Don't forget to enter the giveaway for a chance to win a signed paperback copy of 'Where Wishes Go' from the author. The contest runs till October 9th, 2015. Book tour is sponsored by Pride Promotions.
Now let's take a look at S.A. McAuley's Where Wishes Go....
Publisher: Dreamspinner
Cover Artist: Sanae Matsuzaki/Lafugue Logos and Paul
Release Date: October 2, 2015
Can you have a second chance at a first love?
Nick Paine is just starting to return to normal after he told his wife he’s gay and asked for a divorce. Despite a daughter he loves dearly and a job he believes in, part of him is stuck in the past. He’s never forgotten the first love he let fade away fourteen years ago.
Adam "Izz" Azzi has settled into a happy rhythm. His daughter is healthy, he's found a mosque that accepts him, and his work as a modern artist is gaining international attention. While his past is fraught with mistakes and what-ifs, his life now is good, and he doesn't want to upset any of the balance he's worked so hard to achieve.
When Nick and Izz are reunited by luck and fate, their attraction is just as undeniable, but what was left unsaid haunts them. They have hope for a future together, but wishing may not be enough.
Nick Paine is just starting to return to normal after he told his wife he’s gay and asked for a divorce. Despite a daughter he loves dearly and a job he believes in, part of him is stuck in the past. He’s never forgotten the first love he let fade away fourteen years ago.
Adam "Izz" Azzi has settled into a happy rhythm. His daughter is healthy, he's found a mosque that accepts him, and his work as a modern artist is gaining international attention. While his past is fraught with mistakes and what-ifs, his life now is good, and he doesn't want to upset any of the balance he's worked so hard to achieve.
When Nick and Izz are reunited by luck and fate, their attraction is just as undeniable, but what was left unsaid haunts them. They have hope for a future together, but wishing may not be enough.
Pages or
Words: 246 pages
Categories: Bisexual, Contempoary, Fiction, Gay Fiction,
M/M Romance, Romance
NICK PAINE tried to duck
as a gigantic scarlet bird whipped over his head and he began to lose his
balance. The first airborne attack was followed a second later by a screech and
another swooping red streak that caused him to crouch and fall to his knees. At
least he was wearing jeans today instead of a suit.
Katie snorted, let loose
a torrent of giggles, and pointed. “He’s not going to hurt you, Daddy.”
“Isn’t it me who’s
supposed to be telling you that?” Nick scrunched his eyebrows together and
tried to chastise his daughter while also searching the birdhouse for further
Katie rolled her eyes
and flipped her long blonde hair off to the side, appearing much older than her
eight years. “Come on, Daddy. I’ll protect you.” She offered her hand, and Nick
grinned as he stood, taking her tiny hand in his.
It was a Wednesday
morning, one in which Nick should have been sitting in a colorless conference
room listening to doctors and administrators fight each other over inane
operational details, but despite the threat of being
pecked to death by tropical birds, Nick didn’t want to be anywhere else.
It was rare he was able
to escape from work during the day, and this field trip to the zoo with Katie’s
class had been the perfect excuse. The hospital system was always there. It was
a twenty-four-hour seven-day-a-week commitment of utter chaos. Nick still
wasn’t quite sure how he’d ended up as a vice president by the age of
thirty-three, but had to concede his success had a lot to do with the
inordinate number of hours he spent downtown. His generous salary was meant to
compensate him for the endless hours on call talking nurses and cardiologists
off the ledge while also making sure all their equipment and staffing needs
were met. He loved his job and he was good at it, but it took him away from
Katie way too much for his liking.
Nick pushed aside
thoughts of the hospital. He would be flooded with e-mails, texts, and voice
mail as soon as he switched his cell back on. Instead he listened to Katie
patter on about the different kinds of birds that filled the zoo aviary.
“How do you know so much
about them?” Nick asked as he forced his complete attention back to her.
Katie shrugged in a
gesture that was too much like her carefree Uncle Roban. “I watch the National
Geographic channel.”
“That much?”
Katie huffed. “Yeah, Daddy. A lot. Loads and loads.”
Nick restrained a laugh.
Where had she come up with that phrase? She was growing up so fast. Much too
fast for his liking. The years just kept slipping by, and as hard as his path
had been as of late, Nick was grateful for the luck he did have. Katie was a
beautiful girl. Tall and thin, just like her momma, she had blonde hair shades
lighter than his that ran down to her waist and snarled easily with how fine it
was. He’d given up attempting to brush the mats out a year ago, leaving the
task to Katie’s grandmother or her nanny.
“Look at the baby
geese!” Katie exclaimed, letting go of his hand and running full tilt down the
pathway toward the birds. Then just as suddenly she was veering off again, a
delighted squeal emanating from her. “A waterfall!”
Nick dug into his
pockets as he walked to catch up, knowing what she was going to ask even before
she said anything.
“I want to make a wish,” she pleaded, looking up at him with wide
Nick placed a quarter in her outstretched hand, earning a
satisfied smile from her.
She scrunched her eyes
tightly closed and whispered something Nick couldn’t hear, then tossed the coin
into the water.
“What did you wish for, baby girl?” Nick asked, as was part of
their routine.
“Daddy, you know I can’t
tell you,” she protested with a pout. “Or else it won’t come true.”
Of course he knew that.
Katie wanted to flip a coin into every fountain they encountered. And
she always went about it as if her whole existence was placed into making that
one wish come true. But she never told Nick what it was that she silently hoped
Nick had to wonder if
she would remember this later on. If she would remember what she wished years
from now, or at the very least remember enough to tell him later whether or not
they came true.
Nick looked into her
brown eyes—so much like his but with a fire that was all her own—and his breath
caught. Yeah, he was just about the luckiest man in the world. She stood on her
tiptoes, cupped her hands around his cheeks, and planted a kiss on his lips
that left Nick with an ear-to-ear grin that he wouldn’t be able to wipe off for
hours to come.
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Tour Dates & Stops:
Williams, Bike
Book Reviews, Bayou
Book Junkie, Kimi-Chan, Havan Fellows, Fangirl
Moments and My Two Cents, Wicked
Faerie's Tales and Reviews, LeAnn’s
Book Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Happily Ever Chapter, MM Good
Book Reviews, Mikky's
World of Books, Andrew Q. Gordon, My
Fiction Nook, The Jena Wade, Molly Lolly, Louise
Lyons, Iyana Jenna, Dawn’s
Reading Nook, It’s
Raining Men, Michael
Mandrake, Vampires,
Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My, Rainbow
Gold Reviews, Velvet
Meet S. A. McAuley:
I sleep little, read a lot. Happiest in a foreign country. Twitchy
when not mentally in motion. My name is Sam, not Sammy, definitely not
Samantha. I’m a pretty dark/cynical/jaded person, but I hide that darkness well
behind my obsession(s) for shiny objects. I’m the macabre wrapped in
irresistible bubble wrap and a glittery pink bow, I suppose.I have a never-ending-abyss-like secret love for poetry. Especially Rumi, Hafiz, and Neruda. You can predict (as well as change) my moods and my writing schedule by my playlists.
Insomnia is my greatest ally and my nemesis. I like cheese and bourbon, not necessarily in that order, but I’m flexible.
If you’re in any fandom, then I’m probably already in love with you. I’m not joking.
I like my tv shows marathoned and I have to use internet blocking software to be productive. I have software called Producteev that I loaded onto my laptop and proceeded to fill out in detail and now I haven’t touched it in a year.
I enjoy normalized chaos.
Hit me up! I love to hear from readers.
Where to
find S. A. McAuley:
Social Media LinksWebsite/Blog
Rafflecopter Prize: Signed paperback copy of ‘Where Wishes Go’ by
S.A. McAuley
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