Monday, October 10, 2011

New Release News from Angela Claire

The Outlaw’s Brother

I just recently got a wonderful review for The Outlaw Takes a Madam from Whipped Cream Romance Reviews.  If you haven’t read the Outlaw, it was about, well, an outlaw, who was hiding in his twin brother’s town and occasionally, as the opportunity presented itself, posing as his twin brother, the town doctor.  The four cherry review from WCRR said:

“What really got me hooked on this book was Luke. Much like the heroine, Sarah, I didn't know how my adoration of him happened, but it did. There is just something in the way he's depicted that makes him very desirable… My only disappointment was not getting to know a little more about Luke's brother, Jack. Perhaps in another story? Nonetheless, The Outlaw Takes a Madam is both a tender and hot read that will leave you smiling." 

When I read the part about Jack, I wanted to laugh.  I had the same experience when I was writing the Outlaw.  Jack was a big part of that story, but it was mainly in the context of being a brother and a doctor.  I wanted to find out more about Jack as the hero, the lover.   So as soon as I was done with the Outlaw, I picked up my pen—er, my pc—and started to work on Jack’s story.

That story, The Doctor Takes a Mate, comes out from Siren-Bookstrand on October 12, and if you had the same reaction to the Outlaw as I did and as the WCRR reviewer did, have I got a story for you!  In his own story, Jack is still very much the caring, conscientious doctor he was in the Outlaw, but this time he’s the patient too.  And that fact, as well as the fact that his ‘doctor’ is a sexy, mysterious young woman, throws Jack off balance.  The idea of the story is that Skye, the heroine, finds Jack in the desert after he’s been shot and takes him up to her isolated mountain cabin to heal.

Now, I don’t know about you, but anytime I contemplate a hero and heroine alone in some remote place, I feel we’re already off to a good start at romance.  But as I was writing, I realized that a big part of the story was the humor at seeing the calm, controlled brother in the previous story all out of sorts in this story.  He’s confused by his beguiling young caretaker—who seems as innocent and otherworldly as anyone who has lived all alone up on a mountaintop since childhood would be—but he’s excited by her as well.  And that leads to a lot of frustration…because the solid, responsible Dr. Scott does not seduce young girls who come to his rescue out of nowhere.

They seduce him! Which of course confuses Jack even more.  

So if you like the idea of a remote cabin, a sexy doctor who is forced to stay in bed and a tantalizing girl who is determined to share that bed with him, you should give The Doctor Takes a Mate a try!

Cowboy doctor Jack Scott is kidnapped to treat a wounded outlaw, and then shot for his trouble and left to die in the desert.   When a beautiful blonde appears to rescue him, he assumes he’s hallucinating.  Maybe the majestic white bird he had seen as he lay dying had been a good sign. It had brought this Skye to him.
Skye is alone in the world, with a mysterious secret and now a cantankerous doctor-turned-patient to nurse back to health.  In her cabin high above the mountains of Colorado, Skye heals the handsome doctor even as she tries to tempt him into teaching her to become a woman. 
With the outlaw gang intent on returning to Jack's town to wreak vengeance, Jack can't get back home fast enough. But can he bear to leave the wild seductive beauty who rescued him behind? Or will he rescue her in turn?

Adult Excerpt:
Jack’s blue-green eyes stared down at her, and she could feel his erection throbbing against her thigh, but his talk of stopping when he was finally giving her what she wanted galvanized her. “No, don’t stop. I know what I want, but I don’t know how to get it. Tell me what to do.”
She ran her hands lightly along his bare shoulders and then buried her fingers in his hair while he kissed her and murmured to her.
“You don’t have to do anything. You’re already nice and wet for me, aren’t you my little angel? My little virgin angel…”
His fingers wandered up into her woman parts again, but slowly and gently now, so that by the time he’d worked one long finger into her passageway, he’d created some magic in the act. Her thighs fell farther open at his coaxing, and when a second finger joined the first, she felt full but not uncomfortable. Very, very not uncomfortable.
“Mmm,” she hummed.
“Do you like that?”
“Tell me you like it,” he whispered urgently. “Tell me you want my fingers up your pussy. That it feels good. Tell me.”
My, she was learning all sorts of new words. She guessed in the context, she could figure them out easy enough. “It feels good, Jack.” She was surprised how low and funny her voice sounded to her own ears. And she hadn’t even had any of the hard cider, as a matter of fact. She was drunk on him.
He kissed her full on the mouth, sucking her tongue in some kind of coordination with his fingers below, and she cried out at the sensation, clenching his shoulders as he loomed over her.
He slid his fingers out after a moment and massaged the moisture from between her legs into her nipple. She groaned at the feel of it as he bent his head and lapped at the feast he had created. He held her legs farther open as he lifted his head. “I can still stop. Tell me to stop, Skye.” In contrast to his words, he kissed the side of her neck slowly as he caressed the insides of her thighs, and she registered a poking below.
“Don’t stop.”
He took one hand to himself and slowly, gently worked an inch or two of his shaft into her. She stiffened, not sure whether she liked the sensation. Then that hot, hard penis slid in a little bit more, and she gasped. She decided. She liked it very, very much.
“Can you take more?” he asked, tentative.
Her “yes” was instantaneous.
“God, I have to remind myself you’re a virgin,” he groaned.
An alarming thought occurred to her, and eyes that were dreamy and half closed with the pleasure shot open. “Why? Don’t I feel like a virgin?”
His laugh sounded pained. “Yes, angel, you feel tight and hot, but since you’re a virgin, I should go slow.”
“What if I wasn’t?”
“If you weren’t,” he said, low and fierce, “I would ram my cock into you right now, like I want to, and fuck you so hard—”
The pull toward him was so powerful that she surged up while her hands slid around to his bare buttocks and then tugged. “Yes, Jack. Yes. Do it!”
At her probably unwise encouragement, his body mindlessly obeyed.
He rammed into her, and she sucked in her breath at the sudden pain.
He was lodged up into her so far she could feel his hipbones against her own. She struggled initially, palms coming up to his muscular shoulders, but he had her pinned so tightly beneath him she didn’t make much leeway.
He slid his hands under her bottom to cup her and gently kissed the side of her neck. “God, I’m a shit. I’m sorry, Skye. I shouldn’t have done that. I was too rough again.”
His voice had more of a drawl under the effects of this mesmerizing sexual spell than it usually did, and he whispered endearments along her throat, her jaw, her cheeks, with his light kisses until she shivered with the pleasure of his petting and relaxed beneath him, despite the overwhelmingly full feeling.
“There. Is that better?” he whispered, and his hips began to move, slowly.
She nodded then gasped, and he laughed.
“Now comes the nice part.”

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