Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Go Under The Covers with Lucy Felthouse

Please give a warm welcome to Sydney Tyler from A French Affair by Lucy Felthouse today as we sit down and see what makes her tick.

Q: So tell us about yourself. What got you in the crosshairs for your author?

A.     I really have no idea. I was just innocently typing away on my novel when she suddenly started writing about me. I was at a retreat in Northern France, which, unfortunately, wasn’t as peaceful as I expected.

Q: What was it that drew you to your mate?

A.     At first, I must admit, I noticed Harry’s looks. He may be a little older than me, but he’s very attractive. As I got to know him, though, I realized his personality, sense of humour and much more besides are wonderful, too.

Q: A little naughty fun, where was the wildest place you seduced your partner(s)?

A.     Oh yeah, well that would be the kitchen table, then. *fans self*

Q: Boxers, briefs or Commando on a man?

A.     I think boxers or commando.

Q: If your partner wants to seduce you, what's one sure fire trick they can play?

A.     Oh, Harry doesn’t have to do much to seduce me. We’re still in the first flushes of our relationship, so we have a hard time keeping our hands off one another!

Q: What is the one place on your partner's body that you know will drive them wild-in and out of bed?

A.     Ha! Harry’s easy to please, it has to be said. If “everywhere” won’t do, then I know there’s a particular place just behind his ear…

Q: What was one of the most embarrassing thing your author did to you in A French Affair?

A.     She made me partake of a rather hot public display of affection. I’m really not into those, but she insisted Harry and I kiss in the Tuileries Gardens in Paris, where everyone could see. It wasn’t all bad, obviously. Harry’s a very good kisser… and it was kinda romantic.

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

A.     Just that I’d love for people to read the story of how Harry and I met and got together. We’ve both got baggage and it was hard work getting past it!

Thank you Sydney for joining us on 'Meet the Character' day here at Dawn’s Reading Nook Blog. Please find A French Affair by Lucy Felthouse at Xcite Books.

A French Affair by Lucy Felthouse
Sydney Tyler is renting a barn conversion in Northern France, planning to spend the fortnight getting some words down on her novel. Unfortunately, construction work in the other half of the building puts an end to her peace and quiet. Genuinely upset that the builders are going to disturb her, the property’s handsome English owner, Harry Bay, offers to make it up to her. He’s a little flirtatious, and after spotting his wedding ring, Sydney keeps him at arm’s length. Sexy as he is, she has no intention of getting involved with a married man. But when Sydney learns the truth about Harry, will their mutual attraction spur them on to work through their emotional baggage and make this more than just a French affair?

Sydney Tyler jumped so hard that her fingers slammed down onto the laptop’s keyboard and she typed a bunch of gobbledegook.
Kashfkjsdhlfknsdlfvn sdlkch awoeduioh ahdwklc

Gasping, she clutched at her chest as her heart thumped rapidly and painfully. “What the fucking hell was that?” she said to the empty room.
Pushing her chair back from the desk, she stepped over to the window. Peering out into the brilliant sunshine, she saw something on the lawn that she had absolutely not been expecting. Workmen.
She groaned. So much for her peaceful writer’s retreat. She’d planned to get a good chunk of her novel down in the fortnight she was away, and now it looked as though her peace was going to be monumentally shattered by banging, drilling and God knows what else.
Sighing, she gave the windowsill a pathetic thump in her frustration. She might have been pissed off, but she was no vandal. And besides, she didn’t want those noisy buggers in her part of the building fixing things—having them next door was bad enough.
Sydney really could not believe her shitty luck. When she’d booked the cottage in the French village of Monthiers over the phone a couple of months ago, she’d dealt with a fellow Brit called Harry Bay, who she’d suspected was the owner. On arrival, though, a timid French woman had met her and let her into the luxurious barn conversion before handing over the keys and explaining a little bit about the local area. Apparently, in the mornings, someone came along the village streets, selling fresh bread and pastries.
There wasn’t much else to tell, it seemed, as the village had nothing except a church—almost opposite her accommodation—and a tavern. It was also lacking—she’d quickly discovered—a mobile signal. Not even a single bar illuminated her screen. Her phone was now no more than a watch, alarm clock and calendar. If there was an emergency, she was screwed. But on a much lighter note, it was one less distraction. She could just get on with what she was here to do, blissfully undisturbed.
The arrival of workmen was incredibly irritating. Her temporary landlord hadn’t mentioned there’d be anyone working next door. If he had, she wouldn’t have booked the place—the quiet and idyllic location were the whole reason for choosing this property, this area.

Author Bio:

Lucy Felthouse is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres and pairings, and has over seventy publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include Best Bondage Erotica 2012 and 2013, and Best Women's Erotica 2013. Another string to her bow is editing, and she has edited and co-edited a number of anthologies. She owns Erotica For All, and is book editor for Cliterati. Find out more at Join her on Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to her newsletter at:

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