Thursday, December 15, 2011


By: Angelica Hart and Zi

We’d like to share with you an excerpt (non-edited) from our Christmas 2012 release CHRISTMAS EVE…VIL.

About the story:

Resisting the fervent advances of Luke Calico while snowbound isn’t Anya’s only problem, she must also hide from the malicious preacher wishing to harness her power while withstanding the demonic spirit trying to lure her soul.


When the medical community labeled her with an obscure illness that smacked of being a hypochondriac, she winced with disbelief, hating being sloughed off as being unimportant. She fled to the supernatural world seeking angelic help. Not knowing the genesis of Winston in her life, she trusted him. The day she transmorphed into the supernatural realm, through a clandestine act on his part, he witnessed and observed with far too much awe. She noticed. And flashed, something was awry.

She pulled away before contact with a Seraph could be made, but not before Winston had seen, maybe too much. He repeatedly questioned her about what had happened. His queries were far too many, far too insistent, and far too overbearing. Shades of Becky brought her hesitancy. She rationalized with him, telling him he had been dreaming. He didn’t believe her. Why? She later learned he knew.

The real Winston emerged. How? As an ugly monster. How? He trafficked his integrity by selling her secret to an unscrupulous preacher via a mysterious agent. The arrogance of the man stank as he promised to deliver her, basically pandering. Was it money that corrupted? Want of power? The want to impress? Mattered not. Winston's vile and deplorable side emerged.

Distraught, abandoned and betrayed, uncontrollable hurt ravaged her. She refused to dwell in those emotions. She had been forced to run, forced to be at the mercy of a stranger, Luke, who somehow reached into her in a way she couldn’t discern, adding confusion onto confusion.

She tucked in her bottom lip and bit hard, closed her eyes and clung to Smokey, feeling the powerful thump of his heart against her chest. She wanted to cry because her fragile plans had shattered, and because a stranger seemed to care more than those who were supposed to have loved her had ever cared. She needed her safe place and had never had it but for a brief six years with Mrs. Dowd.

Anya would love to blame Becky for all her insecurity as well as her current predicament, but she had accepted Winston’s flash and presence in her life of her own volition. She had chosen to use her ability to breach the barriers between realms and open up doors better left shut. She had been the one to make unwise choices and now she was the one to pay.

A merry tune invaded her room and she realized it was her cell. She had bought a five hundred minute pre-paid cell phone upon arriving in New Mexico, but she hadn’t given the number to anyone but Nina and Gerald Quin. She didn’t want to talk to either of them, but recognizing avoidance, a trait she wanted to overcome, she sought it out and glanced at the number. Her flesh chilled, perspiration spouted, she recognized the spontaneous race of her heart, and the clench of stomach muscles involuntarily tightening. Her hand quivered, and she dropped the phone as might one a spider they just noticed. The caller ID screen looked back at her, displaying a number she knew instantly as Winston’s.

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at with blog in the subject line and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi
CHRISTMAS EVE...VIL coming soon

Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane

THE FABLE OF SIN-SIN CINDERELLA Series (monthly piece) piece)
Dawn's Reading Nook (Thursday's piece)

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