Thursday, October 17, 2024

Tour Stop and Giveaway: The Monster Within by Marguerite Labbe

Title:  The Monster Within

Author: Marguerite Labbe

Publisher:  NineStar Press

Release Date: 10/15/2024

Heat Level: 3 - Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 121200

Genre: Horror romane, 19th century, Paris, French countryside, chevalier, tinker, fey, magic, monsters, ancestral spirits, orphanage, horror, thriller

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For centuries, the Chevaliers de Rouen pledged to fight the monsters that inhabit France until their last breath. In the mid 1800s, Michel-Leon Parisee is the last of his line. The whispering memories of the chevaliers who passed before him offer help but have also driven other chevaliers mad with their constant advice, so Michel-Leon is forced to maintain a careful balance. When an ancient hunger threatens Paris, Michel-Leon must gather every tool he has to fight a terrifying threat that has eluded destruction before.

Constantin Severin is fey kissed, a man who walks the line between the fantastical and the mundane. He is determined to kill the magicman, the monster who destroyed his childhood, and rescue its young victims. In doing so, Constantin is in danger of becoming what he hates most. He needs a chevalier, but Michel-Leon is consumed with his own battle. Constantin must set aside old suspicions and his wandering ways if he is going to bargain for the help he needs.

Together, they can find the strength they need to battle their respective demons. They can learn they don’t have to fight alone, but it will take trust. It will take letting down long erected barriers, and it will take love. If they fail, Paris will be destroyed by the creatures that threaten it when the swarm hatches and decimates the city.

The Monster Within
Marguerite Labbe © 2024
All Rights Reserved

Dusk settled over the forested hills and rounded knobs of the mountainside as Michel-Leon Parisee crouched on an overlook and waited as patiently as any other predator waiting for its prey’s nose to peek out of hiding. An early April snowstorm had blown through several days ago, and evidence remained by the snow lingering around gnarled roots and the bite that clung to the air.

“This could go bad before we know it,” Régine Bardin commented as she hunkered down next to him, her gaze intent on the valley below. “The villagers are on edge and grumbling for payback.”

“That’s often the reaction when two worlds collide.” Michel-Leon spared a glance for her. Rumors and whispers had abounded since she was a girl that she was his bastard half-sister. Their coloring was similar, though her hair was more of a true red and his gilded with gold and brown. She had a riot of curls she never could tame, and his tended more toward tousled waves. They both had the same long, lean body and warm smile, and though their temperaments were quite often opposite, they complemented each other.

He thought of her as a sister, and she wished for it for all the wrong reasons.

The stamping of horses and the creak of wagon wheels sounded behind him as the villagers unloaded his requested goods. It broke the silence among the birch and firs. Michel-Leon continued to wait as Régine shifted next to him.

“The tricksters are coming.”

The voices whispered in his head, one warning coming out clear amongst the jumble of messages, as the first pinprick of yellow eyes appeared in the goblin holes that riddled the far hillside. The warning only he could hear—and Régine couldn’t—proved, despite all the rumors and wishing, they didn’t share blood.

“Here we go,” Michel-Leon said as Régine stood and laid her hand on the hilt of her sheathed, long-bladed knife.

Another pair followed the first eyes and then a dozen until the mountain holes were lit like a swarm of fireflies. Michel-Leon straightened and glanced over his shoulder at the small group of men gathered outside the abandoned chapel doors. “Is the tribute ready?” he asked.

A low grumbling answered him as he turned his attention back to the waiting eyes. “Oui. But I don’t see why we ought to give up the food we tilled and toiled for to a mob of troublesome creatures. You’re a chevalier. Blow them out or bury them deep. Isn’t that why we called you here?”

Régine rolled her eyes heavenward. The old ways were being forgotten, and Michel-Leon suppressed a sigh to echo Régine’s sentiment. He pointed at the starry field of blinking eyes. “I could do it your way, but it would end up costing you a lot more than a few barrels of spirits, calves you were going to cull anyway, and some bushels of root vegetables you can afford to give up.”

The other way would be bloody and long, and they’d never be sure they got them all. If even one goblin survived, the stunts it would pull afterward would make the villagers long for the days of kicked over milk pails and holes bored in fences.

The grumbling returned. “What’s to keep them from picking up their pranks and tricks again after you leave? The supplies won’t last long. We don’t figure to keep doing this each month.”

“Don’t worry, if they agree to the terms of the pact, they won’t bother you for a long time.” Michel-Leon patted his pocket to check if his surprise was still there. If this didn’t cause a stir of interest among the creatures, nothing would. He started to walk away and then paused. “I’d wait in the chapel if I were you. Some of the more mischievous among them might see you as friendly targets to play with when they come to collect their booty. Staying out of sight is best. I’ll let you know when it’s over.”

Michel-Leon took off in the gathering dark, one hand resting on his pistol as Régine strode beside him with the same posture. He wasn’t worried they’d have to pull it, but he didn’t want to chance the goblins would find the shiny metal fascinating and attempt to steal it. With his luck, one would blow its damn fool head off, and then negotiations would be over.

“I hope you have more tricks than they do,” Régine muttered. “I’ve never seen an infestation this big.”

“They have fewer places to parlay, and the machines with the iron and the steam, the gutting of the earth, make them uneasy.”

Michel-Leon cocked his head to listen for any other nuggets of wisdom articulating itself in the endless whispers, but nothing stood out. “Times are changing, Régine. Too fast for the little ones to keep up. Science is outstripping magic.”

“You sound regretful.” Régine spared him a glance. “There will always be more monsters.”

“Not everything different is monstrous.” A fact Michel-Leon believed fervently and one that had set him apart from other chevaliers when he was in training.


NineStar Press | Books2Read

Meet the Author

Marguerite Labbe loves to spin tales that cross genre lines, where stubborn men build lifelong ties of loyalty, friendship, and family no matter the odds thrown against them, and where love is found in unexpected places. When she’s not working hard on writing new stories, she spends her time reading novels of all genres, enjoying role-playing and tabletop games with her friends, and taking long walks with her dog.

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Tour Stop/Giveaway: On the Threshold


Welcome author M. Laszlo to the Reading Nook blog where we are talking with them about their newest book, On the Threshold. Make sure to follow the tour HERE and enter the tour wide giveaway as the author will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner. This tour is sponsored by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Interview with M. Laszlo

Tell us about your latest book, who are the main character’s and what can we expect when we pick it up?

Fingal is the main character, and you can expect to laugh at his eccentricities and often foul mood. Nevertheless, he’s a good chap who earnestly wishes to resolve the riddle of the universe and to determine the actual origins of life, the meaning of life, and the purpose of civilization.

Do you come up with the hook first, or do you create characters first and then dig through until you find a hook?

Honestly, they come at the same time for me. The hook is a character with a problem. And it’s a problem that makes the character unique enough and important enough to teach the reader something.

Which of your own characters would you like to have lunch with?

Doktor Hubertus Pflug. He’s a wise, friendly German physician who appears in the book early on. I like him because he reminds me of Goethe and other great, thought-provoking German writers. I’ve always been a Germanophile. Love the dynamic music and the brooding cinema.

Tell us about what you are reading at the moment or anticipate reading in the future? Any favorite authors you enjoy reading in your spare time?

I just finished John Scalzi’s Starter Villain. It was very funny but not the kind of book I usually read. The book satirizes Ian Fleming’s works in many ways, and in the future, I would like to revisit Ian Fleming’s writing. In his books, James Bond is actually quite an interesting fellow.

Which of your own books would you like to live in?

I’ve got an unpublished manuscript about a family that lives on the coast of Maine. That’d be a nice place to live. Who doesn’t love the coast of Maine? 

What do you do when you have free time?

Sometimes I go hiking with friends. Sometimes I go to Mass or sit in the pews and reflect. Often I get together with my aunt, and we visit a diner and have omelettes.

How do you approach character development in your stories? Do you have any specific techniques or methods that you find particularly effective?

It is important to give your protagonist flaws at the very beginning. Then you have something you can change or improve upon. Honestly, it really is that simple!

What do you believe sets your writing apart from others in your genre, and why should readers choose to read your books?

My prose is lucid, and it’s easy to slip into the world presented by the page. Most important of all, my books teach the reader things that are accurate.

Can you discuss any upcoming projects or books that you're currently working on? What can readers expect from your future works?

My upcoming release, Anastasia’s Midnight Song, is a dark-obsession psychological drama/coming-of-age tale about a depressed British youth living in WW-I era Egypt. He enters into an illusory-love relationship with a beautiful Russian woman, and ultimately, the tale traffics in some of the most esoteric problems that can complicate the life of a teenager.

On the Threshold

by M. Laszlo

GENRE: Historical Science Fiction

Buy Link HERE

Obsessed with learning the origins of the cosmos, the actual meaning of life, and the true purpose of civilization, a fine Scotsman named Fingal T. Smyth dedicates himself to the study of Plato’s most extraordinary ideas. Convinced of Plato’s belief that humankind possesses any and all innate knowledge deep within the collective unconscious mind, Fingal soon conducts a series of bold, pioneering occult-science experiments by which to resolve the riddle of the universe once and for all. However, Fingal forgets how violent and perilous the animal impulses that reside in the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind. And when Fingal unleashes a mysterious avatar of his innate knowledge, the entity appears as a burning man and immediately seeks to manipulate innocent and unsuspecting people everywhere into immolating themselves. Now, with little hope of returning the fiery figure into his being, Fingal must capture his nemesis before it destroys the world.


Excerpt Two:


Fräulein Wunderwaffe did not return the smile. Hand on heart, the little girl drew a bit closer. Then, as the hot, animalistic presence undulated all across Fingal’s body, the little girl’s eyes grew wide. Until the little girl’s expression turned to that of a vacant stare.


A moment later, her feet pointed inwards, she removed her hat and undid her long, flaxen hair.


Again, he cringed. “If you’ve noticed something, ignore all. This hasn’t got anything to do with you.” A third time, he cringed.


A most ethereal, lyrical, incomprehensible hiss commenced then: from the other end of the winding, decorative-brick driveway, each clay block shining the color of blue Welsh stone, a sleek Siamese cat with a coat of chocolate-spotted ivory had just appeared. And now the creature raced toward his shadow.


As he looked into the animal’s big, searching, blue eyes, the chocolate Siamese studied the off-center tip of his nose. Then the animal turned away, as if to compare the peculiarity with that of some disembodied visage hovering in the distance.


Out upon the loch, meanwhile, a miraculous rogue wave suddenly arose—and now the swell crashed against the pebbly strand.


Not a moment later, a cool flame crawled across Fingal’s throat. The strange fire rattled, too—not unlike the sound of fallen juniper leaves caught up in the current and dancing against the surface of a stone walkway.


Crivens. By now, the alien, pulsating presence held him so tight that he could barely breathe. Before long, he fell to the earth, and as the dreamlike flame continued to move across his throat, he rolled all about—until the illusory sensation of cool warmth wriggled and twisted and dropped into his neck dimple.



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AUTHOR Bio and Links: 

M. Laszlo is an aging recluse who lives in Bath, Ohio. Rumor holds that his pseudonym is a reference to Victor Laszlo, a character in the classic film Casablanca. On the Threshold is his first release with the acclaimed, Australian hybrid house AIA Publishing. Oddly, M. Laszlo insists that his latest work, On the Threshold, does in fact provide the correct answer to the riddle of the universe. 


Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Book Spotlight Tour Stop/Giveaway: Trust is Fraught by Emily Carrington

Title: Trust is Fraught

Author: Emily Carrington

Cover Art: Angela Knight

Genres: Action Adventure, Dark Fantasy, New Releases, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense

Themes: Gay, Medical Romance, Multicultural & Interracial, Werewolves & Wolf Shifters

Series: Medically Necessary (#2)

Multiverse: Searchlight Academy (#12)

Book Length: Novella

Page Count: 99


From insisting on a bed for their first time to protecting Amir from everything, Oliver is stepping all over Amir’s last nerve. It’s almost too bad the submissive wolf wants dominant Oliver in the worst way.

Amir’s frustration with Oliver doesn’t cancel out his attraction to the other wolf. As they fall deeper into the dangers of the psychic world in an effort to rescue their leader, their love may be the only thing keeping them sane.

As the leader of the werewolves sinks further into insanity, Amir and Oliver are pushed to their limits to find out what’s causing his decline. Once they discover the truth, it’s another struggle, this one against prejudice and time, to rescue the alpha above all alphas.


Trust Is Fraught (Medically Necessary 2)
Emily Carrington
All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2024 Emily Carrington

It was full dark when Oliver jerked awake. He sat up, smelling his own sweat and the aftermath of sex.

He flashed back to the most traumatic time he’d woken to the stench of spent jizz. Geoffrey, the beta of the Kreisha pack, had been standing over him, cum dripping from his rapidly shrinking cock.

Oliver swung his legs over the side of the bed, fully expecting to find himself surrounded by the enemy. His eyes were adjusting to the darkness, and he picked out the shadowy form of a lampshade. He reached out, almost knocking the lamp over in his need to shed light on the situation. When the bulb glowed, he took a quick look around the room, feeling the urge to ensure he was alone and safe. He didn’t quite dare to rise to his feet because his legs felt like they’d turned to water.

He missed Kenneth Jeremiah in the worst way all of a sudden, and he was unable to hide from the truth, that he missed his lover not for Kenneth Jeremiah’s own sake but because his lover had kept the nightmares at bay. Ever since being attacked, which had been two months before Kenneth Jeremiah died, the nightmares had been threatening. But he hadn’t actually dreamed of what happened until after his beloved was dead. Kenneth Jeremiah had possessed a rare empathic gift, one that allowed him to soothe others’ minds.

Sort of like Amir, he thought, but his terror kept him dwelling on the past.

He was alone in the downstairs bedroom of the house he rented in Washington, D.C.’s Northwest quarter. Why the hell did it smell of sex? And why didn’t his ass hurt?

Oliver’s gorge rose. He swallowed against the need to throw up. Gradually, his stomach settled and new information came to his nose. Yes, it was his own jizz he smelled on the air, but it was mixed with another male’s. The aroma didn’t spark a flashback but seemed to wrap around him, comforting him.

Amir’s scent surrounded him.

He’d had sex, all right, except it had really been making love. There was no fear or rage clouding the healthy leavings of two werewolves who cared for each other. They hadn’t gone all the way. Oliver had refused to claim Amir’s virgin body while they were so spun up from the events of the last few days and when Oliver himself had been so desperate for sexual contact that he hadn’t been sure he could be as gentle as was needed. They’d had oral sex, and now that his head was clearing, he realized he could taste Amir’s salty spend on his tongue. He licked his lips, found a little more of the heavenly liquid at one corner, and closed his eyes to savor it.

His cock stirred, although only a little as he fully realized he was alone in the bedroom. Where had Amir gone? Had he woken as Oliver had, frightened, and escaped into the house at large, or to the world beyond these walls? What if Oliver’s nightmare had been prophetic rather than a misplaced response to his joy?

He tried to push himself to his feet, but his legs wouldn’t support him. He flopped back onto the bed. Cursing softly, he performed a quick self-analysis, looking for sore spots or other indicators he’d been drugged. He detected nothing. Likewise, he felt no alien presence in his mind. His psychic shields were up and strong.

Still, his legs trembled. Clutching his knees, he tried to get a handle on his fear.

It hadn’t been all that long since he’d dreamed of the gang rape Geoffrey Huntington had led. Maybe only three weeks. Still, he was shocked every time it recurred. Hadn’t going through it once been enough? Apparently not for his traumatized body. Oliver could have bested three out of the four werewolves who raped him during that long five hours, but he’d surrendered to their brutality to save Kenneth Jeremiah. When the attack had begun, he’d expected to find Travers and Cobb involved because they were closer to him in rank, both being lower gammas. But the three besides Geoffrey, who was the beta of the Kreisha pack, had been Carl, Matthias, and Scott, all very low-ranked wolves, although not quite submissive. He’d always thought their ranks were why they’d participated. Geoffrey might have forced them.

Thinking about that night, all alone in the midst of raving beasts, wasn’t going to steady his legs. He needed to get himself under control so he could go looking for Amir and ensure his new lover was safe.

He forced himself to lie down on the bed. He inhaled Amir’s scent rising from his pillow, an aroma made of sweat and excitement and just a touch of disinfectant because Amir was a physician. Oliver breathed in and out, counting the seconds for each inhale and exhale. He added three seconds of holding his breath between these two acts and slowly his heartbeat stopped racing out of control. Amir’s joy and release held a comfort that Oliver hadn’t found since before the gang rape.

He sat up before that thought could take hold. He focused on the bedroom door, which was ajar. He did another quick sweep of the room, this time with nose fully engaged. He didn’t detect any blood or stench of fear. Amir must have left the room of his own volition.

With this idea in his head, Oliver was finally able to rise. He tugged on the pants he’d been wearing and started for the hallway. Following Amir’s scent, he went into the bathroom across the way, where Amir had apparently washed up because the tang of citrus soap hung in the air. Had he come out here naked?

Needing to solve that mystery because Amir walking anywhere potentially public without his clothes didn’t seem like the doctor of magical creatures at all. Back in the bedroom, however, Oliver saw all of Amir’s articles of clothing were still there.

Concern reared its ugly head again and he trotted from the room. He stopped by the front door, but Amir hadn’t come this way. He trailed the scent of soap to the stairs, and that was where it changed. The addition of fur’s rich aroma told Oliver Amir had slipped from human guise to lupine seeming before he went up the staircase to the second floor.

His night vision had fully adjusted to the dimness, and he climbed the stairs silently, keeping his ears open for Amir or their mutual patient.

Maybe that was it, he thought as he put his foot on the third step. Their mutual patient, Tilthos Charles, the alpha above all alphas in the Americas and Canada, was ill. Amir had managed to rule out any poisons or physical cause for Tilthos Charles’s growing madness, leaving it to Oliver to figure out the psychic cause. Oliver hadn’t yet solved the mystery beyond the realization Tilthos Charles was being forced to share his mind with five or six other werewolves who meant him harm.

Maybe Tilthos Charles was the reason Amir had left the bedroom and not because he’d endured a terrible dream. Oliver purposely made a little noise on the stairs to warn those up on the second floor that he was coming. He couldn’t quite make himself call out or even whisper. His throat had tightened, now with nervousness. What had he been thinking, making love to Amir when they had a patient to look after?

He reached the landing between the first and second floors and paused. Above him, out of sight because of the construction of the house, he heard a very quiet growl.

Purchase at Changeling Press

Meet the Author

Emily Carrington is a multipublished author of male/male and transgender women’s speculative fiction. Seeking a world made of equality, she created SearchLight to live out her dreams. But even SearchLight has its problems, and Emily is looking forward to working all of these out with a host of characters from dragons and genies to psychic vampires. And in the contemporary world she’s named “Sticks & Stones,” Emily has vowed to create small towns where prejudice is challenged by a passionate quest for equality. Find her on Facebook at Shapeshifter Central or on her website.

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Monday, October 14, 2024

New Release Spotlight: Donna King's The Bastard King


Discover a new series from Donna Grant when she delivers the first book in her new duology, The Bastard King.

With just one fiery embrace I could destroy her…or love her until the end of time


I am fire and death. My very presence brings terror and panic. For most, I am the last thing they will ever see. For there is only one thing I live for — freeing my kin.


Every action, every battle brings me a step closer. Nothing distracts me from my purpose.


Until she crosses my path.


Brave and fearless, she holds me utterly enthralled. I have to know her. Her past and her future. But especially the secrets she keeps closely guarded.


One taste of her lips, and I’m caught. Trapped. Seized. The more I’m with her, the harder it is to leave. But I have sworn allegiance to another who promises to free the dragons.


Her or my kin. It was once an easy choice.


Before my heart got involved.


A dragon without a family. An outcast running from her past. They might be able to stop the impending doom—if they learn to trust each other. A Dragon King duology from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Donna Grant.



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The Bastard King Excerpt: 

The berries in his hand were forgotten as Derek watched the woman run away hunched over. She jumped onto a boulder and straightened as if to declare her presence. The jingle of armor announced the soldiers before he saw them racing after her.

He couldn’t remember the last time a human had been friendly. Men avoided him. Women only wanted in his bed. But not a single one had ever put themselves into harm’s way for him?

Until her.

Derek rose to his feet. He looked from the soldiers to the woman. The path she took only led one place. And he knew what the soldiers were about. None of this involved him. He had no reason to meddle. But she intrigued him. He couldn’t remember the last time he had been fascinated by anyone. Especially a human.

He started running, slowly at first but increased his speed. Derek kept her in his sights, and just as he expected, she ran toward the blocked valley near the wetland. Was she leading them there on purpose? She was fast. Not as fast as him, but faster than the soldiers. She could have outdistanced them quickly, but she hadn’t. Instead, she had slowed so they could keep up. How…odd.

She wanted them in that part of the valley for a purpose. Five against one wasn’t good odds. Maybe there were others waiting to help her. His curiosity was raised now. Nothing was going to stop him from seeing the outcome.

Derek diverted and took another route that cut through the marshland. His feet slapped through the water, spraying it as he ran. He arrived, waiting within the thick mist when the woman rushed into the valley. She slid to a halt and spun to face her pursuers. Long, dark hair had come loose from its binding and hung to her waist. She stood with her feet apart, her hands at her sides. Her chest heaved from the exertion while her gaze was locked on the approaching soldiers.

“Seems you have nowhere to go,” a female soldier stated.

The woman smiled softly. “I’m the one who stopped.”

“Because no one goes in there.” The soldier jerked her chin toward the swamp.

Derek was well hidden. But everyone knew the swamp was a dangerous place.

Because of him.

The silence was broken by a crossbow being fired. The woman leaned to the side just before the bolt struck her. Derek marveled at her ability to dodge it. In seconds, the soldiers surrounded her. He took a step forward, only to stop. He was curious about the human, but it didn’t go farther than that.

She ducked and dodged, spun and sidestepped. She even managed to block a few blows, but she was up against weapons with only her wits. A part of him wanted to help. As he was considering it, she suddenly jerked at the impact of a quarrel into her chest. There was a slight tightening of her face before she ducked a sword going for her head. Another blade cut along her thigh when she lunged. One of the soldiers stabbed her in the back.

It was a blood bath. And he had seen enough. Derek shifted into his true form. He stalked forward, knocking over trees as he did. The mist swirled around him as if trying to keep him hidden. It parted when he pushed onward, revealing his face first.

Four of the soldiers caught sight of him and froze. The female leader was too intent on the woman to take notice. She swung her sword down and around, embedding it deep in the woman’s side. Derek growled. She lifted her eyes to meet his. Her face drained of color as she tugged her blade free.

The woman dropped to her knees before listing to the side and rolling onto her back. The scent of blood filled the air. Derek stood over her. He didn’t know why. There was no saving the human. Not that he would if he could. He looked down. Her eyes were open, but she didn’t show any surprise or fear to see him. She must already be dead.

And that infuriated him.

“We’re leaving,” the female soldier announced. “We’re sorry to intrude in your territory. We had to take care of business.”

Derek looked at her and let smoke roll from his nostrils. His fury grew. With the woman for not getting away when she had the chance. With the soldiers for ganging up on her and killing her. And for himself for not intervening before it was too late. He drew in a deep breath, feeling the fire within his chest flare and expand. They tried to run, but it was pointless. One breath of fire took them instantly.

He could have made them suffer. Maybe he should have. Derek looked down at the female again. Her eyes were closed now. Her injuries were fatal. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to thank her. It wasn’t something he did. There had been no need for her to warn him, but she hadn’t known that. She deserved better than this.

Derek returned to human form and squatted naked beside her. Why had she brought the soldiers here? There hadn’t been anyone to help her. She should’ve escaped when she had the chance. Why hadn’t she?

Her blood spilled into the packed earth as mist curled out from the swamp to lick at her boots. Derek tugged a lock of hair free that had fallen across her face. He dropped one knee to the ground. Her hair was like aged mahogany, rich and deep. The strands were cool against his fingers

Her oval face was beguiling. Her full lips could have lured him into temptation with the barest of smiles. Dark brows arched pleasingly over large eyes. He had looked briefly into the clear brown eyes, but he could describe every detail. They had been bright like a sunrising shining through them. Swirling in the dark rays was bronze and amber all trapped by a ring of thick black.

He skimmed the back of his knuckles along her cheekbone. Who was she? He would never know. And that was a pity.

She was attractive, but more than that, she had been brave and kind. Not something he described about anyone, much less humans.

Derek straightened, but he didn’t walk away. He stared at her a long moment before he bent and gathered her in his arms. He walked past what was left of the soldiers to the path used by animals to ascend the mountain. She deserved a warrior’s death, and while he couldn’t give her that, he could give her the next best thing. Derek carried her up to the top and gently laid her on the slab of rock.

He stared at her face to commit it to memory. Then he looked down at her body. She was dressed in all black. Her shirt was threadbare at the wrists and holes stitched. Her pants were in little better condition. It seemed she spent most of her coin on her boots. They were of solid craftsmanship that would’ve lasted her years.

The wind picked up the ends of her hair and danced it around. Derek took a step back. He let his gaze take in the view. He stood on the northern most point of the Tunris range. Ahead of him stretched rolling valleys of grass that went on for miles. Beyond that was a lake and land as wild as his heart.

He would give her the burial she deserved so that her ashes could be scattered into the beauty of the realm. Perhaps that would allow her to one day return as fierce as she had been that day.

Derek’s eyes lowered to her face again. He couldn’t fathom why she hadn’t let her speed take her far from the area. She shouldn’t have stayed. He had decimated humans time and again, and he would continue to do so in order to free the dragons. And yet, he was greatly saddened to see this one dead.


He fisted his hands at the command that filled his mind. He didn’t dare ignore it. His life was pledged to that of Stonemore, and if Villette summoned him, then he must go to her. Derek debated on whether to incinerate the human now or wait. He had seen other mortals gather round their dead. She deserved at least that. If he didn’t have time to watch her body burn, then he would do it when he returned.

Derek held out his hand and created an area around the slab with magic so no one could get near her. He looked at the silver cuff at his wrist. No matter how many times he traveled by Villette’s magic, it felt wrong.

He caught sight of his nudity and reluctantly used his magic to clothe himself. He spent most of his time doing what he wanted. But there were other times, like now, where he bent to another’s rules. His gaze lingered on the dead human a moment more.

Derek touched the cuff. One moment he was outside, and the next, he was stood in the center of a chamber deep within a mountain. Flames danced in the enormous hearth, the red-orange glow reaching out toward him along the floor with flickering fingers.

He knew this chamber well since it was where he met Villette. There were no windows. A single door marred the simple walls. Despite its size, the room only had one chair. There was no need to use his enhanced abilities. He turned his head to the left and found his mistress sprawled on a chair covered in fur pelts.

“Took you too long.”

Derek frowned at the pain in her voice. He caught a glimpse of new burns that covered her face, arms, and torso. “What happened?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.”

He drew in a breath and smelled a familiar scent of dragon fire. “You fought dragons?”

“I said not to worry about it.”

He curled his hands into fists when she didn’t elaborate. Villette wasn’t just his leader. She had saved him. He owed her his allegiance and his life. Both, he gave freely.

She sighed loudly. “I’ve already given you my word that you will be by my side when we free your kin.”

“Tell me who did this to you. I will hunt them down.”

“I want that pleasure,” she stated icily. She cut her eyes to him. “Has there been anything out of the ordinary that has happened?”

Derek observed her for a silent moment. He could tell her about the female, but then he would have to explain why he cared. Villette would become worried, and there was no need for that. “Nay.”

“You need to be extra vigilant. Don’t get far from the marsh.”

“You expect someone to come?”

“I’m being cautions. It’s how we’ve gotten this far.”

Someone had spooked her, and she wasn’t giving him any information. Villette was one of the most powerful beings alive. She was a Star Person, moving among realms by mere thought alone. She ruled Stonemore as the Divine. Few knew her as anything other than the Divine’s right hand. Villette had gained influence and dominion by weaving a complex web of deception and trickery to gain the upper hand in the battle for Zora.

And she was winning.

There had been setbacks before, but they were getting closer to freeing the dragons. He could feel it.

“I’ll see it done,” he declared.

She swallowed, a grimace of pain creasing her face. “Dederick,” she called.

He hated that name, but he bit back his response. “Aye?”

“The next time I call, come immediately.” She slowly sat up, but it cost her much as she began shaking. “I may need you soon. Don’t let me down.”

“I would never,” he vowed.

“Check the swamp. I want you to be sure no one has found it.”

He took a step to her. “No one has.”

“Check the entire area. Go. Now,” she bit out.

Derek bowed his head and touched the cuff. Seeing Villette injured worried him. Something had spooked her, and he wished she would tell him who or what that was. In the meantime, he would do as she asked.

He reappeared atop the mountain only to stare in disbelief at the empty stone slab.


Friday, October 11, 2024

Book Spotlight with Kelli Wilkins: In Another World


Love Paranormal Romances? Don’t miss In Another World

A Paranormal Mystery/Romance by Kelli A. Wilkins


Hi everyone,

It’s October, the perfect month to curl up with a paranormal romance. Today I’m sharing a look at the making of In Another World. This contemporary romance novel blends a murder mystery with the world of the paranormal. Here’s the book summary and links…

In Another World

A Paranormal Mystery/Romance Novel

Disgraced psychic medium Julie Kershaw has finally met her soul mate. The problem is he’s dead… and his spirit haunts the car she just bought.

The spirit of Detective Eddie Mahoney is determined to find his killer and needs Julie’s help. At first, she refuses. She’s tired of being called crazy and swore she’d never use her abilities to speak to the dead again—even if Eddie is handsome and charming.

Eddie persuades Julie to contact his former partner, Lou Kaplonski, to ask him to reopen his case. Skeptical, Lou dismisses Julie as a fake—until she proves she can communicate with the dead—and he finds out Eddie has a lot to say.

Julie channels Eddie’s spirit and together with Lou, the unusual trio tracks down leads and follows clues to solve Eddie’s murder. The case takes them down a dark and dangerous path filled with secrets, where nobody can be trusted.

As they work to find his killer, Julie falls for Eddie. Funny, smart, and sexy, Eddie is the guy of her dreams—and he doesn’t look or act the least bit dead. To her surprise, Eddie discovers a clever way they can be together, and they begin an ethereal romance.

When Lou’s investigation brings him too close to the killer, his life and Julie’s are put in danger—and Eddie may be the only one who can save them.

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In Another World has been a labor of love for many years. I’m thrilled that I finally finished the book, and now readers can enjoy the story and meet these very unusual characters I’ve created.

The book opens with Detective Eddie Mahoney, an undercover police officer, in a jam. His cover has been blown and he’s in the middle of nowhere with two criminals. Things don’t end well for Eddie, and although he doesn’t make it out of his predicament alive, his role in the book is just beginning.

Yes, you read that right. I killed off my main character—and the hero of the book—in the first few pages. Why? Because this isn’t your typical romance. Eddie is dead right from the start, but that doesn’t mean he can’t fall in love.

Next, readers are introduced to a headstrong woman named Julie Kershaw. She’s arguing with an unscrupulous used car dealer named Big Al. He sells her a car for cheap, and Julie is suspicious. Naturally, she wonders if there’s a catch, and there is. The car is haunted by… you guessed it—Eddie.

Eddie has been trying to communicate with the car’s previous owners, but never had any luck until Julie bought the car. At first, Eddie doesn’t realize that Julie is a psychic medium and can communicate with spirits. Once he knows she can see and hear him, Eddie uses his charms and persuades her to help him find his killer.

And so begins this unusual romance.

Most people would think this is a bit absurd. And maybe some readers will. But once you get drawn into the story and see that Eddie is pretty much like any other romantic hero (he just happens to be dead), the story flows along.

Eddie and Julie visit Eddie’s former partner, Lou Kaplonski, to persuade him to reopen Eddie’s case. Lou thinks Julie is crazy and can’t possibly be talking to Eddie. When Julie tells Lou things only Eddie knows, Lou is convinced Julie is telling the truth. Lou and Eddie start working the case just like old times. (Sorta.)

Lou is a great guy, and I loved writing for him. On the outside he appears to be a tough, no-nonsense detective who takes his job seriously. When he first meets (and interrogates) Julie, he acts like a typical “bad cop” and is very rough with her.

Lou doesn’t believe in ghosts and thinks all psychics are fakes. He’s also taken Eddie’s death personally. He feels like a failure because he couldn’t find his partner’s killer, and he is still working through his grief. Once Lou starts investigating with Eddie and Julie, his true personality comes out, and he’s more determined than ever to catch Eddie’s killer.

When I wrote the book, I had to make sure readers were able to follow the investigation along with Lou, even when Julie and Eddie weren’t present. I’ve never written a full-fledged mystery or detective story before, but I’ve watched enough mysteries and police dramas, so I think I got it right. I also had the good fortune to be related to a police captain and was able to ask his advice on the “police stuff” in the story. The book is a hybrid of romance and mystery. Sometimes it takes on more of a police procedural/mystery feel than a romance, and then in other scenes with Eddie and Julie, it’s a traditional romance.

I hope mystery, romance, and paranormal readers will enjoy this unique novel. It’s got something for everyone: danger, humor, love, ghosts, and quirky characters. I had fun writing this book and stepping into another world, blending the living and the dead.  

I’m also happy to report that the book has received several excellent reviews. You can read some of them here:

Happy Reading,

Kelli A. Wilkins



Kelli A. Wilkins is an award-winning author who has published more than 100 short stories, 20+ romance novels, and 8 mystery/horror ebooks. Her romances span many genres and settings, and she likes to scare readers with her horror and mystery stories.

In August 2024, Kelli released Surreal Escapes, a collection of 7 speculative/spooky stories. Anything can—and does—happen in this anthology.

Kelli released her fourth gay romance, A Thousand Summer Secrets, in April 2024. This tender contemporary romance takes place over a summer weekend, where two friends reconnect while seeking love and acceptance.

She published The Route 9 Killer, a mystery/thriller set in Central NJ, in May 2023.

Follow Kelli on her Facebook author page: and visit her website/blog for a full title list and social media links.




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