Thursday, October 6, 2011


What would you do if you found yourself in a relationship that provided everything you needed, but left you feeling trapped? The following is an excerpt from a storyline we haven't quite decided whether or not to following. We need to know what you, the readers think. Should we pursue this character and her longing to be free? It is a psychological freefall into a dominate/submissive relationship. Tell us what you think.


She knew it had to end, being with him made insanity seem perfectly sensible. Yet just as the words formed in her mouth, he'd look at her, that look, the one that held kindness and caring and she'd forget all the rest, she'd see those eyes and knew leaving would hurt him, cut as deeply as a surgeon's scalpel. And she couldn't walk away, the word trapped kept springing to mind, held by well-knotted emotional silk scarves that were amazingly snug and tight and resistant to tearing. Trapped!

How could she have allowed this to happen? What was wrong with her? She knew better. Of course, she did, and he stood there, with those eyes, and his words that spun around her like those silk scarves that always made perfect sense. Even when she didn't agree, when in her heart she heard a different voice, a voice that was nearly gone, her own independent voice. He who strived to build confidence in her, he who pointed it out that, ah, it was there, he put it there. He was wrong. The confidence was a reflection of his strength, not her own. Hers laid imprisoned in the pit of her, dying.

He spun the web well, cocooned her with the venom of his logic. A wobbler by nature, a flit that bent to the moment, the person pleading their cause always nabbed her so easily. Others always made more sense than she ever did. Trapped by her own weakness. Of course he was right. He was always right, and bit by bit he was stealing her identity.

Not that she really understood her true identity, yet ironically, he was the one that kept urging her to find it. And she so wanted to... He was everything good for her, putting her needs first, guiding her, nudging her, determined to make her strong. And she was trapped by it all. Suffocating, for his way did make sense, his way had a goal, his way would eventually deliver that vision that he believed she wanted. So, why did she not wish to be with him? Why did she wish to leave? Simple. With him her creative spirit felt caged. Her ideas and thoughts were never good enough unless expectedly corralled under his designs. And, yes, she'd concede, his proposals always did seem better. His way was always the best way. It was always about their goals after all. Their goals was what mattered, not her selfish emotions, not her feelings that, if exposed, only provided proof that she was still a child, a very, very old child.

Only, she wanted to find her own way.

She wanted to be free.


Angelica Hart and Zi are with Champagne Books and also write as Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane with Carnal Passion and as Dona Pena Tattle, Esq. and Associate Wrye Balderdash who are with Champagne Books and have a number of titles.

Their combined accomplishments include book publications in print and/or electronic versions of thirty-seven titles, twenty plus romance specific, EPPIE finalist for three books, Cecil Whig award, Hob-Nob Reader's Choice Award, Champagne Books Novel of the Year Nominee, Champagne Books Author of the Year Nominee. Plus, they have written over 500 shorts with numerous published in both nationwide and small press magazines, articles published in various local, city and statewide newspapers, including four as a Guest Columnist in addition to trade articles. Both are members of various writing groups

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at (Write - Blog - in subject line) and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi

Vixen Bright and Zachary Zane

THE FABLE OF SIN-SIN CINDERELLA Series (monthly piece) piece)
Dawn's Reading Nook (Thursday's piece)

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