Sunday, March 24, 2013

Get Under the Covers with Treat and Sean Michael

Please give a warm welcome to Treat from Treat, a Hammer story by Sean Michael today as we sit down and see what makes him tick.

Q: So tell us about yourself. What got you in the crosshairs for your author?

Treat: My partner Killian and I played a bit part in Bent, but we snuck in enough backstory in our small parts and showed up in enough Hammer books that Sean couldn’t deny us forever. Then we played a big part in Beaten and we needed closure that we weren’t given in Beaten.

Q: What was it that drew you to your mate?

Treat: Have you seen my Killi? In was his long dark silky hair that first caught my attention, but the whole man that kept it.

Q: A little naughty fun, where was the wildest place you seduced your partner(s)?

Treat: The first time we fucked was in an airport bathroom on the way to a tattoo convention.

Q: Boxers, briefs or Commando on a man?

Treat: I have to admit, I like opening Killi’s jeans and discovering he’s not wearing any underwear…

Q: If your partner wants to seduce you, what's one sure fire trick they can play?

Treat: All Killian has to do is look and me and give me that smile. Christ.

Q: What is the one place on your partner's body that you know will drive them wild-in and out of bed?

Treat: Killi has a thing for me tugging on his hair. We nearly lost that, but Killian is so strong, he came back from what was done to him and that’s still ours.

Q: What was one of the most embarrassing thing your author did to you in Treat, a Hammer story?

Treat: My mom came to help. With Killian’s dads. That’s enough.

Q: Anything else you would like to add?

Treat: Look for me and Killian in Beaten’s sequel, coming in September.

Thank you Treat for joining us on 'Under the Covers' day here at Dawn’s Reading Nook Blog. Please find Treat, a Hammer story by Sean Michael at Torquere Press.

Really on just on their feet again after their sub Peter died of cancer, Treat and Killian are thrown for a loop when Killian is kidnapped by a madman's brother. Shot during the rescue, Killian is injured, both physically and mentally.

Can Treat find a way to heal the new scars on Killian's psyche, or will this latest incident be the final straw?

Excerpt: Treat slipped out of bed, pleased that Killian was still sleeping. He knew his lover would need another pill when he did wake up, though, so he went into the kitchen and put water on to boil for Cream of Wheat. He did the dishes while he waited for the water to begin bubbling.

A wave of rage hit him, suddenly, right in the gut, a sucker punch. They'd taken Little Francis in and loved him after that bastard had abused him, cared for him and, just when the man had things together, the bastard's brothers kidnapped and shot his lover. Killed a cop.

He slammed his fists down on the counter, holding back the roar of anger that wanted out.

"Treat?" Killian came running in, best he could with the cast on his leg, naked but for the bandages, hair wild around his shoulders.

Treat took a breath and then another. "I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to wake you."

"Are you okay? Is someone here? Did something happen?"

"No, no. No one is here. Nothing happened, I just... I got angry."

"Oh. At who?" Killian started shivering.

"The assholes who did this to you." He waved at Killian's bandages. "How dare they?"

Killian nodded, looking at him so seriously. "I know. Like you and I had anything to do with their brother."

"Who the hell do they think they are? Hurting people -- anyone -- but especially you?" He shook his head, lips going tight. "I'm not a violent man, lover, but I want to hurt them. A lot."

"I know." Killian turned and headed for the back of the house.

Frowning, he followed Killian. "Love?"

Don’t walk away from me. Don’t hide from me.

"Cold. Grabbing my robe."

Oh. Oh, god. They were so used to being wrong that something so simple felt weird. He followed Killian into the bedroom and wrapped around his lover, hugging and holding on, because he could.

Killian leaned into him. "Good morning, love."

"Good morning." He kissed Killian slowly. "A very good morning. You and me and nowhere to be." Little Francis was running the shop for them for the next few days.

"Good. I'm worn out, today."

"Of course you are. You're due a full day of pampering." More than a full day of it, but that was a start.

Killian kissed his jaw, then backed away. "Let me get my robe and I'll help with breakfast."

"No. You can get your robe and then go sit in one of the comfy chairs in the living room and watch something on TV. I'll bring out breakfast when it's done."

"I can help." Stubborn man.

Treat put his hands on his hips. "Go and sit."

Killian arched an eyebrow, challenging him. "I'm completely capable."

"Of going and sitting and relaxing while I make breakfast for you? I'm not sure that you are capable of doing that." Treat wasn't sure Killian was capable of that at all.

"Butthead. I can make coffee."

"Will you quit being such a stubborn cuss and go sit for fuck's sake? I'm trying to pamper you and you're making it impossible!" And he wasn't angry at his lover, but Killian was making him raise his voice.

"Don't yell! And rescue the food, it's burning!"

"Shit!" He turned and ran for the kitchen.

Killian's chuckles followed him, all the way down the hall.

Often referred to as "Space Cowboy" and "Gangsta of Love" while still striving for the moniker of "Maurice," Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to "Chicago."
A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.
Barring any of that? He'll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

1 comment:

Karen Candido said...

There's a Beaten sequel? *jumps for joy*

Happy New Year!!!