Thursday, February 3, 2011


Angelica Hart and Zi

A lot of you don't remember a time before computers, but we're both older than dirt and haven't forgotten that place of pencils, pads and red markers.

A: Teachers are not the pundits of red-lining.
Z: I hated getting my papers coming back, bloodied.

We'd start a piece on paper, transfer it, mark it up, retype, red pen it again, retype, again and again. Yeouch! So, we celebrate technology with a full gush of enthusiasm and give ample thanks for it every day.

Z: I am doing the yippy-for-windows wiggle as we write.

Being at the computer has amazing advantages. Though we understand that creating is often a personal thing, if you find someone that you have synergy with, having a partnership has many rewards. You get feedback on the same plane, get to think through storylines and thoughts in a conversational mode that does not include just you, yourself and you. In the end, the product becomes better, the typos are less, the pride more astounding.

Z: No, they're not. Typos are character mice that breed out of control. We both read right over them.
A: Moi? Never. I find every mistake. I am the grammer police.
Z: Hmmmm... (points to the incorrect spelling of grammar)
A: Ummm...well, maybe a few slip by, but you just made my point, what I miss....
Z: I pick up!
A: And sometimes, we both miss it which....

Brings us to the point that technology enables us to perfect our work through spell check, grammar check, read aloud software among many other convenient tools. Case in point, there are many people who have gone to college and remember the process of peer review. One never submitted a paper without giving it to someone to look it over.

Z: We got to select our own reviewer. I picked the very brightest females with the biggest...
A: Enough.
Z: I was going to say smiles.
A: Right...and I'm Elvis' Aunt twice removed from a different mother.

As writing partners who get together each day, the number of recent snow days further brings to mind the tremendous value that technology has to writing. There is email to send drafts back and forth, Skype when we need to be face to face, even conferencing and instant messaging. We are no longer inconvenience by the weather's temperament.

A: Snow, snow go away...we've writing to do today. So why do we ever meet in real life?
Z: For lunch. Hate eating alone.
A: Good point, me too.
Z: Soooo, what are you making?
A: You go out and get me a salad with grilled chicken...kkkk!

We'd love to hear from anyone interested in what we do. Anyone who writes us at and leaves an s-mail address, we will send you a gift and add you to any future mailings.

Angelica Hart and Zi
Champagne Books can be purchased at

Books can be purchased at

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