We have been around a long...long...looooong time, and have
had many years to reflect on the blessings we have in life. As authors, we are especially thankful for
being able to share our thoughts and stories with all of you. Having said that, we are taking a break from
our KISS series to offer up a few things we believe our characters are often
thankful for...
You know that look, when the hero and heroine stare longingly into each
others' eyes, wanting each other, daring the other to make the first contact,
withdrawing out of fear of rejection, or because of the tremendous obstacle
that stands in their way. So, all they
can do is look, passion blazing in that look, and with Zi at the helm that long
could last for pages.
TOUCH ~ We are talking about that very first touch, the one
where they accidently brush up against one another, and all the sizzling heat
that erupts in that solitary moment. Ang
likes writing about touch more than anything.
It is a moment, a second, an instant, that lingers within several
paragraphs exploring the reactions of breathlessness, intensity, heat and, as
always, instantaneous desire.
CONFLICT ~ Yup, that
is what we wrote. The conflict within a
story creates sexual tension, the tug and pull of yearning for the intimacy
that they can't have, dare not have, but want....want...want. Even if they give into that passion early in
the story, something will pull them apart
immediately after fulfillment, and then the fury of desire builds again,
HANDS ~ Their perfect
hands, rough or gentle, slender or large, long-fingered or blunt tipped,
doesn't matter. Their hands survey muscles
and curves, textures and possibilities. Hands
are the first to touch, the first to explore and titillate. Oh, yes, our characters like their hands.
characters sometimes are angry at us, or terribly disappointed in us cause we
won't let them have what they want until the end of the book, but mostly, they
adore us, because we take them on a journey into your, the readers',
minds. Through our words, our characters
can live through your thoughts and become your dreams, and take you on an
adventure without ever going anywhere.
These are just a few thoughts we discovered within our
characters, but there are many more to be explored, and over the months, we
will do just that, begin to explore our characters' inner minds.
Next week, we will submit the last in our KISS series, and
again, we are thankful for you...everyone of you who follows our work.
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at writingteamcw@yahoo.com (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.
Angelica Hart and Zi ~ Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane
www.champagnebooks.com - www.carnalpassions.com - angelicahartandzi.com

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