Friday, February 4, 2011

Guest Author Day with Avril Ashton

To get us started can you tell us a little about what you are working on or have coming out?
I have about a million things going on all at once, but right now my focus is on the WICKED series, out February first from eXtasy books. I’m in the middle of working on book three while doing rewrites on book two. The Wicked series is all about criminals—I didn’t want to write straight laced characters. But I also wanted to give them an outlet to voice their reasons for doing what they do. These are their stories. In their own words.

Do you have any guilty pleasures?
I have lots of pleasures, none I’d consider guilty. I take much pleasure in writing, music and my family. Although they run a close second to food. Yes, I love to eat and I hate cooking. Funny, huh? I also love the Investigation Discovery channel. So informative, so full of what ifs. J
What is the hardest scene you have had to write (published or not)? Why? I’ve been lucky enough to not have that problem, yet. I pretty much find the appropriate—to me—music for that scene, close my eyes and let the characters talk to me. As yet they haven’t disappointed.

If you had a reporter follow you around for the day, what would the readers get to see in your daily schedule?  The most boring life. Ever. Here’s the thing, I try to not leave my house at all, but there’s the whole pesky day-job thing. Weekdays, I’m up at 6:30 to prepare the offspring for school. The bus gets her at 7:30 then I’m back inside where I sit on the couch and write until midday. By then I act like a housewife and do the chores, prepare for dinner and get the kiddo off the bus at 3. We hang for the rest of the day. If I have to work, I leave the house at 3pm and the Spousal Equivalent takes over house duties. I live a very boring, ordinary life. Wouldn’t have it any other wayJ  
When you begin your stories, do you go with the flow, or go with an outline? Flow, always. Outlines rarely help; my characters have certain ideas of what should happen and when I try to influence that they rebel.

Is it hard coming up with titles or characters names? LOL, no. It’s fun for me. I love an eye-catching title, sexy and provocative. Names I labor over, but only because I want it to be original. The more unusual, the better. You won’t find a Dick and Jane in my stories anytime soon.

What does your workstation look like? I don’t have a workstation. I put my feet up on the couch, netbook in my lap and write. Or on the bed, back against the headboard. At the day-job, I have a desk-like area, but that’s it.

When you're not writing, what do you like to do to just kick back and have fun? I love TV, got some amazing shows I’m addicted to. I don’t leave the house so that’s it. I’ve been trying to get the SE to teach me to play SuperMario on the Wii, but the kid seems to think the game system is all hers. 

Do you ever experience writer's block? If you do, how do you cope with it? I haven’t had any writer’s block, knock on wood, but if I think anything is missing or needs help, music fixes it. Always.

Were you an avid reader as a child? What type of books did you enjoy reading? Whoot! Yes, in caps please J I’ve recently become re-acquainted with many high school friends on Facebook, and no one is surprised when I tell them about my writing. Everyone’s like, well, yeah, your nose was always in a book. LoL. I went through the Nancy Drews, Sweet Valleys and Hardy Boys pretty quickly. Where I grew up we didn’t have a huge selection of books, but I read any and everything I could find.  

Tell us a bit about your latest book, and what inspired you to write such a story. Like most of my inspiration it just comes. I kept getting freeze frames of certain scenes until I had to write it down. The heroine of A Wicked Ride is very, uh, outspoken and unapologetic, she kept needling me until I devoted time to her story full time.

BLURB~ Sasha Forde has hung up her thieving stilettos, but a visit from a mobster sends her back to her old life. In order to save her family—and herself—from jail, she must steal evidence hidden in a lawyer’s office. She sets out to do what she considers a simple B and E, but someone else has arrived first. And he holds her life in his tattooed hands. Not for long.

Niko Davaris is all about revenge on the man who tried to kill him. The evidence he stole is the first step in that direction. He’s not thrilled to wake up with a gun to his head. The woman on the other end is cocky, smug and too damn hot for her own good. He wants her, she wants the evidence. When she takes it and disappears, he gives chase. Battle lines are blurred as they give in to temptation, but on a ride like this, someone has to come out on top. Who will it be?

Is there any books coming that you are itching to read (either electronic or print) from your favorite authors? I wish there was more time to indulge in reading. I’ve become obsessed with M/M stories lately and been devoting reading time to read those. There are many books I’m itching to read, too much to count, but I haven’t got the time.
If you were to replenish your cabinets with one junk food, what would it be? I can’t pick only one. It has to be three: Corona beers, black, rum cake from my sister-in-law, and whipped cream. LOL  

What is one thing scientists should invent? More time in the day. Please, someone. Anyone? More time.

Are you a morning person or a night person? Both, I think. A cup of coffee, some music and I’m good in the mornings. And I can stay up til all hours at night, hanging with the SE, watching whatever’s on TV.

Where can readers find you on the ‘Net?  My website, here you’ll find book covers, blurbs and excerpts., I chronicle my ride here, talk about anything and everything and interview fellow authors. I try to do something at least twice a week., and!/AvrilAsh, friend me here. I’m always on, hanging with my peeps.

**To celebrate my release, I’m holding a contest over at my blog. One lucky commenter will get a copy of A Wicked Ride. Details on the contest and ways to enter can be found HERE. You have til Feb 5 to enter. 

Publisher link

Three guesses on the identity of the culprit riding her bumper. 

Sasha gripped the steering wheel of her silver 2010 Jaguar XK Coupe with both hands covered in fingerless gloves. She pressed down on the gas with a foot encased in black, thigh high Louboutins. The headlights of the pursuing SUV drew closer in her rearview. 

She grinned. Well, damn. Finally. 

It’d been two days—a girl could only wait for so long. She’d thought he wouldn’t come looking for her. But here he was. He wanted the flash drive and she wanted his body. 

One ride on the train would purge him from her thoughts. Just her luck he’d come when she was on her way to remove the drive from its hiding place. She had a few days left on Vicente’s deadline, but she wanted to get the whole thing over with.
Sasha came up on the turnoff to her house and headed in the opposite direction. No way was she leading him to her front door. She had the perfect place to ensure the privacy they needed for the many things she wanted to do to him. 

The man was built—it took all her restraint to keep from climbing his naked ass the other night. His tattoos took up an entire sleeve on his left hand and expanded to cover his heart. Black, swirling tribal symbols, exotic and mesmerizing like him. She finally got to see the color of his eyes—honey-brown, flecked with green and gold. So beautiful. 

But his cock had her waking up at night with her fingers buried in her pussy, calling out Niko’s name. She couldn’t get the itch he’d created scratched. In a desperate move, she’d picked up the phone at about three AM last night. She’d have slaked her hunger for Niko on her jump-off, Miles, but he didn’t pick up.
Sasha pulled up in the back of the warehouse the gang had used for meetings. Since they’d broken up, the place stood empty. The crunch of gravel signaled the arrival of the Range Rover. She hopped out of the car into the gathering dusk and headed for the door of the warehouse. 

Niko’s car door slammed. “Running from me, Sasha?” 

What the hell is he talking about? Doesn’t he realize I’m offering myself up like a buffet? Sasha chuckled. She unlocked the heavy metal door of the warehouse, pushed it open and stepped inside. Hot, musty air filled her lungs. A sneeze tickled the back of her throat. 

She pulled on the chain for the overhead bulb. Bright yellow light illuminated the empty space with a hum as Niko barreled through the door. Sasha spun around. He stopped short and they stared at each other. 

She took in his narrowed eyes, flared nostrils and heaving chest. Her body felt taut, strung tight. She needed his touch, needed him like nothing else, ever.


Avril Ashton said...

Thank you for having over! :))

S.Lira said...

Yay, you're everywhere hun!

So happy for you! ;D

Lily Harlem said...

Avril - Your Wicked series sounds amazing - can't wait to get my hands on it.


Lily x

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