Z: Let's make her a redhead...(notices Ang is lost in thought when they are in the midst of creating a new character) or we could have a bald heroine.
A: It's a thought. (Has the look of someone lost in space)
Z: With just one strand of purple hair...
A: (No reaction)
Z: And braided with the bones of a long dead armadillo....
A: I'm not ready for lunch.
Z: Are you listening at all...
A: Of course, I am, we were talkinga about a new heroine, full of life and vigor and totally obsessed with the hero, all set in a fantasy.
Z: Errr...well...yes...but I was talking about her hair color.
A: That is not important.
Z: Not?
A: Well it is but I think we should concentrate on the soul first.
Z: Huh?
A: (Grins) I wrote a poem.
Z: Poem?
A: Wanna hear?
Z: Welllll, I....
A: It reflects her emotions. (Doesn't give him a chance to respond)
I turned about and he was there, so convivial And charming with a heart alive and free - a Soul that cared not of façades but of
What drifted beyond superficial angles
And lines, beyond past turmoil and
truth convoluted
I turned again, seeking things not known
He smiled not quite a smile that split the sky
Tempting with lures and strength calming the Spirit with erotic control that freed the Captive trapped in darkness,
That sheltered the soul once
torn by beasts
I turned to build barriers so high
With mortar of uncertainty and bricks of Panic that could not withstand the
Humorous forays nor the erotic temptation
So easily presented with calm assurance Presented with circumspection yet persistence
I turned away, uncertain of the budding Emotion doubting life's affectation of joy, and
The depth of one man's noble integrity
He unwittingly lured me back
With utter sincerity and I observed with a Heart so overwhelmed by kindness
Observed with passions so intense
and wondrous
So, I turned yet once more but into the force
Of arms so wide and an embrace that
Threatens foundations built on once
Abused promises and savage defeats
Wondering about this mentor, this heart Tempter yet turning with quiet abandon, turning to HIM
Z: Errr...emmm...kinda dramatic?
A: Really?
Z: Oh, look at the time...lunch!
Another of those glimpses into the world of Angelica and Zi. It should be noted that Angelica has been dieting...no telling what comes out of a mind deprived of chocolate and donuts.
Any thoughts?
We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at writingteamcw@yahoo.com (Write - Blog - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.
Angelica Hart and Zi KILLER DOLLS ~ SNAKE DANCE ~ CHASING YESTERDAY CHRISTMAS EVE...VIL ~ Christmas 2012 http://www.champagnebooks.com/
Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane STEEL EMBRACE

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