Tuesday, May 21, 2013

VBT Stop~ A Matter of Circumstance/Contest

Book Spotlight~ A Matter of Circumstance and Celludrones by Claire Robyns
Book One in Series

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A Victorian Steampunk/Paranormal adventure with strong elements of romance...

Lady Lily d'Bulier is prim, proper, and prefers to think of herself as pragmatic rather than timid. And avoiding life-threatening situations at all costs is just plain practical. But everything changes when Lord Adair tracks her down in London; searching for answers he seems to think she has.

Greyston Adair is a blackguard and a smuggler, although British Customs will have to catch him red-handed to prove the latter. Fortunately, the dirigibles they float around in have never been able to get near his air dust.

Hell is rising, One Demon at a Time...

With Lady Ostrich hunting them, and the mystery of how their lives tie back to Cragloden Castle and the powerful McAllister clan, Lily has no option but to throw propriety to the wind and run off with Greyston to Scotland, away from the immediate danger and toward possible answers.

Teaser Excerpt:

She glanced across to find him staring out of his window.

In profile, silky brown hair stroked the hollow below his cheekbone and his clenched jaw formed a rigid line. His trousers were a dark grey, matched with a waistcoat worn over a crisp white shirt. Broad shoulders filled a meticulously tailored jacket that was left unbuttoned. He’d crossed one leg over the other and rested an elbow on the door ledge.

He looked every inch the well-groomed gentleman who’d been admitted to Lady Cheshire’s Mummy ball.

Every inch the heart-stopping Lord Dashing.

Her gaze settled on the ruined neck cloth and loose ties hanging down his front. A blush heated her throat as she recalled the unfamiliar hardness of lean muscle and his particular scent of pine forest and ash and something altogether male. She’d danced her share of waltzes, but this took intimacy to an entirely new extreme.

He brought his attention from outside to meet her brazen stare with a quirked brow. “At least you haven’t leapt to your death yet.”

The heat drained from her skin. Lily lowered her eyes, clasping her fingers in her lap to hide the trembling.

I’m not dead.

She lifted her gaze to him. “What do you want with me, Lord Adair?”

The ghost of that exact question, asked as she’d served him tea in her drawing room, answered. I knew Lady d’Bulier. Lily held her breath.

Lord Adair grimaced. “I knew your mother, Lady d’Bulier.”

She let that breath out on a trembling sigh. “You mentioned something about keeping me safe. From what?”

In response, he half-rose and rapped hard up against the roof with his fist. A moment later, the carriage drew to a halt in a clearing alongside the road.

Lily’s hand quickly went to the door handle on her side. She hesitated. There was no urge to run for her life. She was more afraid of her memories, of what might or might not be real, than of Lord Adair.

When Lord Adair alighted and offered her a hand, she shifted along the seat and allowed him to help her out. Neither of them wore gloves. Skin touched skin as she stepped from the carriage.

One more intimate social transgression; she was beginning to lose count.

She slid her hand from his as soon as her feet touched the ground. Her slippers were no protection from the mulch of fallen leaves and damp soil as she walked beneath a cluster of trees.

She spun about, determined to get some answers, but her gaze stalled on the large man in the driver’s box. “He’s the celludrone,” she gasped. “He’s the one who fought that woman.”

She’d only caught snatches of him before Lord Adair had pushed her out of sight behind the settee. The aftermath, however, was burned into her skull. This man, and Ana, torn apart at their seams, nothing left but mechanical pieces strewn across her drawing room. Dear Lord, had these spells she suffered from evolved into some type of visionary premonition? Had she witnessed her imminent death?

Contest Information:

Claire will be awarding a $50 Amazon gift card to two randomly drawn commenters during the tour. Make sure to leave a comment along with your email address in order to be entered in this great contest. Make sure to follow the tour and comment on other stops to have a better chance of winning. Follow the tour at http://goddessfishpromotions.blogspot.com/2013/03/virtual-blurb-blitz-tour-matter-of.html

About the Author:

Claire Robyns lives in Berkshire, England, with her husband and twin boys. For so long as she has memories, she was either reading, dreaming about reading, or planning what she'd be reading next. Then one day she started dreaming about writing and that was the beginning of an amazing journey.

When Claire isn't thigh-deep in laundry, shopping, cooking and general crowd control, you'll find her head-and-heart-deep in the tangled lives of her characters.

Visit Claire at her website www.clairerobyns.com or on twitter @clairerobyns or on facebook www.facebook.com/clairerobyns


Claire Robyns said...

Thanks for having me here today :)

Andra Lyn said...

Gotta tell you, I started reading my copy earlier this week and I am LOVING IT!!! :) This is a fun steampunk romp and I can't wait to read more!!

andralynn7 AT gmail DOT com

Rita Wray said...

I'm looking forward to reading the book, it sounds great.


Karen H said...

Thanks for another great excerpt. I was wondering: is there a genre you haven't written in yet but would like to?

kareninnc at gmail dot com

MomJane said...

This sounds like such an exciting mystery/romance.

Jbst said...

I was quite interested in your comment that there would be five books in the series. Do you have the plots all outlined out already?

strive4bst(At) yahoo(Dot) com

Unknown said...

If you were to make a movie version who would play the main characters?

fencingromein at hotmail dot com

Chelsea B. said...

Lovely! I can't wait to dig into this intriguing story!


bn100 said...

Nice teaser

bn100candg at hotmail dot com

Catherine Lee said...

"Lord Dashing"...I love that! It seems to really sum up Lord Adair.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Mary Preston said...

It is a great excerpt thank you!!


Claire Robyns said...

Thanks Andr :)

Jbst: I don't plor in-depth, although I know my characters well and they tend to lead the story. But I do have a plot arc for each book as well as the plot that arcs over the series

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