Thursday, May 30, 2013


It is Thursday and every Thursday, for us, is blog at Dawn's, which means we have something to say.  Then again, opinionated ole goats that we are, we always have something to say.

A:  Speak for yourself.  I am not an ole goat.  I'm a spring chicken.
Z:  Me thinks you're chicken has sprung quite a long time ago.
A:  (Proving either age has a way of causing a person to get easily distracted or that she never did outgrow the fickle gene)  Hmmm ...chicken sounds good for lunch. 
Z:  Put in an order.
A:  But I have something to say.
Z:  About chicken?
A:  Above love and romance.
Z:  Toot that horn, sheila me gal.
A:  (Quirks a brow)  Sheila?   What day is this, Zi?
Z:  Thursday...something to say day?
A:  So your memory is just fine, yet you forgot my name.
Z:  Shelia's slang for woman in Australia, thinking about making our next hero from there.
A:  (Doesn't say a word, just wonders who really owns the fickle gene)  Last week we went on a tirade about love and sex.
Z:  You were rather long-winded.
A:  Moi?  Humph!  You practically took over.... (Sighs heavily and lets go of the appeal of an argument, for the two never really do, they just like the ruckus)  We digress.

Love and sex is one topic, but what about love and romance?  And we are talking about love between two adults who desire an intimate relationship, not the love of family, pets, etc.  Soooo, to venture on.  Is there a difference between the hot steamy, oh yeah ride 'em cowboy and the everyday quiet of the caught glances, the hand hold, the simple goodbye morning kiss or goodnight hug or taking out the trash before it turns into the local dump? 

According to Walter Raleigh, "But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning."  The words speak of forever without ever saying so.  It also tells us passion underlies our love in the simplest things.

Having said that, note that one of us has been married for thirty-eight years.  The other for over thirty years.  A long time to keep the fires banked and the steam whistling through their engines.  Yet it is there and not just on the bed and under the table and on the deck.

Z:  Hey...hey...don't go giving away secrets.
A:  What secrets, everyone knows you steam clean your deck every other week.  Four dogs take that kind of care, y'know.
Z:  But you were talking about...
A:  Oh, yes...errr...rabbit trail...
Z:  That is where I draw the line.  Chicken for lunch is great, but I don't eat rabbit.  Too cute.
A:  (Does the nose wrinkle huh)

What we are trying to say is that sometimes romance expresses itself through the simple rather than a gathering of flowers, jewelry, cruises, chocolate or candlelit dinners.  There are those companionable silences while cleaning up a messy room or giggling over something inane or reading cuddled together on the couch even while in the middle of a passionate argument simply because of the love that brings you right back to the make-up stage.  Yes, that ALWAYS happens when there is true love, even if the fight's resolution is just an agreement to disagree.

Romance is sustaining and passionate and simple and, yes, we reiterate, forever.  That's why we write about it.  It is a solid in a world of uncertainty.  It is a connecting strand through various genre whether fantasy, sci-fi, mystery, contemporary, historical.  It has levels from the dearest wee kiss in a sweet moment to the lustfully shredding of garments in a heat-n-steam erotica.  And, in life, it is the solidity that binds couples during times plagued by tragedy, pain and disaster or entwined with the everyday hum-drum.  Romance gets us through it all, and should never be downplayed or fully defined for it changes from moment to moment and person to person.  

Robert browning wrote.  "Grow old along with me!  The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made..." That pretty much sums up romance and love, just getting through day by day and knowing someone has your back and will love you forever.  For those of you still searching, trust and believe it is there.  Sometimes, all it takes is walking around a corner or glancing up.

Z:  So, chicken...fried or grilled.
A:  Let's get wild, BBQ!


We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog Dawn - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi

Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane


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