Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Riptide Blog Tour Stop with Kari Gregg

Contest Information is at end of article.

DIY Disaster Fun

It's a good thing dh doesn't read my stories or follow me around the blogosphere, because if he did, I'd be in BIG trouble -- a lot of the DIY disasters in Foreshockare drawn from real life. The icemaker? True. In fact, the hubs and I had been arguing about the stupid icemaker, just like Kyle and Eric, when the northeast quake hit last summer. No kidding. That's how the hamster wheel in my head started turning.

I can't even begin to tell you how many times the man has zapped himself. Mostly because he doesn't understand our circuit breakers. Why that is, I don't know. They're all clearly and properly labeled, but...The hubs keeps electrocuting himself. That isn't to say I'm all that great at DIY stuff, either. Fix the ceiling fan? Why on earth would I want to do that? That's what I have a handyman on speed-dial for. But I still lived without that ceiling fan for two years because the hubs insisted he have a go at fixing it first. Is it his fault it took two years to figure out what was wrong? (Hint: yes.)


My dad's a mechanic and a damn good one. He kept our cars running without the liberal application of duct tape (no mean feat). He can tear an engine apart and put it back together (with absolutely NO extra parts leftover, heh) so that engine purrs.

I've also seen him punt kick a ten dollar toaster.


The only DIY I've ever noticed from my brothers was when my older brother nailed his bedroom door shut after a fight with his wife. (That was awesome.) But he must've done a horrible job of it because she still got back in. (That was even more awesome.)

Stupid. Extremely entertaining. But also stubborn.

Kyle, in Foreshock, has even less aptitude with power tools than my menfolk, but like my dad, my brothers, and my husband, he has put on his stubborn. He's a man on a mission. He will install that icemaker.

Can Eric distract him? (YesYesYes!)


Comment below with your email address and your favorite DIY disaster to be entered into a random drawing for a $10 Amazon gift card!

Kari Gregg lives in the mountains of Wild and Wonderful West Virginia with her Wonderful husband and three very Wild children. Once Kari discovered the fabulous play land of erotic romances at RWA’s National Conference in 2009, the die was cast. Finally! A market for the smoking hot stories she loves!
When Kari’s not writing, she enjoys reading, coffee, zombie flicks, coffee, naked mud-wrestling (not really), and . . . coffee!
If you would like to catch up with Kari, caffeinate yourself and head on over tohttp://www.KariGregg.com

You can also find Kari...
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on Twitter

Sometimes the earth really does move.

Forshock by Kari Gregg
Riptide Publishing

Kyle Armentrout is every gay man’s fantasy in a toolbelt, but he can’t even change a light bulb without injuring himself. Twice divorced and not long from the closet, he’s found his way into a fulfilling relationship at last, but he can’t quite escape the sense that he’s left his manhood behind in the process.
When Kyle’s latest DIY project slides into predictable disaster, his lover, Eric Mulholland, wants him to retire his Allen wrench and accept that he isn’t less of a man for loving Eric.
Then the fault lines of their relationship meet the fault lines of the 2011 Northeast earthquake, and the two lovers learn not just to stay on their feet when the ground shakes, but to actually treasure the tremble.
All author royalties on sales of this title are being donated to the Trevor Project. Please consider ordering directly through our website to maximize Kari’s donation.


Emiliana25 said...

Hi Kari,
my most entertaining DIY dissaster was when my parents moved my stuff, when I went to college. I ordered a new closet and after my dad tried to reasemble it the doors were not closing on both sides, but my dad stubbornly insisted it should look like an object of modern art. :)

Emiliana25 said...

forgot the email addy: emiliana25ATwebDOTde

Lasha said...

Putting together Target furniture - with a hammer when a screwdriver did not work. :)


mslasha @ gmail.com

Kari Gregg said...

LOL, I've done that, Lasha! :D :D :D

Just to clarify...I think I saw somewhere (airhead moment) that someone thought there was one $10 Amzn gift card for the whole book tour. Nope. There are 5 gift cards, one for each stop on the tour. So whoever comments for the one here will have a shot at the one here, yes, but will still have a shot at yesterday's & tomorrow's gift cards, too, as long as you leave a comment on the appropriate stop. Etc, etc. Sorry for any confusion!

Islaen said...

My husband putting together a wooden two drawer file cabinet. He super glued the fronts on because he couldn't get them to fit. Of course that super glued the drawers shut!


Kassandra said...

Only one that comes to mind is when my husband and I bought a new vanity for our bathroom. We didn't measure the sink and ended up getting one that was WAY bigger than our existing sink. Didn't notice until we tried to put the sink back.......def went and bought a new one, lol!


Loveless3173 said...

Hm, I actually don't have any great stories like that. lol...
Not yet anyways.
My dad was pretty crafty around the house but I never really paid attention if he shocked himself or whatnot when doing it. All I know is that by the end of the day... Mission Accomplished!!
lol... But for sure, If it involved being electrical, he HATED doing it. But managed to solve it anyways... haha!
Crafty man my dad is. *nodsnods*


La Crimson Femme said...

Nailed the bedroom door shut? Wow

Please enter me - lacrimsonfemme at gmail dot com

ParanormalRomanceFan said...

Hello Kari & & Dawn,

Thank you Dawn for hosting Kari on her "Foreshock" Virtual Tour & Thank you Kari for taking the time to spend with your Fans.

Oh this one will always stay in my mind...Everyone, it's NOT good a thing when you hear your Contractor say "Oh, Shit, Renee' I think you should come in here"...it's like your Hair Stylist saying "Oops". LOL I laugh now, but I wasn't laughing then.
We were updating our bathroom & wanted a new tub put in, well the tub is on against the outside wall of our house with a window inside the tub. When the workers took out the tub, the outside wall collapsed. I was looking at my front lawn & my neighbor’s house, from the INSIDE of my house. I just couldn't believe it...& it had to be rebuilt that day because it was going to rain that night. We had the BEST luck, Huh? We had to immediately get an exterminator to look at the damage because the Contractor said it was due to termites, WONDERFUL!!! We were cleared for no active termites, that the damage had to have occurred over 20 years ago, but once they pulled tub out, the wall was compromised enough that it fell apart. Sooooo they rebuilt the wall in record time, we already had a building permit & they put the new tub in, all in one veryyyyyy longgggg frustrating day.

I hope no one EVER has an experience like that...Take care & Best Wishes to All,
PaParanormalFan (Renee’ S.)

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