrades in arms during World War I or II falling in love on the front lines; an EMT just trying to survive after all he’s seen
  • Be a minimum of 10k, maximum of 40k
  •  Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed
  • Submissions should be sent to
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 1, 2016, stories will release during the month of November 2016

 Leaving on ... 
...a jet plane? a train? a car? a ship? a camel? on foot? We all have our
ULTIMATE trip of a lifetime. What could be more magical than visiting
Rome? Or the city of love Paris? What if your trip is to hike Machu Picchu?
See the Pyramids at Giza? The midnight sun in Alaska? The Great Barrier
Reef? Everyone has a trip they want to make some time. The destinations are
as endless and varied as the men that want to take them.

 Suggestions: a bookish travel agent that wishes he were the one going
    on the trip; a flight attendant that wants to be traveling for pleasure
    with the one he loves; a son that has been watching over his parents that
    is now free to go somewhere; a couple planning their honeymoon; Have a
    couple getting a second chance at love together

Submissions should:

  - All stories should have a theme of trip of a 
life time
  - Be a minimum of 10k, maximum of 40k
  - Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed

Deadline for submissions: March 1, 2015

Submissions should be sent to
Any questions can be sent to Kris Jacen at

Build Me...something
What is it about a man and his tools? Whether those tools are a hammer and
nails, ingredients and knives, cake and icing, paint and a canvas, grease
and a wrench...seeing a man confident in his skills to create something can
turn on even the most reluctant person.

   Suggestions: a contract working on the renovations of a house he's
   flipping and the real estate agent helping him; a pastry chef making cakes
   for weddings hoping for one day to make his own; a mechanic refurbishing a
   classic car on his time off.

Submissions should:

  - All stories should have a theme of building something
  - Be a minimum of 10k, maximum of 40k
  - Any subgenre is welcome and all prohibitive guidelines are observed


Submissions should be sent to
Any questions can be sent to Kris Jacen at

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