Tell us about your latest release. What inspired it?
It was an idea I had for a while and then some of the mystery was based on a true story…which I can’t tell you about because that would be giving it away. FOXE TAIL, my first gay mystery, is also my jab at living in a rather right wing sort of area in southern California (yes, we have them). But let’s let the blurb do the talking: Skyler Foxe is a brand new English teacher in his hometown of Redlands, CA. He loves literature, loves his students, and loves his friends, though he doesn’t love keeping his orientation a secret, afraid of the backlash in this conservative region. But will murder thrust him into unwanted limelight? Skyler’s principal’s son ends up dead outside a new dance club. Does it have to do with the fact that he’s gay, or is there something more sinister afoot? And what’s the connection to the high school? Is the macho football coach or his mysterious and gorgeous new assistant coach involved? Skyler and his cadre of off-the-wall but well-meaning friends—Jamie, the high-spirited webpage designer; Philip, the straight-looking coffee house owner; Rodolfo, the Latin American queen who looks like Antonio Banderas; and Skyler’s best friend Sidney, the straight female detective —join forces to find a killer.
What genres and authors would we find you reading when taking a break from your own writing?
I love mysteries, as you might have surmised, so I read a lot of those from a panoply of writers. I also read gay erotica and gay mysteries, as well as yaoi mangas, but I read a wide variety of things, from nonfiction for research and for fun to lots of YA stuff since those are now written with a darker sort of strain with lots of interesting themes. But there isn’t any one thing I concentrate on reading.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
I’ve been at this so long that I really didn’t struggle with it. I did try to get a hold of the local police department so that I could get some real information but I’m afraid they shut me out so I’ve had to make do with generalizations and info from other research.
When writing your description of your hero what feature do you start with? Eyes, age, hair color, etc?
In this case, I started with hair. I wanted him to be very blond, platinum, with gray eyes. But I usually look in magazines or online for images of the characters I write about. Sometimes they are well known actors, which is helpful when you wish to hear their voices in your head. The cover image model is not quite what I had in mind but he’s pretty cute so I thought he would do.
Is there anything special you do to get in the mood to write?
Depends what I’m writing that day. If it’s a love scene, then I check out some “stuff” online. At least I use it as an excuse to do so.
Are you a plotter or a pantser?
Being a woman of a certain age, I find it necessary to be a plotter these days. I outline rather extensively because I have to write pretty fast. I have three books to write a year in three different genres so I found I had to be more efficient.
If I was a first time reader of your books, which one would you recommend I start with and why?
FOXE TAIL is first in the series and it’s the only one out right now, so that’s easy! The series sort of starts with an interconnected trilogy, like a TV pilot to the series. The second will be called FOXE HUNT and the third FOXE FIRE. Each book has its own mystery to be resolved, but there is a bigger mystery arc going through all three books to be concluded with FOXE FIRE. After that, each successive book in the series can be read on its own, though there will continue to be a romance story arc where it will still be necessary to read them in order.
What are you working on now? Anything you want to mention to the readers?
I will be working on FOXE HUNT shortly, but I am also working on my other series as well (which you can see at
If you could be a paranormal creature, which one would you be?
Something that might change into an animal. It would be cool to fly or run full tilt on all fours.
What’s a guilty pleasure you have?
Reading manga, watching anime…and that terrible, terrible television show 1000 Ways to Die.
You can erase one embarrassing experience from your past. What will it be?
There’s far too many to pick just one.
If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
Caution, Bitch Crossing
Do you work on one project at a time? Or do you multi-task?
As for the novels, I have to work on one at a time. There’s too much to do and concentrate on for me to divide my time. But authors have to blog and do other promotional things at the same time that they are writing so we are always multi-tasking.
When not writing, how do you relax?
I love to cook, make my own pasta, bake bread, homey things like that. I used to do wood carving and make birdhouses but I definitely don’t have time for crafts anymore.
Is there anything additional you would like to share with your readers?
I wanted to write Skyler’s story for a little light-hearted fun. It’s the most fun I’ve ever had writing dialogue. I think readers will really fall in love with Skyler and his friends.
Where can we find you on the 'Net?
Several places. The website, where you can read a first chapter:, the blog, and on Facebook FOXE TAIL is available in print and on Kindle or directly from MLR Press at www.mlrpress.comFOXE TAIL
A Skyler Foxe Mystery Book 1
Available at Manlove Romance, All Romance E-books and Amazon Kindle
MM Contemporary Mystery
ay teacher Skyler Foxe thought teaching English Lit was murder. Wait till he falls into the real thing.
Skyler Foxe is a brand new English teacher in his hometown of Redlands, CA. He loves literature, loves his students, loves his friends, especially his best friend Detective Sidney Feldman. But he doesn't love keeping his orientation a secret, afraid of the backlash in this conservative county. But will murder thrust him into unwanted limelight? Who killed his principal's son outside a gay dance club? And what's the connection to James Polk High? Is the macho football coach or his mysterious and gorgeous new assistant coach involved? Can Skyler trust anyone at the high school when there seems to be conspiracies around every corner?
Sneak Peek Excerpt:
“Friends?” Jamie cried. Skyler cringed. Jamie could be pretty shrill when he wanted to be. “That’s so great! Welcome to the Skyler Fuck Club.”
“I beg your pardon?”
Skyler threw his head back. He felt his face redden and gave up trying to save his dignity.
“The Fuck Club, hon. Or S.F.C. for short. Skyler’s best friends—us—have all started out by being his lovers. We were hook-ups. And then we weren’t. And then we became friends. It’s just like a movie on Lifetime.”
Rodolfo stared at Skyler with a wicked grin curving his lips. “These two?” he asked, gesturing.
Skyler nodded wearily. Let this be over soon.
“I’m Jamie and this is Philip. Always call him Phil-ip,” he whispered out of the side of his mouth.
But Philip wasn’t having any of it. “Forget it, buddy. Friendships aren’t forged with a baseball bat.”
“I don’t believe I was talking to you, bitch,” said Rodolfo, jutting a finger into Philip’s chest.
“Hey, asshole. Nobody invited you here.”
“Nobody invited anyone here!” yelled Skyler, anxiety mounting. “Jesus! Just everyone! Shut up!”
The room suddenly stilled. Except that Rodolfo couldn’t seem to resist one last, “Asshole!” at Philip. That started it again.
Skyler pushed them apart. “That’s it! Get out! All of you!”
Jamie slid his arm around Skyler’s shoulder. “Someone got up on the wrong side of the bed. What’s the matter? Bad hook-up?”
“No.” He leaned into the comfort of Jamie’s arms. “Jesus. I just had one hell of a fucking awful night.”
“Well,” said Jamie, “we did come over to snag you for a late lunch and maybe later hit Trixx.”
“I don’t feel like going to a bar tonight.”
Jamie pressed black-lacquered nails to his chest. “I do. I haven’t gotten laid in weeks!”
“I want to go, too!” said Rodolfo.
Jamie smiled at him, checking him out. “Antonio wants to go.”
“Rodolfo,” Rodolfo corrected.
“Whatever. Come on, Sky! Let us take you out.”
He wriggled out of Jamie’s arms. “I told you no. Last night…last night…” He sat heavily on the sofa and rested his cheeks in his hands. “Guys. You just don’t know…Okay. Last night I went dancing with Sidney at that new place in San Bernardino. You know. Beat?” Skyler licked his lips. This was harder than he thought. He glanced up at Jamie’s sympathetic eyes. “I found a dead body.”
“Wait a minute,” said Philip soberly. “You saw a dead body? What happened?”
“Found. It was awful. His throat was cut and he’d been there at least two days. He smelled pretty bad.” He was feeling a little sick again. “But worst of all, he was my principal’s son.”
“What do you mean?” asked Rodolfo, crouching next to Skyler’s knee.
Philip scoffed. “What do you mean what does he mean? He’s a teacher, his boss is the principal, that was his son. Even in Mexico these things are simple enough to understand.”
“Ecuador, pene.” He turned pointedly from Philip and reached out a hand to touch Skyler’s leg. “Poor amante. Are you okay?”
“It was pretty bad. I went with Sidney to tell Mr. Sherman about his son.”
“Who is Sidney?”
“She’s another friend. She’s a cop.”
“A Fuck Club member?”
“No.” said Skyler. “She’s a girl. We’ve never—” He glared disgustedly up at his blue-haired friend. “I’m going to kill you, Jamie.”
“Sorry, sweetie.” Jamie nibbled on his fingernail.
The doorbell rang. Everyone turned toward it. They must be getting too loud. Plaster walls only hid so much.
He got up again and pulled open the door.
“Hi guys!” said a cheerful Sidney, stepping through.
“Hi Sidney,” they chorused back.
“Looks like the gang’s all here,” she said. Leaning toward Skyler, she kissed his cheek and quietly said, “You okay?”
“I guess.”
Sidney looked at the gathering again and spotted Rodolfo. “I don’t know you, do I?”
“Rodolfo Gamboa de Guerrero,” he said, offering her his hand, palm down.
She almost took it when she stopped in mid-gesture. “Wait a minute.” She glared at Skyler. “Isn’t this the crazy trick who bashed your car? Do you want me to arrest him?”
Rodolfo snatched his hand back and planted it firmly at his hip. “She’s too butch to be a Fuck Club member.”
Sidney gawked. “You told him about the Fuck Club?”
Skyler threw up his hands. “I didn’t! Jamie did!”
Everyone began to speak at once. Skyler surrendered to the sofa again and dropped his head in his hands. Oh God.
Hi Haley,
This sounds like a great debut book. I can't wait to check it out. Thanks for being here today.
Foxe Tail sounds good. I love series. This looks like another one I'll have to get.
Thanks, Dawn and She! It's nice to be here. Foxe Tail is a lot of fun. If you're in the San Francisco area, I will be at A Different Light Bookstore at 7:30 pm on Tuesday, Feb 8. Drop in to say hello!
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