Sunday, October 9, 2011

Welcome Riptide Press Author Cat Grant/Contest

 Contest Information: Leave a comment to be entered to win~ 
Choice of Allegro Vivace, Sonata Appassionata, The First Real Thing (Icon Men #1), Appearing Nightly (Icon Men #2), A Fool for You (Icon Men #3), or Entangled Trio. Please make sure to leave your email address in your comment so we can contact you in case you win.

What draws you to romance? – I like telling relationship stories. And I LOVE happy endings. 

Do you prefer alpha/omega relationships in stories, or alpha/alpha relationships, and why? – I don’t really think of my heroes in those terms. In fact, I prefer pairings that are (or have the potential to be) versatile. I’m not terribly comfortable with one guy being “on top” (sexually or otherwise) all the time. Besides, it’s more fun writing stories where my heroes’ dynamics shift over time.

Have you ever written outside the romance genre? If not, do you ever plan to? – I tried my hand at writing sci-fi/fantasy/horror years ago. I wasn’t very good at it!

What’s the sexiest feature on a man to you? And on a woman? – Eyes, hands and mouths, on both.

What’s your own sexiest feature? – I’ve been told I have very soft skin. 

By night you’re a caped crusader, romance writer. What do you do by day? – Sleep, probably! LOL!

What was the very first romance you ever read? – I think it was one of those classic old '80s bodice rippers. Rosemary Rogers or something like that. Something I definitely shouldn’t have been reading!

How old were you? Were you being naughty and sneaking it off the shelf before you really even knew what sex was? –Actually, I think it was on my grandma’s bedside table. I must’ve been ten or so. Didn’t even understand what I was reading. 

Who are your latest crushes (celebrity, book character, or otherwise)? Oh, God! Did you see the new X-Men movie last June? I’ve seen it, like, FOUR TIMES. I’ve been obsessed with James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender ever since. I’m also a huge Glee and True Blood fan. Darren Criss is ADORABLE, and Alexander Skarsgard turns me to jelly.

Do you ever keep those people in your mind when writing your own works? Rachel Haimowitz and I are currently brainstorming a project with McAvoy and Fassbender-shaped characters. It’s gonna be hawwwt!

If you could pick anyone in the world to be the cover model(s) on your latest release, who would it be? – Actually, I sent my cover artist photos of Darren Criss and Alexander Skarsgard and asked her to find models that resembled them. She did a pretty damn good job!
What’s your favorite hobby outside of writing? – Listening to music, reading, TV & movies.

Do you own an e-reader? – I have an iPad. Best purchase I’ve ever made!

Do you have a favorite character out of all the ones you’ve written? – Eric Courtland, from my Courtland Chronicles series. 

Why is he your favorite? – Probably because he’s not afraid to be an unrepentant bastard when he needs to be. He’s also fiercely loyal to his partners Nick and Allison, and will go to any lengths to protect them. In other words, your typical alpha male – although I usually hate to use that term.

Here's a blurb from my October 30th Riptide Publishing release, Once a Marine:

Discharged under Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, former Marine major Cole Hammond is struggling to find a new identity. But PTSD casts a pall on everything, and his hard-nosed, homophobic father can’t even bear to look him in the eye. To top it all off, he’s pretty sure he’s flunking out of law school.
Marc Sullivan is a kind, sensitive romance author-slash-waiter with a thing for men in uniform. Cole’s not wearing his anymore, but there’s no mistaking the warrior Marc meets in the diner one rainy afternoon. Cole’s sexy smile and Carolina drawl prove irresistible, but Marc’s played this game before, and he always loses. Once a Marine, always a Marine, and if there’s one thing Marc knows about such men, it’s that they all leave him in the end. It doesn’t help that Cole’s practically closeted in public, or that he refuses to seek treatment for his PTSD.
But like any good Marine, Cole’s willing to fight for what matters. And like the characters in Marc’s stories, he’s certain that if they try just hard enough, together they can find their own happily ever after.
Once a Marine is available for pre-sale at this link:

Where can your readers find you online? Oh, I’m not hard to find! You can catch me on Facebook:
My website:
What’s your current book list and where can we buy them? – Check out my Amazon author page:


Rachel Haimowitz said...

"Four times," *snerk*

. . . is it Tuesday yet?

Lucia said...

Once a Marine sounds like just the kind of book I want to read! Great that youre characters are often versatile in bed, strangely enough I don't read that often.

luciatea01 (at)

booklover0226 said...

I read the Courtland series and loved it. I know I'll enjoy more of Cat Grant's works.

Tracey D
booklover0226 at gmail dot com

CAS said...

Hi Cat,
You write heroes exactly the way I like them.. shifting dynamics is a good thing. VERY :)

I'm very much looking forward to 'Once a Marine'.. It's already MINE... M I N E mine! Well, Okay Riptide is holding it captive til... Oct. 28th but I have staked my claim!

The Scarf Princess said...

Yep, gotta love those 80's bodice rippers. My first romance read was Kathleen Woodiwis The Flame and the Flower. And your crushes are virtually the same as mine. Does that mean we'll have to duel it out for them?

joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

Bookwyrm369 said...

Once a Marine is definitely on my pre-order list :-) Can't wait to read it!

smaccall AT

Susan said...

Super hectic Oct, just now getting a bit of time to go back and comment. Hopefully, it isn't too late. Once a Marine sounds like an intense and special book, which is why I preordered it as soon as the site opened for pre-orders. Looking forward to reading it really soon!

Freia said...

Hi Dawn, Hi Cat. Just cruising by to say howdy. :D

-Maria- said...

I love James McAvoy too ^____^, I discovered in Atonement and I'm loving him since then.


Sarah said...

Great interview, I have pre ordered once upon a marine and can't wait to get my hands on it


Cat Grant said...

Thanks for all your kind comments, everyone! I'm really proud of Once a Marine. Hope you all enjoy it - once Riptide releases it from their greedy clutches!! :)


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