Sunday, January 30, 2011

Guest Author Day with L. K. Below

Almost since the moment I first put my pen to paper, I’ve been challenging myself to try something different, to try something new. I’ve explored different points of view, different methods of storytelling, all in search of something else I haven’t tried yet. It has, in fact, been my secret desire to complete something that no one has written yet.

Along the way, I broke into the regular genres, too. One of which is erotic romance. I currently have two releases out -- His Familiar Touch, a paranormal in the Paramourtal anthology, and Unveiling His Princess, a fairytale-like historical out with Liquid Silver Books. While I was writing these and the others currently under contract, I started to think to myself. What hasn’t been done? And it came to me.

When I first proposed an erotic romance written in verse to my critique partner and good friend, Gina Gordon, she told me to finish one of my many works in progress. When I turned to the other advisor in my life, my boyfriend Travis, he told me not to bother (but then, he despises poetry). For a long time, I kept the idea shrouded in the back of my mind, packed away in a dusty little box.

But one day, it sprang forward again, this time with a call I couldn’t resist. After a few days of furious writing, His Smoldering Eyes was born. I took a scene which I could have written as a short, quick story, and instead, I wrote it in verse. After all, falling in love is a poetic thing.

And now, without further ado, I’d like to offer it to you, absolutely FREE. To read this book or download it in PDF form, click this link.*

In return, I’d like you to do something for me. I’d like some feedback on this piece. Is erotic romance written in verse a genre that shouldn’t see the light of day? Or would you read (or buy) more books like this, written in the various subgenres? If you’ve read this book, please email me at lbelow(at) and tell me: Yea or Nay? Was this a success or should I continue to write more conventional romances (or both)?

L. K. Below writes romance and speculative fiction. Under her full name, Lindsay Below, she pens books suitable for the young reader in us all. Find her online at or on her blog at

*The link should lead to:


L. K. Below/Lindsay Below said...

Thanks for having me, Dawn!

Cellophane Queen said...

It's interesting and I can feel the poetry and intensity of the piece.

I have no idea if it would sell, but it seems to be that romance poetry has been around for a long time, so if it gets a little hot around the edges, why not?

On the other hand, I'm not the audience for either poetry or erotica, so what do I know?

Cellophane Queen said...

It's interesting and I can feel the poetry and intensity of the piece.

I have no idea if it would sell, but it seems to be that romance poetry has been around for a long time, so if it gets a little hot around the edges, why not?

On the other hand, I'm not the audience for either poetry or erotica, so what do I know?

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